Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1679: Zen Master's Fall

"what happened?"

Di Ping's expression changed. He found that his mental power pierced into the bones of the skull and rushed towards the soul fire, but he seemed to encounter an invisible force to block him, and his mental power could not penetrate, as if this The soul flame has a protective layer.

"Break it for me!"

Di Ping panicked, if his mental power couldn't kill the bones and skeletons, it would be troublesome, so he shouted angrily to rush towards the soul fire with all his mental power.


As if hitting an invisible wall, a rebound force bounced back, making Di Ping dizzy and dizzy.

However, Di Ping found that the bones and skeletons seemed to be uncomfortable. The soul fire was shaking more violently, and it was dark and bright, and there was a feeling that the electric light was on and off, and the power was insufficient.

"There is a door!" Di Ping was overjoyed. As long as it was useful, he suddenly gathered his mental power again and slammed into the soul fire like a bull. Without soul skills, he could only use this clumsy method.

boom! An invisible vigor was produced, surging around, Di Ping felt a shock in his brain, and his mental strength was rebounded. His soul was shocked, his brain was dizzy, his nose was sour, and he felt like a nosebleed.

However, he resisted the discomfort and stared tightly at the skull monster's eye socket. He found that the skull monster's soul fire trembles violently after the collision, and even let out a silent scream, which seemed not much better than himself.


The fire of the soul in the eyes of the bone skeleton was violent, staring at Di Ping and let out a roar, as if he wanted to swallow him alive.

As it roared, the surrounding skeleton monsters seemed to suddenly become frenzied, and even accelerated their speed and ran into the defense line of Dezheng and others.

Moreover, a large number of gray and white skeletons suddenly poured out of no less than fifty or sixty in the muddy fog.

"It's over!"

Seeing this, everyone in Dezheng felt bad feelings in their hearts. It was difficult for one person to deal with one, let alone so many.

"Everyone, get up, we must hold on!"

Shi Yanwu smashed a skeleton monster with a wave of a steel gun in his hand, then shouted violently.

"Hold on! City Lord Di will immediately win!"

Dezheng also shouted loudly.

Everyone looked towards Di Ping. Sure enough, Di Ping had already smashed the bones into the half of his body on the ground. The spirits of everyone were shocked, and there was hope again in their hearts. As long as Di Ping solves this strongest one. Skeleton monsters, I believe that these skeleton monsters can't make waves with his strength!

It’s just a bitter self-knowledge that Di Ping has been hitting the spirit sea of ​​the skeleton monster with all his mental power, while slashing with heavy knives, he dare not stop now, as long as he stops the skeleton monster will escape himself. suppress.

He didn't have time to condense the sword strength to issue the strongest blow, this time is enough for the skeleton monster to rush out of the ground!

With repeated mental shocks, Di Ping felt that his brain was hit by a heavy hammer again and again, and his entire head was dizzy. There was heat flowing out of his nose, and he knew he was also injured.

The bone skeleton is also roaring. Its soul fire is already weak, making people feel like the candlelight in the fire may be extinguished at any time. That layer of invisible defense seems to also be broken. Each time it hits, it fluctuates more and more. Come bigger.

However, Di Ping was not surprised at all, he really didn't know if he couldn't hold on first, or the skeleton couldn't hold on first.

"... Hulu Hulu Moluo, Huluo Huluo Li. Suluo Suluo, Xisi Xisi, Sulu Sulu. Bodhi night, Bodhi night..."

At this moment, a burst of Sanskrit singing came up from behind, and passed into Di Ping’s ears, giving him a slight refreshing sensation in his mental strength. His drowsy head was healed a lot, and the pain was gradually relieved, which made his heart feel. There was joy.

However, the sound of this sound seemed to have a greater impact on the bone skeleton, and the bone skeleton suddenly became mad as if by the sound of the Buddha sound.

hiss! The Bone Skeleton Monster suddenly uttered a roar. Suddenly, a hundred skeletons within 50 meters around him shattered into real broken bones, and there was a gray energy that surged toward the Bone Skeleton like a flowing snake.

The speed is as fast as lightning, and Di Ping has no time to stop it!

Gray energy poured into the bones of the skeletons. It immediately seemed to have taken a tonic. It became so powerful that a sword shook Di Ping’s heavy knife, and Di Ping’s heavy sword was shaken back by two steps, and the bones of the skeleton went out of the mud. Leaping out, the ground splashed like an explosion.

broken! Di Ping's face turned pale!

At this time, Dezheng and the others are already in a bitter battle. The gray-white skeletons have already rushed forward. Almost everyone is dealing with two or three. Dezheng has activated the golden body, and Shi Yanwu has also used petrified skin. Xingzhi also activated the power of the demon ape, like a violent ape, rushed into the group of skeletons.

Zen Master Sushan sat in the middle, still singing the meditation mantra with his eyes closed.

No one noticed that there was a golden spot of light in the mist in the middle of the valley, like Buddha's light, as Sushan's Sanskrit singing became louder and louder.

The Sanskrit singing reverberated throughout the valley, and as the Sanskrit singing became more and more magnificent, the dense fog that had haunted the valley for so many years showed signs of dissipating, and the skeletons seemed to utter a silent roar like fear, changing Is even crazier!

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