Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1681: Buddha statue


Di Ping’s mental power seemed to have rushed into the fire of the bones of the soul without encountering obstacles. The spiritual power was like a storm, strangling, and the soul fire was like an iron house, torn into pieces by the powerful storm. The fire of the soul seemed to be an undefended city that could not stop the powerful strangling force. With a soft sound, the fire of the soul shattered like fireworks.

The soul fire was extinguished, and the bone stood there blankly, as if it had truly become a bone, standing still, the mouth was still open and roaring, but the soul fire was extinguished, and it could no longer make a sound .

Di Ping's mental power strangled the soul fire and returned in an instant, but even Di Ping didn't notice this return. The spiritual power actually swept the soul fire fragments back into the sea of ​​consciousness.

With the death of the white bones, those endless skeletons stopped moving neatly and uniformly as commanded, and then burst into pieces in the horrified eyes of everyone, turning them into a pile of dead bones.

"Oh mother!"

He Chunsheng weakened and sat down on the ground, his hands hanging weakly on the ground, as if he had no strength at all. There were five or six scars on his body and blood poured out.

Everyone was the same as him. Seeing the skeleton monsters fell apart, each of them seemed to be deflated and collapsed. They sat on the ground without an image, breathing heavily.

But the next moment, everyone became nervous again, and they got up again from the ground, because they saw that there was a bone skeleton standing not far away, and the black eye sockets that stood still and looked towards everyone, the bone knives in their hands flashed. Sen cold light.

Everyone recognized that this was the bone skeleton that had previously fought with Di Ping. Thinking of the strength of this skeleton, everyone was frightened. When did this monster come here, so close to everyone.

"Could it be that City Lord Di was defeated?"

Everyone had questions in their hearts, but the next moment they saw Di Ping walk out of the thick fog.

Seeing his appearance, everyone exhaled a long breath, Di Ping did not have an accident, as long as he was there he could block the skeleton.

But then everyone felt wrong, why didn't the bone skeleton stand still and didn't mean to attack?


Di Ping let out a soft huh, he suddenly found a stream of gray energy flowing from the scattered skeleton bones. After gathering up one meter in the sky, these energy rushed towards the valley, like a fish.

Di Ping looked at these gray energies and felt confused in his heart. He didn't understand the reason. But the next moment he suddenly thought that the bones had absorbed this gray energy to become stronger, and he was a little uneasy. There are powerful skeletons in the fog.

Thinking of this, he dared to neglect it. If there was still this bone skeleton sucking these energy, he would not be able to beat it at all. If it weren't for the bell to shook the opponent's soul defense, it would be dangerous today.

Thinking of this, he flashed and rushed to the bone skeleton, waved his hand to collect the bone, and then told everyone: "You are here to rest, I will come when I go!"

Before everyone could answer, he chased in the direction where the grey energy was flowing!

The reason why he took away the white skeleton was because he was afraid that there would be another moth. The bones of the white skeleton were extremely hard and could not be destroyed for a while. He was afraid that if he didn't die completely, what would happen if he was resurrected, so he took it. gone.

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you. I felt a little confused for a while. Why did the skeletons of bones disappear by Di Ping? Everyone couldn’t remember for a while. All these changes are too fast, and people react quickly. But come!

However, no one dared to be obedient. Everyone was extremely exhausted in the previous battle. At this time, the crisis was lifted and everyone sighed and fell to the ground again, no matter what the image was, even Lin Yun was the same. Several stab wounds also fell on his body, and his clothes were torn to reveal patches of white skin.

"Uncle Master! How are you..."

At this moment Dezheng suddenly let out a scream, his voice full of panic and anxiety!

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