Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1747: Kindhearted

After watching the refugee camp, Di Ping had no intention of doing anything else. He went to the city lord's office and began to perform his duties as the lord.

This city lord’s large office has never been used a few times, and has always been used as an office in its own top-floor lounge.

Liu Bingyu was recruited through the watch, and he started his formal office. He recruited people in charge to report on the work, and then gave suggestions one by one.

This surprised a lot of management. Di Ping has always been a free-range way of talking to various departments. He has never invited each department to talk like this. Most of them are decided after discussing in the conference room. Today they feel that the city owner It's different.

Many problems were pointed out to various departments, and the problems were directed to the core. Han Zhongguo and others had to admire them. They gave their own opinions on solving each problem, and these opinions were recognized by almost everybody.

Once Di Ping exerted his power, they felt different. They saw it before, but they didn't necessarily have the courage to do it. Di Ping was different. As long as he thought well, he immediately decided, and only he gave orders and the various departments cooperated. Higher efficiency and better execution.

Liu Bingyu looked at Di Ping, who was sitting behind a large desk giving orders. His whole body was enveloped by the golden sunlight spilling in from the large glass windows, like a blazing sun with a brilliant brilliance. It's dazzling, people dare not look directly, as if it will sting the eyes.

For a while, Liu Bingyu was dumbfounded, even if there were bursts of tingling in her eyes, her eye circles were warm, and it seemed that tears were about to flow down, but she was also reluctant to blink. It seemed that as long as the blink of an eye, the tears would wash away the people in her eyes. , Doesn't belong to her anymore.

"What's wrong with Bingyu, why are you crying?"

Suddenly Di Ping's voice rang in Liu Bingyu's ears, and she recovered and saw Di Ping looking at her with concern.

Liu Bingyu immediately warmed his heart, and quickly wiped away the tears in his eyes, and smiled reluctantly, "The sun is too dazzling!"

Di Ping glanced back at the window. As expected, he squinted under the strong sunlight, so he didn't think much about it, and smiled: "It must be a long time to stand and watch. Go to the break!"

"I'm fine, I'm not tired to stand. You really have to rest, City Lord. You have been working for more than two hours, and now it's a bit faster!"

Liu Bingyu smiled and shook his head, but instead encouraged Di Ping to rest.

"So fast? It's a bit already!"

Di Ping seems to be thinking of time only now. As soon as he looked at his watch, he immediately slapped his forehead and smiled: "I said it’s okay. I don’t want to have a lot of things in this city. It took more than two hours, and it’s time for lunch. Time to rest!"

Putting down the pen in his hand, Di Ping stretched out, and immediately made a violent crackling sound on his body, like setting off firecrackers.

"Sure! Now there are tens of thousands of people in our Sanctuary City, things will be less, so many people have to worry about eating, drinking, housing and transportation!"

Liu Bingyu looked at Di Ping as if he was tired and immediately pursed his lips and smiled.

Di Ping turned his neck around and smiled bitterly: "We are tired after only tens of thousands of people, thinking about some large bases with hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people, how troublesome it should be to manage! Alas, thinking about it, I have a headache! "

Speaking of Di Ping really rubbing his head, he really has a headache, he still likes to practice, this kind of work is really not suitable for him, but he is the only one to handle many things at present, no matter how he delegates power, they still can't do many things.

The role of the leader is like this, just like the leading wild geese, once it flies wrong, then everything behind it is wrong. It is very likely that it will not reach the destination within a certain period of time. Then the group of wild geese may freeze to death and starve to death. .

And Di Ping is now the leading wild goose of Sanctuary City, he directs to fly there, and the people behind follow, so that there will be no trouble.

Liu Bing Yulian moved gently behind Di Ping, a pair of slender, white jade hands were placed on his shoulders and pressed gently, Di Ping did not refuse to close his eyes and leaned back in the chair to enjoy this moment of peace.

Although Liu Bingyu couldn't press his current body at all, he enjoyed the soft touch of his fingers.

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