Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1715: Past planet

"Di·The system has detected abnormal fluctuations in heterogeneous mental power, threatening the host, and the system activates the protection mechanism and the removal function..."

Just as Di Ping felt desperate, a voice that made him ecstatic suddenly sounded in his mind. The system did not give up on him, and the critical moment came out.

There is no doubt about the power of the system. Together with the sound of the system, Di Ping found that the soul ball formed by the evil demon suddenly became stiff, as if time had stopped. The originally terrifying energy fluctuations also stopped, and a sudden sound came from it. With an extremely terrified roar, Di Ping heard that it was the voice of the Yin Demon. He seemed to be frightened by something, and the cry was extremely frightened.

boom! With a soft sound, the black sphere exploded and turned into black gas again, but the black gas did not change into a human form, as if it were scattered black clouds, filling the flame furnace.

And the flame of the flame furnace suddenly became strong and swallowed the black gas in a whirlpool. This black gas was immediately turned into pure soul energy by the flame, which seemed extremely relaxed, as if a page of dry paper was thrown into the stove. In a few seconds, the black energy was burned out, and the efficiency was countless times faster.

There was no trace of black gas in the flame furnace, and even the black gas in the soul space was also gone. Di Ping stopped the flame furnace, but he did not remove it.

He was still a little wary of the old monk, but the old monk did help him. He didn't know how to treat this old monk for a while now.

The soul of the old monk has also become extremely weak under the refining of the flame furnace. The golden light is a little unstable and seems to be unable to sustain the human body. However, Di Ping discovered that the old monk's always downcast eyes have slowly raised. When he got up, he put his hands together and muttered words in his mouth. It seemed that he was praying, which was very different from the previous dull image.

"The old monk Yin Demon is dead, what do you want to do, do you want me to let you out?"

Di Ping looked at the old monk's soul and asked.

Hearing this, the old monk slowly raised his head to look at Di Ping, and gently shook his head and said, "Thank you, little friend, no need to let me out!"

Di Ping was taken aback for a moment. He was willing to let him go, but he didn't even want to come out. He was a little bit unsure of what he thought, and was about to ask, the old monk suddenly continued:

"Little friend, the old monk’s only belief is to kill the evil demon. For this reason, the will and the Buddha’s will are combined to suppress the evil demon for thousands of years, but he has never been able to kill him. Now the evil demon is destroyed by my little friend. Once the reading is complete, my soul will soon dissipate, and there is no point in not letting it go!"

The old monk’s expression was plain, as if he was talking about a very common thing, but Di Ping felt sour in his heart. He felt that this old monk was really not easy, and he made such a big sacrifice in order to suppress the evil demon, even though he had used himself before. But Di Ping felt that he did not hate him.

"The old monk has no thoughts in this life. There is only one thing I can't let go of. I want to ask my little friend here for something. I don't know if the little friend can help!"

The old monk suddenly looked at Di Ping with a hint of request in his eyes.

"Master, please say!"

Di Ping used honorifics, but he didn't say to help or not to help.

"My Ming Jing Sect was founded for thousands of years, and the inheritance has been cut off from the end, but it is the Ming Jing Sect sinner that was broken by my hand, so I would like to invite my little friends, if I have the opportunity to pass on my Ming Jing Sect, the old monk is grateful Endless!"

A trace of pain flashed in the old monk's eyes, his hands clasped his hands and even bowed to Di Ping deeply, with an extremely sincere attitude.

Di Ping nodded when he heard this. The old monk’s request is not excessive. He will only have the chance to pass it on by himself. If there is no chance, then he will not pass it on. Thinking of this, he nodded and said: "This I can promise you something, as soon as there is a suitable opportunity, I will pass on your Ming Jing Sect!"

"Thank you little friend!"

Ming Fanzi saluted Di Ping deeply again, and then he slowly closed his eyes and read the scriptures.

When Di Ping was wondering, suddenly a white rune flew out of Ming Fanzi’s forehead. As soon as this rune came out, the old monk seemed to be unable to sustain the light of the Buddha and quickly escaped, and the light of the Buddha on his body disappeared at any time. Gradually dispersed.

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