Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1759: Sneak attack

A scorching yang force burst out suddenly, and instantly rushed into the earthshaker's head. The palm of the hand was blackened with black smoke, and the strong smell of burning fur sprayed out in the air, earthshaker The cry stopped abruptly, and the blood-red eyes were blank.

When the flames spit out, Di Ping felt that his body was empty, as if something had been taken away, and he felt a sense of weakness. With this blow, he exerted his full strength, and a large amount of true yang in his blood was drawn away. A sense of emptiness.

Seeing the earthshaking beast that fell like a mountain, Di Ping's eyes flashed with surprise. This flame palm was really strong. It would kill the earthshaker with one blow. Even if his collapsed fist had been completed, it might not be able to cause such damage. Knowing that the Earthshaker's defenses are amazingly strong, it's both about whether Dark Jin can penetrate it.

The burning power of the flame palm has burned through the thick leather armor of the Earthshaker, and under the palm of the hand, you can see the scorched flesh and blood, and a large amount of hot sun rushes into the brain of the Earthshaker.

A group of dense green soul energy slowly rose, and then rushed into Di Ping's body. As soon as the soul energy came out, the Earthshaker was dead and could no longer die.

He took out the heavy knife and smashed the Earthshaker's skull open with a single stab. Sure enough, the head was also scorched black, which was burned into black carbon by the blazing true sun.

Fortunately, the crystal core is relatively hard and has not been burned. Di Ping took out the crystal core and put it into the backpack, and then waved his hand to put the huge body of the Earthshaker into the backpack.

Then he distinguished the downward direction and quickly moved away. Within a few minutes after he left, the **** breath attracted a few fierce beasts, and when he saw that there were no corpses on the ground to eat, they quickly retreated.

Di Ping ran for two or three kilometers, and then he found a cross-legged tune in the grass. He wanted to regain his vitality. The blow he had just consumed a lot of true yang, and his body was a little uncomfortable. He couldn't hold on to this grassland. Peak physical fitness is a very dangerous thing.

The strong flame palm is strong, but once it explodes with full force, the demand for vitality is too large, and if it does not explode strongly, it seems that the intensity of the flame is not enough.

Therefore, he decided that the Flame Palm should not be used indiscriminately, and it can be used when breaking armor. Normal use of the punch is enough.

After this battle, he has a brand new understanding of his own strength. Although the Earthshaker is not the strongest among the first-tier ninth-level mutant beasts, it should also be ranked first.

If he is truly serious, the Earthshaker should be able to kill with a single blow. Although he is now at the first rank and ninth rank, killing mutant beasts within the second rank is already effortless.

After adjusting his breath for more than ten minutes, Di Ping felt that the discomfort had disappeared, and he got up again and walked in the determined direction.

Later, he encountered a few mutant beasts that were alone, but they were not very powerful. He solved it easily. Now only the second-order or higher can form a little pressure on him, and now he can almost do it if he wants to. Spike.

Half an hour later, he finally encountered two mutant beasts. These were two wild bulls, one big and one small. The tall one was over three meters tall, and the smaller one was over two meters tall. His body was short and thick, and his limbs were as strong as four. The stone pillars, the leather armor on the body is as hard as a piece of rock, and a pair of huge horns that bend forward on the head are sharp and hard.

Two bulls were eating grass casually, their long tails flicking, hitting the flying insects lying on their bodies from time to time, and they banged on their bodies as if they were thrown on a boulder.

"Wasteland Bull: Bloodline level: c, Talent skill: Rock armor; Strengthening level: Tier 2 and Tier 2, Skills: Crash, Trample! Grumpy, strong defense and infinite strength, happy collision!"

Di Ping's probing skills quickly understood the strength of the two mutant beasts. The larger one had reached the second and second level, while the smaller one was still a cub, but the strength had also reached the first and seventh levels.

It seems that the big cat is on the court, and the second-level and second-level are worthy of him to take seriously.

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