Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1762: Huge lake

The big cat has a flexible body. It flashed and made the bulls rush into it. He wanted to knock down the bulls in the same way he had knocked down the bulls. He slapped the bulls with his claws, but the big claws hit the bulls’ heads. The body just shook, and suddenly swept the huge horns towards the big cat.

The big cat leaped over the horns, and a hungry tiger on the ground pounced behind the bull, with one claw on the back of the bull, and suddenly sparks rose on the rock armor, leaving three deep claws behind. Claw marks, blood splashing.

boom! The bull uttered a horrible roar, and the oxtail behind his body suddenly flung out, like a steel whip, which happened to be drawn on the head of the big cat. The big cat that drew also roared horribly, as if it had been burned by the fire, and jumped out five or six meters away. , Pululu shook his head quickly, grinning grinningly.

"Big cat get out of the way, let me go!"

Di Ping, who had calmed down his blood, saw that the big cat was repulsed and rushed up with a big drink. He also used the bull to polish his body and catalyze his vitality. If the big cat was killed, he would lose his chance. Barbarian bull likes to bump into his temper.


Di Ping arrived in a flash, and his fist collapsed in his hand and slammed into the abdomen of the bull.

It’s just that he is fast, and the bull is not slow. Hearing Di Ping’s roar, he turned his head. The huge horns swept towards him like two steel pillars. There was a strong wind on the horns, which shows how powerful it is. The bones must be broken.

Di Pingna dared to attack, so he had to dodge in a hurry. He didn't dare to collide with this pair of pillar-like horns.

The mutant savagely took a blow, and a fierce light flashed in the bull's eyes, and he suddenly took a step forward and ran into it.

"Good job!"

This was just like Di Ping’s heart, with a roar, suddenly his body sank and his feet shook the ground, and the broken grass flew like a mountain and took root. A powerful force bounced from the ground, and Di Ping’s body was like a bow. The fist struck out, and the air shook out with a punch, unexpectedly making a sonic boom.

boom! A punch hit the top of the bull's head, and the powerful force vented from his punch and rushed to the head of the bull.

Di Ping's face suddenly changed. He felt that his punch was hitting a mountain, and a powerful counter-shock force patted it like a wild wave.

Di Ping flew out in an instant, as if hitting a high-speed train. He flew straight for five or six meters before landing. Once he landed, he banged and withdrew several steps, every step he seemed to exert all his strength. The broken grass and mud flew with a burst of strength.

He finally stopped on the third step. His face was flushed, the steam was steaming, and the violent qi and blood almost burst out, and his heart seemed to be unable to withstand such a strong flow of blood and blood. Beating, it seems that it will burst in the next moment.

Puff puff......

Nine muffled sounds in a row, sounded on the Barman Niu, nine punches, this is Di Ping's greatest power after training Bengquan to Consummation, the first time it was used on Barman Niu.

Once the violent force broke out, Man Niu shook his body for a while, as if he was about to lose his footing. He was shaking his head in pain, and blood flowed out from his mouth, nose and ears. It was obvious that his brain had been damaged. Di Ping was shocked secretly.

Wow....... At this moment, the big cat suddenly made a low noise, swooped and bitten on the bull's neck, twisted suddenly, turned the bull over, and pressed the bull on his body again. , The sharp fangs have pierced into the thick armor, blood rushed out wildly.

Roar! As soon as the bull was stimulated by the pain, he immediately became irritable, and turned over again and threw the big cat out again. Its power was so great that the big cat could not hold it down.

"Take me down!" But as soon as the Man Niu stood up, Di Ping arrived again. He endured the shock of blood and blood, and even the pain like a broken arm, rushed up again with another blow. On its head.

boom! There was a muffled sound, as if hitting a giant drum.

Barbarian Bull's huge body was immediately knocked to the ground by Di Ping's blow, and the ground splashed by the powerful force.

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