Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1760: Fraudulent death

The bull who was grazing leisurely seemed to feel something. He raised his head and saw human beings standing dozens of meters away. The big bull stopped to eat the grass, his eyes staring at Di Ping warily, with some anxious hooves. Planing on the ground.

When the young bull heard the movement, he raised his head and looked at Di Ping, tilted his head, with curiosity in his eyes. The next moment he shook his hooves like a bull, his nose screamed, a pair of fists and big eyes. There was a fierce light staring at Di Ping.

This is also an aggressive calf!

However, when a huge white mutant tiger suddenly appeared in the eyes, the calf was obviously startled, and rushed behind the barbarian bull, leaning out to look at the big cat, with a little fright and alert in his eyes.

Moo! Da Barman Niu immediately let out a roar when the giant tiger appeared, his eyes full of warning.

"Big cat, deal with the small, I deal with the big one!"

Di Ping waved his hand to summon the big cat, then pointed at the little bull.

Roar! The big cat let out a low growl, and excitement flashed in its pair of dark golden eyes, staring closely at the big bull.

"The big one is mine, don't worry, the small one belongs to you!"

Di Ping slapped Big Cat's head with an angry palm and shouted.


The big cat let out a low growl reluctantly, and then the tiger eyes fell on the little bull, with fierce light surging in it.

Moo! The Barbarian Bull seemed to be irritated, and squirmed around on the ground violently. It seemed that it could not suppress its temper. It uttered a loud roar, and then rushed towards Di Ping with four hoofs and kicks.

The barbarian cow had a shocking aura, and every time his huge body fell on the ground, the ground made a roar, hitting it like a hill.

"Good job!"

Di Ping saw excitement flashed in the eyes of the rushing bull. He wanted to try how much power he was compared to the second-order mutant bull known for its strength. He stopped drinking and shot out instantly.

The distance of fifty meters is simply not the distance at the speed of Di Ping and the bull. They collided together in the blink of an eye, and the entire space suddenly seemed to shake. It seemed that everything had become extremely slow, and even time had stagnated. The next moment, it suddenly accelerated again, distorted and uncomfortable.

boom! There was a loud noise, like a muffled thunder on the grassland, followed by a strong wave of air blasting towards the surroundings, making a screaming sound, and then a figure flying upside down.


Flew more than ten meters away, Di Ping retreated several steps before standing still, and his powerful force stepped on the hard ground with more than ten inches deep footprints.

Di Ping stood still, staring at the bull, panting, qi and blood roaring like a raging sea, seeming to be unable to suppress it, and the blood vessels of the impulsive pain seemed to burst at any time.

At this time, all his clothes shattered into pieces, only the inner armor was worn on his body, but cracks had appeared on the inner armor, and the first-tier strong inner armor was damaged even after a collision, but fortunately there were Inner Jia, otherwise the collision would have become a bare bone.

Under this test, he has a clear understanding of the power of the bull. The second-tier and second-level bull is really stronger than himself. With his current strength of at least 120,000 jin, he was even hit by it. The strength is definitely more than 150,000 catties.

Fortunately, the practice of Iron Wall Gong had a certain effect, otherwise the skin and flesh that had to be shocked would crack, and he would feel a little sour and numb now.

However, he was not afraid, on the contrary, there was joy on his face. He found that with this collision, the physical body vibrated, the vitality movement speed increased, and the vitality became extremely active in the meridians, like a small snake, moving fast along a line. With.

Wherever the vitality passed, the soreness and numbness in the physical body were rapidly subsiding. Under Di Ping's mental strength, he felt the muscles and bones gradually strengthen.

This is where the vitality is feeding back to the flesh. The forging state uses the body to nourish vitality, and once the vitality is formed, it starts feeding back to the flesh to enhance the body's functions. This is a complementary process.

However, without waiting for him to adjust his breath more, Barbarian Niu bumped into him again. It was obvious that he didn't suffer much injury when he hit it just now. It might be that he became extremely irritable when he saw that the enemy was not killed.


The big cat also moved when Di Ping collided with the bull. It was faster than Di Ping, came first, and rushed towards the bull.

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