Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1680: Bell wailing

Casualties inevitably appeared. It was not the weakest Lin Yun who was injured first, but Shi Yanjue. His speed was the advantage, but his speed was limited under the siege of this sea-like skeleton monster. Make room for him to display.

Two gray and white skeletons flanked him from left and right, and shook his long stick apart with a knife, while the other skeleton slashed his back with a knife from the front. The bone knife was extremely sharp, and a nearly-foot-long wound appeared on the back immediately, with blood. Squirting out wildly.

Shi Yanjue roared horribly, staggered forward for two steps, and then resisted the pain, turned around and pulled out the gray-white skeleton monster who was about to attack again.


The gray skeleton bone knives held his long stick at once, making a crash, and the gray skeleton monster took two steps back.

At this moment, he saw a gray shadow flashing in his peripheral vision. He quickly turned around, but it was too late. He only felt a cold in his chest. Looking down, he saw the tip of a gray bone knife sticking out of his chest.

He turned his head back and looked at it with difficulty. There was originally a third gray skeleton monster who sneaked on him.


Shi Yanjue let out a miserable scream, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, but he was also crazy, and suddenly knocked the skull monster head flying, but the next moment two bone knives pierced into his chest, cold and dark like tides. Usually drown him.

Everyone heard this scream, but no one was able to rescue, everyone was in a hard fight.


Shi Yanwu was also angry. Shi Yanjue was his senior brother. The two of them had a good relationship. Seeing that Shi Yanjue had been overwhelmed by the skeleton monster, his eyes flushed and he let out a roar, and the steel rod in his hand swept out wildly.

The cloud of death rose in the hearts of everyone, but no one wanted to die, so they could only muster the courage to fight again.

When Di Ping saw the bone skeleton break through his own suppression and rush out of the ground, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Crash the mountain!

As soon as the Bone Skeleton got out of control, he rushed towards the people behind Di Ping, but Di Ping could let him pass. He roared and slashed out with heavy knives, like a mountain of swords, rushing towards the Bone Skull.

The Bone Skeleton didn't dare to ignore Di Ping's cut, it also swung a sword towards Di Ping!


There was a crisp scream, a string of sparks flashed like a hammer hitting a fiery red iron block, and the sparks shot out!

Di Ping felt a powerful force coming, and the heavy knife bounced high. He suddenly fell backwards and withdrew five or six steps before he stood firm.

how is this possible?

Di Ping's eyes narrowed, how did this bone-skeleton monster become so strong, his own smashing force was more than 100,000 catties, but he was still shocked by it.

The Bone Skeleton also shook back five or six steps, but in the next instant, its body moved at an extremely fast speed, leaping over Di Ping and rushing toward the crowd fifty or sixty meters away.

Di Ping's eyes narrowed. This skeleton monster was so terrifying that he couldn't deal with it. Needless to say, these people were rooted. If he rushed in to face him, it would kill half.

"Naughty animal, go there!"

Di Ping let out a roar, and his mental power exploded, as if a sharp blade attacked the fire of the soul of the bone skeleton monster.

boom! Di Ping's blow was a full blow. The powerful mental force hit the protective cover of the soul fire. The trembling soul fire shook for a while, and the bone skeleton seemed unable to withstand the pain, and the body stopped for a while.

However, the next moment, it actually endured it and moved again. Go forward more than ten meters again, only thirty meters away from everyone!

Dipinaken let it go and attacked again!


The spirit power hit again, Di Ping's nose and ears all shed blood, and the powerful counter-shock force shocked his spirit sea.

The Bone Skeleton didn't care about his attack at all. It seemed that at the moment it had only forward in its eyes, and it suddenly stepped out ten meters toward the crowd again, ten meters away from everyone, it was just a flash!

Di Ping's consciousness was a little unclear at this time, but he urged his spirit to strike the bones again.


At this moment, a long and magnificent bell came from the valley, like Huang Zhongda Lu, which had a deafening effect. Di Ping's unclear consciousness was instantly clear, and the heart-wrenching feeling was also It disappeared quickly, and the mental power seemed to have a little surplus.

This caused surprises in Di Ping's eyes. He maximized his mental power and rushed toward the bones again beyond his limit.


Together, the bells sounded like fairy music to Di Ping, but to the bones it sounded like a soul-killing demon, bang! The fire of the bone soul raged for a while, and the outer layer of protection burst instantly like foam, and it raised its hair and let out a miserable roar!

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