Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1757: The death of the bull


The Earthshaker let out a horrible roar, and then slammed four hoofs suddenly, turned up from the ground, and rushed towards Di Ping with a roar again.

After trying out its power, Di Ping did not wrestle with it anymore. Although his power was greater than it, he was not dominant.

He snaked and flashed to the left of the Earthshaker, avoiding its sharp horns, his right foot shook the ground, and his body sank down like a boulder. He then leaned forward with his right shoulder and hit Shook the beast's abdomen.

Tieshan lean, how powerful is Di Ping's power, it can shake the mountain in a hit. Although the earth-shaker beast is huge, it is like being hit by a big mountain. It suddenly roared and flew out, sticking to the ground. Sliding, the mud splashed and the broken grass flew horizontally, and the entire ground was forcibly plowed with two deep scratches by its four hoofs, as if pushed by a bulldozer.

The Earthshaker flew more than ten meters away and crashed to the ground, then turned a few somersaults before it stopped!

Blood was already seen in the mouth and nose of the Earthshaker, and the dark red blood flowed down the corners of the mouth, and the roar was sharp and harsh, like an iron piece scraping on a ploughshare, and the roots of the stabbing people's teeth were sour.

This earth-shaking beast's skin was so thick that it couldn't even kill it with this blow. It climbed up again, mutated even more crazily, and a pair of blood-red eyes stared at Di Ping and there was only anger in it.

Roar! Suddenly, the earthshaking beast let out a roar, its body suddenly dwarfed, the muscles of the whole body trembled violently, the powerful energy of blood, Peng Ran burst like a volcano, and the powerful energy of the blade was like a blade cutting the weeds within one meter of the body. Into grass clippings.

boom! The earth exploded like a mine explosion, and the huge body of the Earthshaker seemed to be equipped with a rocket propellant, and it shot out, from static to dynamic, even the picture was distorted, which made people extremely uncomfortable and fast. An afterimage was pulled out from the air, and it appeared in front of Di Pianyang the next moment.

Di Ping also didn't expect that the Earthshaker had a strong fighting instinct in a crazy state, and it could also launch a collision skill. The speed was so fast that he had no chance to hide. He didn't have time to think about it and shouted.

"The tiger is down!"

After a violent drink, Di Ping's eyes suddenly opened, and his bones slammed instantly, his blood pulsed like a giant drum, and he threw himself in front of a tiger down the mountain.

This style is the sixth style of the Tiger Spirit Judgment, which is the body-building exercise and a martial skill. Once the Tiger Spirit Jue is completed, once it is displayed with great power and power, it is really like a fierce tiger out of the mountains and forests, unstoppable beasts and beasts.


A tiger roar exploded, and a huge tiger power belonging to the king of beasts spurted out from Di Ping's body. It was ancient, vast, and violent.

As soon as the tiger screamed, an invisible wave swept around, and the weeds in a radius of more than ten meters suddenly lay down, seeming to surrender to the king, and the shaking beast that just rushed to Di Ping was also suppressed by this powerful aura. The movement slowed down, and there was a fright in his eyes, which was a natural fear of the king.

"good chance"

At this moment, Di Ping moved the tiger down the mountain and jumped down, his claws pressed the top door of the Earthshaker with his domineering vigor.


One person and one beast slammed into each other, and a muffled sound was like a muffled thunder on the grassland.

A violent and unusual energy vented to the four weeks, like a bomb wave, the weeds within a radius of five meters were broken as if they were cut by a knife, and the tough blades of grass flew into the sky. Smashed vigorously.

Scraps of weeds flew like green snow flakes, and in the snow and rain, one person and one beast stood stiffly in a very strange posture.

The huge body of the Earthshaker pounced forward, and Di Ping's head was actually pressed on the ground by Di Ping's claws. The ground hit by the powerful impact appeared a one or two meters deep hole, exposing black mud.

At this time, blood was stained everywhere in the pit, and at a glance it was clear that it was flowing from the mouth of the earth-shaking beast.

Di Ping’s eyes flashed with fierce light, and his hands and arms trembled slightly. The Earthshaker’s impact was extremely fierce. If he hadn’t used the Tiger Spirit Jue, he would use Tiger’s power to make it pause. I can really knock myself out instead of overwhelming it like these.


With a muffled roar, the Earthshaker began to struggle fiercely, but Di Ping pressed it firmly, the Earthshaker was unable to break free, he was about to kill it in one fell swoop.

At this moment, Di Ping suddenly felt his chills stand straight, his heart shrank suddenly, and a strong sense of crisis came from his back.

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