Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1776: scar

"Retreat... Retreat, retreat quickly..."

A roar sounded over the town of Xibihu, and the roar was filled with anger and heavy panic, and it seemed that there was some great danger.

If Di Ping would be able to hear this roar, it was a fat man and Zhang Liang's unique voice with a little broken voice.

What danger did they encounter, how could it make a few people so scared.

"Hurry up and build a line of defense to meet the people inside!"

The four or five hundred people who stayed outside the town heard the roar from the town, they were all startled, their expressions were a little flustered, and the movement from the town was amazing.

The left-behind personnel were led by Xu Sheng. He was taken aback when he heard the roar from the town, and then he reacted with a loud roar, "Quickly, all cars start and wait for retreat at any time. All fighters form a line of defense and put their weapons on Get up and meet the people in town!"

After the baptism of the apocalypse, Xu Sheng has grown from an ordinary Yan Guo soldier to a well-versed soldier, an excellent commander. The Leopard team he leads now has more than 400 people, and the light awakened in the team There are as many as seven people.

These fighters are not the first time on the battlefield. They are all elite fighters baptized by blood and fire. They moved quickly when they heard the order. More than 30 transport trucks have been launched, and the soldiers have also set up heavy weapons. A firepower net was formed to rely on the town entrance.

The Awakened have already drawn out their weapons and stood in the formation, all staring solemnly at the entrance of the town, waiting for the **** battle to come.

The line of defense had just been built, and the town’s entrance was already shaking. In an instant, dozens of city guard soldiers rushed out, but although these people were running, they looked a little frightened, but they were not panicked. The retreat continued. You can see it is an elite fighter with fast training.

The fat man took the lead and roared as he ran, "Xu Sheng, quickly take out all the heavy weapons!"

While roaring, he looked back from time to time, his small eyes were disturbed, as if there was a poisonous snake and beast chasing behind.


At this time, there was a roar from the town, as if a building was dumped, the sound was terrifying.


A terrifying beast roar resounded in the town, like a thunder explosion, and the whole town buzzed. Everyone in the sanctuary city felt their hearts tremble, and their chests felt uncomfortable.

Some of the physical weaknesses are even more humming in the ears, the whole body is turbulent like boiling water, the face is pale, the brain is groggy, and the heart is suffocating.

Xu Shenggang stared at the town solemnly, his brows curled!

Just hearing the roar of this monster is scary, even if he feels surging in blood, his ears roar, his head is a little groggy, and he feels uncomfortable. His current strength has reached the first level and fifth level, and his violent ape’s fighting strength has been cultivated. The fourth percent is not weak.

"Really... his grandmother, why... is there such a strong mutant beast?"

The fat man rushed to Xu Sheng's side and yelled slightly panting.

"Stop arguing, tell me what's going on?"

Xu Shengna listened to the fat man's nonsense when he was free, and directly shouted in a low voice.

"I... I don't know?"

The fat man suddenly stiffened and touched his head with embarrassment.

"Huh? I don't know... I don't know what are you doing here?"

Xu Sheng almost didn't suffocate to death in one breath, grabbed the fat man's chest and cursed.

"I...I really don't know? It was Miss Xiaobi who asked us to run, there is a big danger inside! We just... just ran away..."

The fat man shrugged innocently.


Xu Sheng was depressed and almost swallowed blood. He looked at the fat man with a fat face and was about to smash it with a punch, but he still let go of the fat man and shouted, "Quickly let you form a line of defense, what a mess!"

At this time, almost eight or nine hundred people from the city guards led by Fatty and Zhang Liang came out of the town, and hundreds of people swarmed here, which was really messy.

"It's his grandma's shut up, quickly form a line of defense!"

The fat man laughed awkwardly, his fat face turned like ice when he turned around, and he yelled at the crowd.

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