Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1716: Roasted meat

The white rune flew out of the flame furnace and floated towards Di Ping. Di Ping was a little wary and did not dare to take it, but looked towards Ming Fanzi.

Ming Fanzi seemed to understand Di Ping's meaning. He didn't say anything, but as if he had done all the important things, his face showed a hint of relief, his palms closed and he slowly closed his eyes, and his mouth was saying Di Ping listening. I don't understand the scriptures, and the voice is solemn and desolate.

Suddenly, in Di Ping's horrified gaze, Ming Fanzi's soul was slowly dissipating, like a thin mist. When the wind blew, it quickly dissipated, and his body faded and dissipated a little bit like a cloud of mist followed by the wind.

And Di Ping discovered that the energy radiated from Ming Fanzi's body instantly turned into pure soul energy as soon as the flame burned, as if he was already very pure.

Di Ping suddenly felt a little sad, looking at the white rune floating in front of him, his expression was a bit complicated. After a while, his soul moved, a golden light rolled over and swallowed the white rune, slowly refining the flowers, he Decided to accept this rune.

At this time, his soul space suddenly undergone earth-shaking changes. Two powerful souls were swallowed by him, and a large amount of soul power was integrated into the soul space. The thunder snake rolled around the entire space, and the sea of ​​spirit was even more rolling, huge waves. Beating the space barrier.

Di Ping felt that his entire soul seemed to be trembling, thunderous and thunderous, and he looked like an apocalyptic, but Di Ping was not worried at all, but was pleasantly surprised. He found that the soul space had increased again, the shore of the sea of ​​spirit. As he moved quickly around, the spiritual water was also rapidly increasing, and the golden light of the originally weak soul was also rapidly solidified, and the golden light was prosperous, like a blazing sun.

This change seems to be slow, but it seems to be very fast, but the change in the soul space slows down within a few tens of seconds.

When Di Ping looked at it again, he felt that the soul space had become different and more than doubled, and the spiritual sea had become vast and boundless, as if there was no boundary, and the golden light of the soul was about to become substantive. It was almost dripping like a thick fog.

And this kind of progress is still going on, the energy in the sea of ​​spirit is constantly overflowing into the floating soul body in the middle of the sea, and it is nourishing and enhancing the power of the soul all the time.

The space barrier has also changed. It used to be a decoration, just a layer of mist, but now it has become more dense and dense like a powerful air shield. At first glance, its defense is absolutely amazing.

This time the soul's defense power has greatly increased, and I believe that next time no soul can enter his soul space at will.

Di Ping felt that his consciousness had become more agile. If it was a two-core computer, it is now a four-core computer, which is definitely more than twice as fast.

Cultivating Yuqing·Zhen Jue He is very clear that his current spiritual realm has truly reached the third level, which is the Linghai Realm described by Yuqing·Zhenjue, and it is not the elementary level, but the Linghai intermediate level, directly across After the primary manifestation, it reaches the fogging state, and the soul body is condensed as essence.

Di Ping was excited. With his current soul realm, he can confidently and boldly upgrade quickly and improve his strength, and there will be no previous mental instability.

At this time, his head no longer hurts. The mental power that was extracted before has not only recovered but also greatly improved. The powerful feeling made him a little frightened. Now that he has mental power attack skills, the destructive power of mental power has been comprehensive and far Far surpassing his current strength, his mind crushed everything within the range of his mental power, and the feeling of controlling everything made him very comfortable.

Sweeping away his mental power, he found that his mental range had greatly increased, and he was under his control within a radius of one kilometer.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and under mental strength, he unexpectedly discovered that Dezheng and his party were lying on the ground with pain, as if they were being pressed tightly to the ground by a huge invisible pressure.

But he didn't see anyone or any creatures in the range of his spiritual power, and if he did, he would definitely attack him.

But the next moment, he laughed. He understood what was going on. He was sure that his mental power had grown rapidly, his control was not good, his mental power was exposed, and his powerful mental power pressed them down.

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