Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1770: Swordsman

This ray of vitality merged into the torrent of vital energy, and there was no instant vitality riot as he thought, but this ray of vitality was when a king entered the torrent of vitality, all the vitality immediately calmed down, waiting for the king's instructions.

Hum! With a soft cry, a strong wave appeared, like a perfect syllable beating, emitting a beautiful rhythm, like the sound of heaven and earth, like the sound of heaven and earth.

At the next moment, Di Ping was stunned, and nine hundred and ninety-nine strands of vitality were attached to the last strand of vitality at once. Every time a strand of vitality entered, the color of the last strand of vitality became thicker, but the breath of vitality that threw out Disappearing, as if being assimilated into a strand by the last strand, but the vitality behind resolutely rushed in, like a moth, struggling to flee, it seems that this leap will carry an immutable mission, and this leap will be completed. That is the most beautiful sublimation.

It is said that the time is too late, nine hundred and ninety-nine ray of vitality, almost completed the pounce in an instant and the last ray of vitality is a ray.

At this moment, what is in front of Di Pianyang is not a kind of transparent vitality, but a white like milk, rich as if to exude the fragrance of milk.

The vitality of this building is swimming quietly in the meridians at this time, like an eel swimming in the sea. It seems gentle, quiet, and leisurely, but in fact, it contains amazing electric energy in its body.

Di Ping could feel the terrifying energy hidden in this calm white vitality, like a quiet volcano, once it erupted unstoppable.

This is the vitality formed by one thousand vitality. No wonder that one thousand and nine hundred and ninety-nine are different. It turns out that this is really the sublimation of energy. The energy intensity and bursting power of this are by no means the previous nine hundred and ninety-nine strands. Comparable, it is not the same at all.

No wonder it is recorded in Mingjingzong that Tier 2 is the beginning of truly distinguishing cultivators. Tier 2 determines your true achievements in the future.

"When will the vitality vortex not happen at this time!"

Di Ping saw this white ray of vitality suddenly flashed in his eyes. Now that the vitality has been sublimated, the vitality cultivated in the body can no longer be integrated into it, only the formation of vitality vortex attracts the heaven and earth vitality from the universe for condensing Turn into your own vitality.

Now is the best time to hit the vitality vortex, waiting the longest is already harmful and useless.

Di Ping, who had long been vulgar in his heart, quickly began to mobilize his vital energy in accordance with the vital energy vortex condensing method. When the practice moved the vital energy that was swimming leisurely, the next moment he raised his head, like a giant dragon, more like a head Fierce beast, a powerful energy wave is transmitted from its body.


The vitality dragon suddenly moved and rushed towards the dantian along the meridian. Di Ping's dantian had already been established, and it was also extremely open. The vitality rushed in, like a dragon returning to the sea and a fish returning to the abyss.

As soon as the white vitality entered the dantian, it seemed a little dazed. It didn’t seem that the dantian was so empty. Then it seemed to react, suddenly plunged to the center of the dantian and began to rotate around the dots. Its huge body immediately followed from the meridians. , And quickly rotate into a coil.

He turned faster and faster. Gradually, he couldn't see the shape clearly, and only formed a whirlwind. In the whirlwind, there were a series of electric snakes shuttled through it. The whirlpool was getting faster and bigger. Shuttle around like a thunder snake.


The sound of wind and thunder finally came out under the high-speed rotation, the whole dantian was in spring thunder rolling, and the electric snakes ran across the sky. Gradually, I could not see the vitality, only seeing a circle of electric light, and it became brighter and brighter, and the light became stronger and stronger. Like a hot sun, it exudes endless light and heat.

boom! There was another shock, and there seemed to be a stellar explosion in the entire pubic area. The bright light shone on the entire galaxy. Even Di Ping felt mentally shocked, as if he could not bear the explosion. Somewhat dazed.

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