Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1774: Xiaobi blocks the enemy

The lights in the transfer hall on the third floor are bright, like daylight!

Di Ping stood in the middle of the hall with his hands pressed on the inherited black pillar, standing still, suddenly his eyes opened, and a purple light flashed in his eyes, as bright as a morning star.

At this time, Di Ping finally understood the role of the system's job transfer.

One is that energy flushes and strengthens the body when changing jobs, pushing up the physical stamina again to achieve the purpose of increasing strength, so the strength will increase a lot after the transfer.

The second is to provide a training direction, and provide you with the skills of the corresponding occupation after the transfer. As for how you usually practice and what exercises you use, this does not affect.

You choose a warrior, that is the warrior's attack skills. Choosing a stalker takes a flexible and light route, and your skills change according to your professional characteristics. What you choose from a mage is the skill and knowledge of the mage.

For every person who transfers, the system will give a career choice based on each person's characteristics, which allows people with zero training knowledge to avoid many detours.

That is, if Di Ping had not recruited Owen and others, and had not passed on the information of Zhenyang Sect, his knowledge of cultivation was very shallow, and the system had not given him systematic knowledge, only some of them were mentioned in the practice.

And the career system of this more obvious system is very simple and efficient, you don’t need to know too much, just follow the career system.

Moreover, the three corresponding vocational skills provided by the job transfer are also extremely useful, and they can effectively exert their combat power. That is, Di Ping also relied on three skills in the beginning.

Before there was no crystal coin to buy combat skills, the three professional skills were the foundation of life-saving, the guarantee of survival, and were extremely important to the improvement of the strength of ordinary awakened.

After reaching the second level, Di Ping can transfer to a new job in the tavern. This is the advantage of the systematic career system. Each level can be transferred once and can learn new job skills.

There are two directions for soldiers to change jobs, one is a guard and the other is a swordsman!

The guard does not seek lethality, but pursues defense, which is a bit like a shield war in the game. When encountering danger, it will be in front of you, protecting your comrades and creating opportunities for them. Di Ping will definitely not change this direction.

There is another direction for warriors to be swordsmen. They use light knives or swords and pursue high-efficiency lethality. They are often superb skills, lethal in one blow, and are the damage output of the team.

Di Ping chose this direction and became a swordsman.

The body was washed away by energy again, strengthened a little, and his strength was almost increased by half a level, which was quite good, and the three rune skills in his mind had also changed.

Slashing runes has become a new skill, called Yuanqi Slash, which used to be pure power and blood movement, but now Yuanqi Slash uses new energy vitality, and its attack power is many times higher than before.

The name of the collision skill has not changed, but the method of capacity has changed. Not only does it have the use of strength and qi and blood, but it also adds the application of vitality, which has a stronger explosive power and a longer impact distance.

And with the new ability, when the collision, the vitality instantly enters the physical energy to shock the energy of the enemy's body, and the body is instantly numb.

You must know that in a battle, even a few tenths of a second can determine the battle, and a moment of stiffness can determine life and death.

The third skill, taunting, disappeared. It was replaced with a new skill called Sandan Yuanqi Slash, which was similar to the superimposition of the knife strength in the Kuanglang Sword Technique, and the three Yuanqi Slash instantly broke armor.

According to the violent attribute of vitality, the attack power is no longer weak and superimposed with the blade strength of the mad wave knife technique, and it can completely break the armor.

Moreover, the three stages of vitality slash can not only break the armor in three stages, but also slash the first three directions of the body continuously to become a group attack skill.

Di Ping looked at these three skills and was also a little excited. If this skill is purchased from the system, it will not be cheap. A few thousand crystal coins are required, but the job transfer consumes only 300 crystal coins. It is simply too cost-effective, even if it is. He also feels that these three skills are enough now.

If these three skills are not practiced to completion, he is not prepared to buy new skills. Singles, groups, and sunders are available. As long as they can master the improvement of strength, it is quite considerable. He understands the principle of greedy and not chewing. Sometimes it's not that the more skills the better, but it depends on whether you can make good use of them.

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