Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1748: Chulin Resource Station

A piece of news caused a wave of waves in the land of Zhongzhou, and the entire Zhongzhou thousands of gathering places were shaking, and the news spread further along with the electric fluctuations, affecting people farther away.

"Do you see the truth on the radio?"

In a building, three thin-faced young people gathered in front of a radio, listening attentively to the contents, and asked in a low voice.

"It should be true! Otherwise, what are you doing? People are not idle, and they said in detail. Who is free to make up this to lie to you!"

"Whether he is true or not, you will know if you try it. If it is true, we will all awaken and become...the awakened ones, let's not be afraid of Liu Mazi. Wouldn't he just take a few broken guns! It doesn't count as fart in front of the Awakened!"

"Yes! Try it, no loss anyway!"

"Then... Try it!"


The trio's expressions were firm and unanimous.

"Then don't copy quickly, if you don't have any regrets, there is nowhere to go!"

One said anxiously.

"Quickly...find pen, find paper!"

Suddenly everyone was in a hurry. They hurriedly looked for papers. For a while, he couldn't even whisper, but it was hard to find papers after the end of the world, and the anxious three were sweating.

After finally finding paper and pen, the three of them crawled in front of the radio to write down every word broadcast on the radio seriously. They didn't move a little place in a day, and they dictated over and over again, which was more serious than when they were in school. I was afraid of losing a word and making a mistake.

This scene appeared in many places, there were large gatherings of tens of thousands of people, there were also small hiding places for several people, and large bases such as the Bianzhou base. When the content of the copy became a book, it appeared in the eyes of everyone. , Caused a greater sensation.

Chu Dingbang flipped through the bound thin booklet in his hand, his eyes were solemn and deep, and he looked at each word in detail for ten minutes.

Standing in front of Chu Dingbang, Zhao Gang did not dare to express himself. He did not do well in the sanctuary city this time. Although he and a group of people were released after Kyoto reached a cooperation with the sanctuary city, he obviously felt Chu Dingbang's attitude towards him is not as good as before.

In addition, Chu Dingbang's authority was suppressed by Song Hanbai, Liu Zhenya, and Zhang Beiwang. The right to speak in the Bianzhou base was greatly reduced, his temperament changed drastically, and his face became gloomy all day long.

The whole person is like an explosive barrel that can explode at any time.

He can feel Chu Dingbang's repressed anger and unwillingness, and he can only be careful not to touch the mold.

"Zhao Gang, what do you think is the intention of the sanctuary city?"

Chu Dingbang finally finished reading, and gently closed the book, his eyes kept fluctuating, and he didn't know what he was thinking. It took him a full minute to look up at Zhao Gang.

Zhao Gang had a definition in his heart. Hearing Chu Dingbang’s question, he immediately straightened his body and said, “General, the city of refuge spreads the secrets of the awakened to the world, and even publishes the cultivation techniques. Such a big move, I miss him It's nothing more than to conquer the world's reputation, increase your reputation among the people, and increase your own weight!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Gang’s eyes flashed with a glimmer, and there was also a hint of admiration: “If you want to come to the sanctuary city, there are experts. Everyone in the world will know about the sanctuary city and practice the exercises they released. There will be more people grateful to them, even if Kyoto wants to move them again, it will be difficult for them to lack justice!"

"wild ambition!"

Chu Dingbang heavily smashed the book on the table, and said coldly: "Some people in Kyoto, I think that when they regret, they will eventually backfire!"

Zhao Gang's eyebrows were drooping, as if he hadn't heard it in front of him, Chu Dingbang had already roared more than once.

Bianzhou has now lost the qualification to trade with the sanctuary city. He could have used the resources of the sanctuary city to develop rapidly. Because of his selfishness, he stood on the opposite side of the sanctuary city. He Chu Dingbang didn’t want to take it from the sanctuary city. To a little benefit,

Zhao Gang couldn't help but feel a little sigh at this time. Sometimes people can't be too greedy. Chu Dingbang was squinted by greedy. If he could send a message to the sanctuary or stop it at that time, the result would not be like this.

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