Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1746: Are all ants

Di Ping came to his parents' room and sat for a while, then went to see Xiaobi. He checked whether the girl was awake after drinking too much last night.

When I arrived at the door, I found that the door was open, a maid was cleaning the room, and the bedroom door was open. Xiaobi was not in the bed, the bed had been neatly made up by the maid.

Di Ping was a little weird. This girl drank too much last night and was not lying on the bed. This was a run away. When I asked the maid and said that she had left after eight o'clock, Di Ping was even more puzzled. This girl was early in the morning. Run there, De Feiya is in retreat, she can't go.

Is there only one possibility?

She must have ran off to hang out with the city guard again, maybe she went out to capture the gathering place again!

Di Ping took a look at the time. It was already ten o'clock, so he contacted Cheng Chao and asked. As expected, he guessed right. Without De Feiya, she couldn't stay in Xiaobi at all, and took the two teams with her early in the morning. The guards left the city.

There was nothing left or right, Di Ping went around in the city. The city is much better than yesterday. There were more than 10,000 people in the city yesterday. It was very troublesome to arrange. Everywhere is busy settling in. Fortunately, the city is now The number of guards has increased, otherwise it would be troublesome to bring these people back.

All the main buildings have city guards on guard, and there are people from the security department patrolling the city. There are a lot less pedestrians in the city. Most of them are old people in the city. During this time, the new people are concentrated in the south of the city.

There are countless tents set up in the south of the city, one by one, in rows. I don’t know if they got so many tents from there. Fortunately, the south of the city is big enough, and the second-level city wall has moved out 300 meters. It is nearly three hundred meters wide.

Now that a large tract of land is vacated, it is not a problem at all to settle a hundred thousand people.

However, living in a tent is not a long-term solution. When the second phase of the house is completed, it can almost be improved. There are more than ten people living in this tent. Almost all of them are filled with people. Dirty and not look like, both men and women exude an unpleasant smell, the entire south of the city smells like a garbage dump.

Some of these people are sitting and some are lying down. Most of them are not in good condition. All of them are skinny and sallow. They are obviously in a state of long-term hunger, severely lack of nutrition, and their weak bodies seem to be blown away by a gust of wind.

Two months in the last days is enough to torture a normal person into a useless person!

These people didn’t know Di Ping, and they didn’t say much about the city guards’ salute to Di Ping. They just looked plainly, without any expression, and their eyes were empty and numb, just like what he saw in Bianzhou City. .

Di Ping looked at them one by one, feeling a little heavy. These people didn't live well in the previous base. Looking at the expressions one by one, they knew that they were almost struggling on the death line. It would be a big deal if they didn't starve to death.

There are twenty to thirty thousand new arrivals, and it will take a long time for these people to reach the mental state of the old city residents of the sanctuary. First, these people must be able to eat and their bodies will slowly recover, and then these people can be useful.

With their physique, it is difficult to be fighters, not to mention awakening. Di Ping believes that these people must have good potential, but they lack nutrition for a long time and cannot supply the energy needed for awakening, so they cannot awaken at all.

Once the nutrition keeps up, I believe there will be a large number of awakened people. Now there are people awakening in the Sanctuary City almost every one or two days. Up to now, eight people have awakened. Now the number of awakened people in the Sanctuary City has reached 60. .

In a small gathering place with a population of just 50,000, the Awakeners are already equivalent to one-third of Kyoto, which is quite terrifying.

Di Ping believes that this number will double as the population increases!

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