Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1682: Thousands of bones

Di Ping followed the gray energy into the thick fog, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Di Ping chased the gray energy all the way. Fortunately, the gray energy was like a stream of snakes. Although the speed was not slow, it could not leave Di Ping behind. He chased all the way to the depths of the valley.

Fortunately, there is still fifty to sixty meters visibility in the thick fog, otherwise the gray energy will be lost.

Two minutes later, Di Ping finally arrived at the place. It was an open land more than 30 meters wide. On this scorched black land, there was a strange plant with tall palms and tooth-shaped three leaves.

In this scorched and dead world, a little green is extremely conspicuous, the colors are extremely opposite, black and green, death and life, but there is a life growing on the dead land, green life, but this green life makes It makes people happy, like a man-eating demon standing on the scorched ground, waving his green arms to you.

With the shaking of the green leaves, the gray energy trembled, as if it were scared and excited, and then it seemed like a bee had found a home, and it rushed towards this plant, hundreds of thousands of gray energy surged. Into the bud at the top of it!

Plants that have absorbed the gray energy, the stems and leaves shook for a while and seemed to cheer for joy. After just a few seconds, it seemed to be a full hiccup. The space trembled all day, and the gray energy was scattered like a frightened fish. Staring at this green plant vigilantly.

The green plant leaves stretched like a human being stretched, and the head was raised high. The top stem bag slowly opened a seam, and then slowly opened. A blue-purple weird small flower slowly opened in the bud, like a charming flower. The demon stretched out.

When the flower is fully expanded, a few black stamens appear in the heart of the flower, like a few pitch-black bugs, which are extremely strange lying in the stamen.

"Ning Shenhua!"

When Di Ping saw this flower, his glasses immediately stared, and there was no strangeness in his heart, only surprise.

Although she had never seen Ning Shenhua, De Fei Ya had told him that he remembered it very clearly. When he saw this flower, De Fei Ya was finally saved.

He didn't dare to delay, and hurried forward, according to the method taught by De Feiya, carefully started this peaceful god. Then he took out a jade box and put a Ningshen flower in it.

He found that a large amount of gray energy around him flowed in other directions after this tranquil flower bloomed.

Di Ping's eyes lit up, which showed that there were Ningshenhua in other places. He chased the rest of the gray energy again. Ningshenhua was so strange and good, and he was scary and not enough.

Afterwards, Di Ping ran all the way, he had forgotten the danger, and he was running at full speed, chasing the gray energy. Sure enough, he chased two more, and then he could not find a trace of the gray energy, so he had to stop chasing.

He was pleasantly surprised. He already had three Ning Shenhua in his hand, which I believe should be enough for De Feiya!

Di Ping exhaled, his mission on this trip was finally completed, and De Fea was finally able to recover. At this time, there was a slight satisfaction in his heart. Don’t know when, De Fea was already in his heart. Very important weight.


Suddenly Di Ping raised his head, his eyes moved, and he murmured, "Why is there a monastery here?"

There is a dilapidated temple in this gloomy wilderness. I don't know how many years have passed. Most of the five-meter high walls have collapsed, and many houses have also collapsed, revealing one of the broken Buddha statues.

It can be seen from the broken walls that this was a very majestic and majestic place before. I don’t know how many courtyards are stacked on top of each other. They almost occupy a small half of the valley. It spans nearly one or two kilometers, and I don’t know how much, in the faint mist , The ruins stretched into the distance.

In the ruins, you can see carved beams and painted buildings, corridors and corners, with extremely elegant and luxurious shapes.

A temple gives people a feeling of luxury, which makes Di Ping's heart a little weird, but it is true. Although most of the buildings have collapsed and collapsed, it is difficult to conceal the former luxury!

The entire temple ruins lay like a giant monster in the valley, looming in the thick fog.

"what is this?"

When Di Ping looked at the temple, he suddenly looked at a place with a look of surprise.

I don't know when, the mist that filled the valley has faded a lot, and his eyes can see the distance.

I saw in the middle of the temple, there was a giant Buddha statue that was 100 meters high. Above the head of the Buddha statue was a group of golden light flashing non-stop, like Buddha light, rendering the Buddha statue like a real big Buddha.

The giant Buddha image is shrouded in a layer of fog, and the shape cannot be seen clearly, but Di Ping can still feel a solemn feeling, especially the flashing golden light on the Buddha image adds a bit of mystery and solemn.


At this moment, a deep and distant bell rang again from the temple.

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