Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1769: Lively pub

At this time, Di Ping, the majestic force of the vitality fluctuations in the meridians, also felt frightened. Every time he fluctuates, the air around him seemed to fluctuate, just like an invisible fluctuation caused by a heavy drum.

Di Pingyuan thought that he could easily reach a thousand strands, that is, the top genius mentioned in the records of Ming Jingzong. Now it seems that it is not so easy. There are two strands, but these nine hundred and ninety-eight strands are so terrible, then The next two strands can be imagined.


Another strand of vitality overflowed, nine hundred and ninety-nine strands. This strand touched the torrent of vitality, as if two thunderclouds met. Di Ping felt a muffled thunder suddenly sounded in his body, and his heart beat wildly, an invisible wave. The pressure came from the void, solemn and Hongda.

At this time, not only was the torrent of vitality heavy again, it seemed as if a drop of vitality fell into the boiling oil pan, and the oil pan immediately boiled, tumbling like magma about to erupt.

A strong tingling sensation suddenly came from the meridians. At this time, the wide meridians were also a little crowded under the rapid expansion of vitality torrents. The vitality impacted the meridians, and the meridians were immediately twisted and turbulent like a dragon. It may burst.

This is because the vitality is developing the meridians. This process is extremely painful, but Di Ping's meridians have been opened up and become extremely broad, so how much more can be opened this time.


Di Ping let out a silent roar, and the intense pain came in waves like a sea. His meridians only doubled and he couldn't bear it anymore.

Bang bang bang...

Di Ping's blood also began to bulge, rushing quickly, passing through the blood vessels, his heart was like a pump with full power, overloaded with blood and rushing to all parts of the body, seemingly unable to withstand the high-speed surge of blood. , Like a war drum beating, the sound is dull, Cangyuan, as if coming from a predicament.

Has it reached its limit?

Could it be that he can only reach nine hundred and ninety-nine strands, and there is one last strand to give up, tearing pain from the meridians, the boiling vitality seems to break through the meridians at any time, his heart beating fiercely, as if being used by others The general pain is unbearable by grasping tightly.

He could not help having the urge to guide his vitality down the dantian to form a cyclone at any time, but he still held it back alive. There is no difference between one thousand and nine hundred and ninety-nine, but it is this strand that determines the vitality vortex. Quality can not be overstated in one step.

This is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change, nine hundred and ninety-nine is a lot, but it has not yet reached a qualitative change, no matter how much it is, he is still a lower class.

This is like recharging VIP to the game, asking for a thousand into VIP, you are definitely not a VIP when you charge nine hundred and ninety-nine, this is the difference.


Di Ping's eyes condensed, and there was a strong will in his heart. No matter how bad he was, he would rise to a thousand and reach the ranks of top geniuses.


A earth-shattering thunder sound rang in Di Ping's body, but the thunder sound seemed to be shaking in the room. The entire stationmaster's room was shocked, the tables and chairs bounced, and all the fragile items such as porcelain broke into pieces in an instant.

Di Ping stared at this scene dumbfounded. He didn't recover for a full minute, and he seemed to be unable to react from the incident before him.

When he made a desperate move, he strongly suppressed his vitality to hit his dantian, and waited for the last trace of vitality to be developed. This step is either to live or die. Once the vitality is rioted, all his meridians may be destroyed and turned into a useless person. The s-level talent has entered the ranks of top geniuses.

He guarded his mind and watched quietly the ray of vitality overflowing. This ray of vitality was extremely important in his eyes at this time, and the ray of vitality that determined his life and death, he watched the vitality drifting to the boiling torrent of vitality little by little.

He seems to be waiting for the verdict, life or death!

However, the next moment he was suddenly stunned!

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