Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1773: Something wrong

The tavern is very lively. Many tables are filled with people who are drinking and chatting or playing cards. This is where awakened people who have not had a mission are here to relax and entertain.

There are now more than 60 awakened people in the Sanctuary City. Apart from doing tasks and practicing every day, these people like to have a drink in the tavern for the rest of the time. Most of their wages are thrown in the tavern except to support the family.

After all, there is no other place for leisure and entertainment except the tavern in the sanctuary, and the drinks in the tavern are also extremely delicious, which is the main reason why they linger.

Everyone can get together, bragging, talk about the experience of cultivation, or playing cards for entertainment, which can be considered a good relaxation.

It’s not easy to be the Awakener of the Sanctuary City. During this time, I have almost been out on missions, not only to rescue humans, but also to experience battles. In addition to more than a dozen Awakeners who have not graduated from the newcomer training camp in Phuket, they have participated in the battle. less.

As long as the one who belongs to the city guard has not experienced multiple battles, any warrior has the blood of mutant beasts in his hands. Although the awakened of the sanctuary city has not died so far, injuries are common.

High-intensity fighting naturally requires adjustment and rest, and the tavern is the only place to relax.

Therefore, there are a dozen people drinking in this tavern almost every day!

As there were too many awakened people, Di Ping met and asked at the beginning, but he didn’t bother to ask too much later. As long as he gave a note when applying for weapons after awakening, he went to the treasure building to draw weapons, so he didn’t know many people, just Familiar, after all, most of these awakened people are sergeants of the city guard, and they had a lot of contact during previous missions.

He is not familiar with everyone, but these people know him as the city lord. Seeing him walking into the tavern, the noisy voices in the tavern stagnated, and then one by one stood up excitedly, with respectful expression and excitement, as if looking at them. God in my mind.

"The Lord of the City..."

More than a dozen people saluted together, their voices were neat and loud, and the entire tavern was humming like a thousand horses.

"Don't be polite, you guys continue to drink!"

Di Ping smiled and waved to everyone.

The crowd looked excited and looked at Di Ping eagerly. They didn't sit down. If he didn't sit down, who would dare to sit down.

"Wu An, serve everyone the best Yuluchun, count me!"

Di Ping only smiled when he saw this, and didn't care, he looked at Wu Andao who was approaching him.

"Aw... Long live the city lord!"

Suddenly, the tavern exploded, and there was a sky-shaking roar, each jumping excitedly, a hundred times more intense than when I saw Di Ping just now. It seems that the power of wine is greater than Di Ping.

No one who awakens the best Yuluchun in the sanctuary doesn’t want to drink it. Originally, Yuluchun was brewed with polished rice, figs, hosta flowers and other mutated flowers and plants. The original taste is extremely pure and fragrant, and it is refreshing to drink. It's refreshing and the best in wine.

The best Yuluchun is produced in Linggu, Wu An re-mixed the formula and brewed Yuluchun with Linggu. This wine not only tastes like a fairy liquid, but also can replenish physical strength after drinking, clear fatigue, and more The effect of weakly enhancing physical fitness.

Now this wine became popular, but the price is too expensive for everyone to drink.

A cup of one crystal coin, but one or two wines, the price is ridiculously expensive, they can't afford to drink at all, many people can only smell the scent and greedy, but some are too greedy to bear. Once the salary is paid, it is all spent just to come. Have a cup of superb Yuluchun.

But now the city lord waved a big hand, and one drink per person, they could finally taste it well, and they didn't need to linger at the bar every day just to smell the scent to relieve their greed.

It seems that I can't wait. Although my body hasn't moved, his eyes have drifted to the exquisite wine vessel in the direction of the wine cabinet, and each of them throats sliding, seeming to be swallowing saliva.

Seeing the greedy people, Di Ping didn’t stay too much. He was also willing to be an adult. He waved his hands with everyone and walked directly upstairs. As soon as he reached the second floor, he heard an urgent shout from downstairs, "Wu But it’s..... Get the wine soon.....Here....Go here first....."

"These drunks!"

When Di Ping heard the roar, he suddenly laughed, shook his head and cursed in his heart.

"The best Yuluchun!"

Wu An's unique clear voice rang downstairs and reached the second floor.

Suddenly the sound of knocking on tables and benches downstairs broke out, and it was noisy, like a vegetable market!

Di Ping smiled and touched his nose and shook his head, then walked towards the third floor, a light flashed, the door opened, and he stepped into the door.

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