Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1758: One punch nine times

"The tiger turned over!"

Di Ping didn't even think about it, Tiger Lingjue's seventh style was launched suddenly, and the whole body jumped out from the head of the earthshaker like a dexterous tiger. At the same time, his mental power had been quietly activated to protect his body.


A loud noise came from behind, and then a strong impact instantly hit the mental barrier under him. He only felt a shock of mental power, and his body instantly slid more than ten meters away. He turned over in the air and landed quietly. , Turned around and looked at the past.

It's just that he only saw a strange bird flying close to the ground, which was already hundreds of meters away, as fast as thunder.

Although this strange bird was not as big as the golden eagle he had encountered before, it was still 20 meters in size with its wings spread out, with some gray feathers sandwiched between the dark feathers on its body, and it looked a bit like a vulture.


Guai's huge wings shook, rose up into the sky, let out a scream in the sky, then quickly climbed up and disappeared into the clouds, giving Di Ping no chance to fight back.

Even when he tried to attack with his mental power, the strange bird was already out of his mental power range, and the speed was too fast. It swept across the ground from the ground and crawled across the weeds blown by the strong gale. .


At this moment, a terrible roar sounded, and Di Ping hurriedly retracted his gaze and looked at the Earthshaker. His eyes were frozen. Three huge scars appeared on the Earthshaker's back, deep to the bone, and blood gurgled out.

Obviously, this scar was scratched by the monster bird just now. The Earthshaker's leather armor was so thick that Di Ping was struggling to fight, and it could not stop the monster's claws.

Ho Ho Ho...

The Earthshaker is terrible and fierce, so the wounds still stand up, and turn around a pair of blood-red eyes to stare at Di Ping, it seems that the injury just now was caused by him, and even attacked him.

"Big pig, you seem to have found the wrong person. Don't blame me for this!"

Di Ping rubbed his nose and said.

But then he laughed again. I really blame him for wanting to do this. If it weren't for him to suppress it, it would not be easy for a strange bird to hurt him, right?


Regardless of what Di Ping thought, the Earthshaker suddenly stood up, let out a sharp roar, and then fell down, and a pair of front hooves hit the ground like a pair of giant hammers.

boom! There was a loud noise, the mud flew, and the ground vibrated. Di Ping's expression changed. He felt a wave of extremely dangerous waves coming from the ground in front of him.

Without even thinking about it, a movement of his body shot to the side, and the air behind him was twisted. Between the place where he stood before and the Earthshaker, it was like an earthquake. The ground instantly cracked and the mud flew away. And the weeds in the meantime seemed to be shattered by a crushing machine, instantly crumbled into grass clippings.

Di Ping looked back at the scene behind him, his skin tingling numb, none of these mutant beasts were easy to provoke, no wonder they were called Earthshakers, this shock wave would be uncomfortable even if he had to bear it.

It is really good to say that mutant beasts are the darling of heaven and earth. If you change individuals, it is also possible that Tier 9 faces Earthshaker beasts at a loss. If you don't have a good weapon to solve it, it will be very troublesome.

Ho Ho Ho...

After a blow was missed, the Earthshaker roared crazily, and his body was bathed in blood like a fierce beast.

"It's not over yet!"

Di Ping was annoyed by his quarrels, and there was a look of impatience in his eyes. He wanted to play for a while and try his other methods, but now he decided to kill. This grassland is not peaceful, and was almost taken over by the strange bird just now. , It wouldn't be fun to attract powerful mutant beasts!

"Flame Palm!"

At this point in his mind, Di Ping had already killed himself. He looked at the earth-shaking beast, his eyes condensed, and he let out a low drink, his whole body collapsed, and his right palm turned red in an instant. The red is like magma under the skin, and the temperature in the air suddenly rises a bit.


The mud on the ground exploded, Di Ping's body disappeared, as if he had crossed the limit of space, a distance of more than ten meters did not exist. The next moment Di Ping appeared in front of the Earthshaker, and his palm was already printed on its ear door.

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