Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1714: Origin of space


The flame furnace is like a giant beast that swallows the sky, swallowing the Yin Demon in one mouthful, no matter how hard he struggles, the Buddha will trap it to death.

"The power of the soul burns for me!"

Seeing entering the furnace, the Yin Demon exploded completely. With a wild roar, black flames suddenly rose up from his body, his aura became stronger, and his sickle slashed towards the golden light, bang! Large pieces of golden light shattered, countless golden threads were cut off by it, a glimmer of joy flashed in the purple pupil of the evil demon, he saw hope.

Only in the next moment, the golden light burst from the Buddha's body, like a blazing sun, and a lot of golden light gushed down from the body to form more golden runes and threads, and the Yin Demon was trapped in the furnace.


An orange flame suddenly rose from the furnace, and rushed from all sides of the furnace in a whirlpool. When the black gas on the Yin Demon met the orange flame, it was like ice and snow meeting red charcoal, and it immediately turned into nothingness with white smoke.


The Yin Demon let out a stern roar, and fear was surging in the purple pupils. He no longer dared to keep a trace. A more violent flame ignited inside and outside of his body. The black flame on the sickle swallowed, exuding a powerful threat. can.

When the sickle slashed through the void, it seemed to be broken. Countless rays of light were cut off, and the golden light was cut out by him. He suddenly moved his body and wanted to rush out of the golden light. His speed was extremely fast. The next moment he had reached the mouth of the furnace. .

It's just that his body froze suddenly, and the Great Buddha gave up all means like ordinary people fighting, and stretched out his arms to hug him tightly. The golden light all over his body screamed in agony like flames.

"Want to run to ask me if I have!"

When Di Ping saw that the evil demon was about to escape, he was so shocked that he did not dare to have any more reservations. He let out an angry roar, "Swallow the flame furnace for me", and then fully activated the furnace.

The flame furnace produced a powerful vortex suction and swallowed the Yin Demon and the Great Buddha. The yellow flame sealed the entire furnace mouth, and the yellow flame in the furnace surrounded the two of them.


The Yin Demon let out a stern roar, the flame was like a nemesis to its black energy. When it burned, the black energy was vaporized, and even the light of Buddha was also burned in the flame.

But at this time the big Buddha has turned into an old monk again. His eyebrows are drooping, and Baoxiang is in the flame **** but he is not aware of it. He clings to the evil demon, no matter how hard he struggles, he will not let go, using countless gold. The light squeezed the evil spirit on the bottom of the furnace like a bundle of palms.

"Ah...The ants stop quickly, or my evil spirit will swallow you alive..."

The yin demon screamed and struggled madly. Di Ping didn’t pay attention to launching it with all his strength. The flame became stronger and stronger. The golden light and black energy were rapidly refined in the flame, and a stream of pure soul energy floated out of the furnace. There is a kind of strange scent, which makes people fascinated by the smell.

The pure source energy floated to the golden light of the soul, and quietly blended in. An extremely comfortable feeling surged in Di Ping's heart, as if he had eaten a jade liquid jelly, and he was soothing.

The flame furnace was refining very quickly. After a while, the body of the Yin Demon and the old monk shrank a circle, and the purple pupils of the Yin Demon suddenly surged with resentment and extreme unwillingness. He raised the sky and screamed: "I want to refine my Yin. Demon for the next life! Let's die together!"

With a roar of his anger, the black energy of the yin demon suddenly recovered, and even the sickle turned into black energy again. All the black energy flashed toward the center, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a pitch-black liquid-like ball. A terrifying energy wave came from this pitch-black ball, as if it contained extremely majestic energy, once it exploded, it was bound to shock the sky.

Di Ping was taken aback. He didn't understand what was going on, but he felt extreme palpitations and restlessness, and even the flame furnace seemed a little unstable.

"Quick practice... he wants to... blew himself up!"

At this moment, the old monk's anxious voice suddenly came in his mind, and Di Ping was shocked when he heard the words. If it were not for the soul body, his face would be pale.

He could feel the explosion, and his soul space must be blown into pieces. This astonishing energy was even more terrifying than a nuclear bomb. Feeling the terrifying energy fluctuations emitted by the sphere, the soul trembled in horror.

Bang bang bang.....

There was a sound like the heartbeat of a fierce beast from the pitch-black orb, and the entire soul space trembled with every beat.

At this moment, the astonishingly hot yellow flame burning on the pitch black ball in the flame furnace did not even shake him a point.

A trace of despair suddenly surged in Di Ping's heart. He felt that he was really playing off today. This evil demon madly blew himself up instead of letting himself refining it, and even wanted to die with him.

At this moment, he could only watch the sphere fluctuate more and more violently, like a volcano about to erupt at any time.

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