Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1763: Five days


The huge head of the bull was smashed to the ground by Di Ping, and it roared crazy and wanted to stand up, roaring loudly.

It's just how Di Ping could get him up, hit him again, and with a loud bang, Barbarian Niu's head was hit to the ground faster.


Barbarian screamed frantically, struggling to remember, just lifted it up a little, and then was hit again with a punch.

Boom boom boom...

Di Ping punched his punches madly, a punch heavier than a punch, a punch heavier than a punch, he could not lift his head when he smashed the earth bull, and every punch fell to the ground with a bang and shaking, like an earthquake.

At this time, the big cat was hiding far away, looking at this scene with horror. Its hair was a little exploded. Looking at the bull who was hit by Di Ping and couldn't get up, it suddenly remembered the same thing that it had encountered. In one scene, the body trembled involuntarily, and the eyes that looked at the bull became even more pitiful.

Di Ping didn’t know how many punches he had made, only that the bull was no longer struggling. The side face was bloody, and a lot of blood flowed out of the eyes, nose and mouth. The grass on the ground was full of blood, and it seemed that there was only anger. There is no more breath.

At this time, his whole body was sore, and his hand bones were sore, but he still didn't dare to relax. The terrestrial bull had extraordinary strength. Once he was given a chance to turn it up, he had to spend some hands and feet, and he always felt a faint threat to prevent him Dare to play.

Di Ping cried out, and the blood all over his body was forced to punch again, boom! With a punch, the violent energy rushed into Man Niu's head.

Only when he saw a cloud of strong green soul energy rise, Di Ping relaxed, and sat down on the grass, shaking his arms.

"Damn! I'm exhausted!"

At this time, the big cat was timid and afraid to come over. There was fear in his eyes. It seemed to be a little scared when he wanted to come over. He whispered in his mouth, shaking his head and wagging to the end, like a frightened one. The pet dog is pleasing to the owner.

"What are you afraid of, come here!"

Di Ping had some hands hanging between his legs, showing weakness, watching the big cat chuckle and curse.


When the big cat saw Di Ping greet him, his eyes flashed with excitement and joy. A big long tail shook desperately, and then ran towards Di Ping. However, it had just walked two steps, but suddenly stopped, hairy all over. As if frightened, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

"Finally can't help it!"

Di Ping sat still, but the corners of his mouth lifted slightly, revealing a sneer.

A strong wave in the sky has appeared within the scope of his mental monitoring. This is a huge gray black strange bird, like a meteor piercing the sky, and air barriers can be seen in the air under the mental power.

The pair of dark golden eyes of the strange bird were shining fiercely, a pair of sharp claws had been stretched out, and the sharp steel claws were shining with cold light, and it screamed through the air, and the prey could be crushed in the next moment.

However, in the next moment, a trace of horror flashed in its eyes, and the prey below who had no strength raised its head.

"Spirit Piercing!"

Di Ping looked up at the sky with cold eyes, and his voice was even colder than the arctic ice.

Hum! An invisible but extremely terrifying wave of air rushed towards the strange bird flying in the sky.


The strange bird's eyes became extremely frightened, suddenly spreading its wings to slow down the speed of its downward thrust, as if there was some predatory beast below or something that made it extremely scared.

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