Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1645: Mercilessly

When Yang Yantai saw the situation, he shook a steel rod in his hand and swept a wind wolf away, and then sternly shouted: "Brothers hold on, Master Dezheng is going to kill the wolf king. Once the wolf king dies, we will be saved!"

"Brothers, perseverance is victory, kill!"

At this time, Shi Yanwu also shouted violently, and the steel rod in his hand was dancing like a wheel, and the wind wolf was swept away when he hit it.

Everyone who was exhausted all burst out of their potential, insisting again to stabilize the faintly unstable line again.

Dezheng's whole body was like gold and iron, and he was not defending against the attack of the wind wolf at all. He attacked and killed like a wild bull, and no wind wolf could stop him.

But this situation only lasted less than ten seconds. As soon as they rushed out tens of meters, the pack of wolves rushed forward to block. Although Dezheng was brave, it was extremely difficult to advance. He killed one wind wolf, and another wind wolf made up again, and died. Deadly blocking his advancement.

Seeing this, everyone's heart sank. Once the strongest Master Dezheng fell into the pack of wolves, it would be dangerous!


When everyone was worried, suddenly the wolf king screamed together, the cyan mane was windless, like a lion, majestic.

With the roar of the wolf king, the wind wolves who frantically besieged Dezheng gave up on him one after another, turning their heads and rushing towards the place!

Seeing this, everyone understood that this is the wolf king who wants to single out Master Dezheng!

Looking at this face, Master Dezheng was overjoyed, and he rushed towards the wolf king with a roar, really running like a horse, thumping under his feet, and he was covered in blood, like Shura!

The Wolf King stood still on the boulder, looking at Dezheng who was running madly, his eyes flashed with humane contempt, as if he was overpowering.

When Dezheng was halfway through, suddenly the wolf king moved. It jumped off the boulder and rushed towards Dezheng at a speed like the wind. Its speed was much faster than that of the ordinary wind wolf. Its long cyan mane was covered by it. The strong wind pulled into a straight line.

Seeing this speed, everyone's hearts were beating wildly. The speed of Dezheng was too far from it. Many people had hoped for the strength of Master Dezheng.

But at this time, a lot of people were worried!

It’s just that it’s not the time to worry about Dezheng, his departure, the defensive power once again weakened, and many guns in the back went dumb, the defense became more difficult.

Human power is not endless. The potential that was stimulated just now is quickly fading. Everyone has to face only two wind wolves. It is difficult to defend. Some people are constantly being scratched by wind wolves. Di Ping has already killed them again and again. Ten wind wolves have free time to shoot flying swords to help people around.

Its powerful strength attracts people's attention, and many people see Di Ping's eyes with respect and gratitude!

Dezheng finally ran into the wolf king. Facing the rushing wind wolf, Dezheng's eyes were half-squinted, and a fierce light shot from it, and he roared: "Slash in the dark"

I saw him holding the big sword behind him in both hands, making a sudden progress. With stronger arms, the big sword slashed from under his body and slashed towards the wolf king's jaw.

Suddenly, the mad king let his big sword slash, and he shot it from Dezheng's side. As soon as his body fell on the ground, he turned around and suddenly bit towards the back of Dezheng's neck. If he bit the middle, the horse could bite his head off.

Many people exclaimed, but Dezheng is worthy of being the strongest. It seems that he knows that the wolf king will attack from behind. He twists the bottom plate, so that the roots of the dead tree are recruited, and the big sword turns back to the thorn by the twisting force. Straight to the lower abdomen of the wolf king.

The Wolf King also didn't expect Dezheng to react so quickly. He felt a tingling pain in his lower abdomen when he bit the empty mouth. He suddenly turned around and forced himself over in the air, poof! The big sword ran across the wolf king's chest, bringing up a blood.

"it is good!"

Seeing that the Wolf King was injured, everyone immediately screamed out loud, and they seemed to see hope.

It's just that things will really go as smoothly as everyone thinks. Can Dezheng kill the Wolf King?

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