Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1775: bloody battle

Di Ping feels relieved after completing his job transfer!

At this point, the task conditions have basically been completed, and he now has nearly 150,000 crystal coins, some of which are contributed by Xiaobi and him.

These days, Xiaobi hunted and killed many mutant beasts, and he himself was in the resource area, almost all of them were second-order mutant beasts, and he killed two third-order mutant beasts relying on humanoid combat puppets.

A large number of mutant beasts not only provide a large amount of meat, but the crystal core harvest is also quite rich. The most common one of the third-order crystal core can also be exchanged for a thousand crystal coins, and the second-order crystal can be exchanged for several hundred, so his crystal coins The number is growing very fast.

The second part of the crystal coins was contributed by Kyoto. The day before yesterday, the fighter plane in Kyoto came again. Thirty people came and changed their jobs again. They also took away a lot of equipment and medicines, leaving Di Ping with another 20,000 crystals in his pocket. currency.

Due to the large demand for crystal nuclei in Kyoto, the price of crystal nuclei has risen sharply. The most common crystal nucleus can also be exchanged for 100 catties of grain. This makes a large number of awakened eyes red, and they walk out of the base to hunt for mutations. beast.

Even the army sent a large number of people out of the city. After a few days, there were only a few mutant beasts around Kyoto, and it was true that there were more people and more than 10,000 crystal nuclei in a few days.

But because of this, there are still more than half of people in Kyoto who have not changed jobs. Now, a quota in Kyoto has risen to two hundred crystal nuclei. Many free awakeners are also working hard to accumulate crystal nuclei, hoping to change jobs if they have the opportunity.

Of course, the shock caused by Di Ping is ignored. He is excited. Now all the conditions are met, the only thing is population.

"Bingyu, how many people does our base have now?"

As soon as he arrived at the city lord's office, he asked Liu Bingyu, who was in a hurry at the desk.

"Ah! City Lord, you are back?"

Liu Bingyu was taken aback first, but when he looked up to see Di Ping, the startled air on his face was immediately replaced by surprise, and his brows crooked like a moon with a smile.

"Well! Has the latest demographic statistics come out? How many people are there now!"

Di Ping nodded and asked again.

Liu Bingyu saw Di Pian Se asked again. She returned to Liu Lai and hurriedly opened a folder in front of her, turned two pages, and then looked at Di Ping and said, "The city lord, the data sent by the Civil Affairs Office this morning, we protect the city. The current population is 95,300!"

As she walked out of the desk and handed the document over, Di Ping took the hand and looked at it carefully. His brows gradually opened up, getting closer and closer to one hundred thousand. As long as there are five thousand more people, the asylum city will reach ten. Ten thousand people, there should be no big problem today.

"Did the search team go out today?"

Di Ping handed the folder to Liu Bingyu.

"Going out, Miss Xiaobi set out with three city guard brigades early in the morning!"

Liu Bingyu answered softly.

"Do you know where they are going?"

Di Ping asked again.

Liu Bingyu raised his eyebrows lightly and said softly, "I heard Captain Xu Sheng said that they went to Xibihu Town, more than 30 kilometers northwest of the town, and said that there was a gathering place with more than 5,000 people. It should have arrived now! "Speaking, Liu Bingyu raised his watch to check the time.

Hearing that Xiaobi had already set off, Di Ping was relieved. There shouldn't be much problem with her. As long as he doesn't encounter mutant beasts of Tier 3 or above, Xiao Bi can solve it completely.

However, there are still very few outside mutant beasts above Tier 3, and the highest level Di Ping has ever seen is only Tier 2 and Tier 9. The current energy of heaven and earth has not reached the strength to spawn Tier 3 mutant beasts, unless running from another world. Come out a powerful mutant beast.

But this kind of situation is relatively rare, and the probability is very low. According to Di Ping's observation, the powerful mutant beasts in the different world seem to have no meaning at all, like the last time the red rock beast is only a special case.

It was led out by Yang Yantai and the others, and it seemed that they were reluctant to go back. Then it left outside, and it seemed to have a destination all the way to the southeast, passing through Zhongzhou City and being met by Di Ping and the others.

Relaxing, Di Ping came to the desk and sat down, Liu Bingyu took the backlog of documents for him to review and approve.

But he didn't know that the low probability event he was thinking about had already happened.

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