Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1761: crisis

Although the little bull is not as tall as the big bull, it is also extremely ferocious. Just now, he was still scared. When he saw the big cat rushing towards it, he ran into the big cat with an angry roar.

As the king of the beasts, the big cat is so terrible with its ferocity. Its body moved away from the bull's impact, and its claw shot the little bull out.

Moo! The little bull uttered a horrible roar, which shocked the bull who had just collided with Di Ping again.

It suddenly turned around, and anger flashed in its eyes, and it dropped Di Ping and rushed towards the big cat. It was just that when he moved, Di Ping could make him do what he wanted. A collision came and hit the bull who had just turned around. After flying out, the huge body rolled over on the grass, rolling more than ten meters away.


At this time, there was another miserable roar, full of sorrow and panic.

Di Ping recovered the churning qi and blood after being hit, and saw that the big cat had crushed the bull on the ground, and the blood basin was biting the bull's neck with his sharp teeth. After biting through, the blood rushed outward along the corner of its mouth.

The more the bull screamed and struggled, the more blood gushed out of his neck, and it couldn't break free of the big cat at all. The big cat pressed it tightly to the ground and couldn't move.

Just now Di Ping saw it really under the supervision of mental power. The big cat slapped the little bull with one claw, and then a hungry tiger pounced on it, biting its neck with one bite, and performing the killing of the wild beasts cleanly. The incisive and vivid.


The little bull screamed tragically, making the big bull who rolled out to be completely crazy. With a wild roar, it immediately rushed towards the big cat.

The fast thing is that Di Ping can't stop it even if he wants to. The bull is like a fast high-speed train, with a huge figure pulling a yellow line in the air.

"Watch out the big cat!"

Di Ping's face changed and exclaimed.

However, he was worried for nothing, the big cat's reaction exceeded his imagination, and it suddenly let out a low growl.


Suddenly let go of the little bull, Ju Zai's body suddenly moved, and rushed towards the big bull, ignoring that the grade bull was higher than it.

Just when Di Ping thought that the big cat would definitely suffer, suddenly the big cat's body took a move and passed the sharp horns of the bull, and suddenly bit on the bull's neck with a powerful impact. The bull's impact interrupted, and the two giant beasts rolled together.

The big cat uttered a low growl, pressing on the man bull and biting wildly. After rising to the second level, its fangs and claws became extremely hard. Although the strong defense of the bull is somewhat difficult, it can't stop it. Its hissing, sharp fangs have pierced the defense, and it may bite through its neck in the next moment.

Roar! The bull that was crushed by the big cat suddenly broke out, it mooed in anger, and suddenly turned over, the big cat was thrown out by the powerful force.

The big cat tumbled a few times and jumped up from the grass, but didn't pounce on it again, but wandered around the bulls vigilantly looking for opportunities.

It was thrown into the air by the bull, and it was not lightly slammed, so he dared not be as casual as before.

The bull rushed to the little bull who fell in a pool of blood and arched the bull, with a low whine in his mouth, as if calling, but the bull had been bit through by the sharp fangs of the big cat The neck couldn't survive anymore, just whispering, blood pouring out from the wound.

Seemingly knowing the result of the little bull, the bull suddenly raised his head and looked at the big cat. A pair of fist-big bulls' eyes were blood-red, shooting fierce light violently, and then rushed towards the big cat with a low growl.

Oooh! With a roar of tigers, the big cat blazed with a raging war spirit in his eyes, and he changed his vigilant look before and rushed towards the bull.

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