Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1768: Mining vehicle

Two more days passed, for a total of seven days, he was honing his combat skills almost uninterruptedly. He had never devoted himself to the battle for such a long time, and his strength was steadily and rapidly increasing.

The mad wave knife technique has also been officially completed. It’s terrifying to stack 18 layers of knives in one blow. Even with his current heavy knife, it can easily tear the body of a Tier 2 mutant beast, even if it’s a wasteland barbarian known for defense. Also beheaded with one cut.

During this period of cultivation, his iron wall skills have also grown rapidly. In seven days, he reached the realm of a skin like iron. At this time, if you look closely at his skin, there is a shining luster, although the skin is white as jade, it is as fine as metal.的光润.

Ordinary swords are now unable to cut through his skin. Even the weak-ranking swords of Tier 1 only make a shallow mark. They can't blow into this steel-like skin without full force. So far, his Defense finally gave him a hint of pride.

What surprised him the most was not the mad wave sword technique, nor the iron wall art, but the palm of flames!

When the palm of the flame reached its completion, he suddenly realized that the attack was not just the true yang in the blood, but the majestic river-like vitality in his body actually had a trace of vitality spurred from the torrent to follow the true yang, and it was caused by The destructive power is extremely astonishing, not at all inferior to the violent wave knife technique, this trace of vitality seems to be a catalyst, making the flame palm power extremely violent.

Even if it is a mutant beast with a strong defense, it can't stop the blast of vitality under a palm, and the vitality rushes into the mutant beast with flames, easily crushing the internal organs of the mutant beast, and it is very powerful.

Di Ping sat cross-legged with the stationmaster’s room, sorting out the gains of these days. Up to today, all his martial arts have reached completion, and his combat power has soared to a new level. He feels that he is now facing himself seven days ago without three. The move can kill the self seven days ago.

Today, he faced a powerful wasteland lion with a second-level and fifth-level a bloodline. Without the cooperation of a big cat, he fought hard for half an hour and finally slashed the wasteland lion with a slight injury.

The only shortcoming now is his vitality. Now his vitality has reached more than 900 strands, the speed of vitality nourishment has slowed down, and he finally feels a heaviness in the meridians, amazingly strong vitality, slowly in the meridians Flow, like lead and mercury, every strand is extremely heavy, with a feeling of stagnation.

However, he felt that he was still not at the limit, and he seemed to have more power. Although it was running slowly, it was still flowing slowly.

He sat on his legs and began to adjust his breath. At the end of every day, when he adjusts his breath, his vitality is the fastest to nourish. He has to try for the last time. After tonight, he has to complete the upgrade anyway. Tomorrow is the end of the mission. One day, there is not much time for him.

He calmly adjusted his breath, cultivating Yuqing·Zhenjue. Although his mental power reached the third level, he felt that his mental power did not show the corresponding power. Last time he fought with Iron Feather Moa. He was deeply frustrated, and he had not fully exerted the power of mental power.

His mental strength has risen too quickly, almost predatory absorption, resulting in an unstable foundation. However, Cultivation Yuqing·Zhenjue is slowly changing this situation, making the scattered mental strength more concentrated. In fact, the mental power will also show stronger combat effectiveness.


Di Ping's body shook slightly, and another vitality was nourished and merged into the torrent of water.

"Nine hundred and ninety-eight strands!"

This ray of vitality seems to be very small, but this ray merges, the torrent suddenly sinks again, as if this ray is heavier than these more than 900 wisps, and richer, once it merges into the whole vitality, the fluctuations become even more It is sticky and heavier, as if it is carrying a tens of kilograms of boulders on its back, and it flows more slowly.

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