Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1646: Fear

Di Ping's eyesight was extraordinary. He could tell at a glance that Dezheng had already done his best. The combo just now was his strongest reaction. Seeing his breath, he knew that this move was also a double risk.

And the Wolf King was just playing around with him, and he didn't try his best!

Sure enough, as soon as the wolf king landed, he lowered his head and glanced at the blood dripping under him, then suddenly turned his head to look at Dezheng, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and he raised his head and shouted wildly.

Then, the Wolf King suddenly moved, his sturdy limbs, kicked the ground suddenly, and pounced on Dezheng again, this time faster!

Dezheng's face was unprecedented seriousness, holding the big sword tightly, and seeing the wolf five rushing forward, he didn't retreat but took a step forward. The big sword in his hand swept forward and cut straight towards the wolf king's right ear.


Seeing that it was cut, the wolf king suddenly swung its claws to meet the big sword, and suddenly made a metal crash, flashing a spark, the big sword suddenly bounced high, carrying Dezheng's body It's all one side.

The wolf king's giant claw was also bounced, but it reacted faster, and the other giant claw suddenly swept out, sweeping Master Zhengdezheng's chest.


Sparks flew everywhere, and Dezheng’s golden body was so strong. The wolf's claws caught sparks, but the powerful force still struck Dezheng’s whole body and flew five or six meters away in an instant, rolling out like a gourd. Several meters.

"Uncle Master!"

When Xing Chi saw that his face changed drastically, he exclaimed.

"Uncle Master!"

A few of the awakened also exclaimed, among them were Shi Yanwu and Yang Yantai, and all of them changed their colors.

Fortunately, Dezheng jumped up with an oolong body, and fought with the rushing Wind Wolf King. The wind wolf is fast, but Dezheng has a golden body. Leaving wounds on the Wind Wolf King, the agitated Wind Wolf King was angry like a lion.


At this moment, a woman's peculiar scream sounded, and the handsome young man's younger sister took a step slower, and was struck by a claw on her arm by a wind wolf, and blood was flowing on her arm immediately.

She let out a scream and staggered for a while, and then another wind wolf rushed over and bit her neck with a huge mouth full of fangs.

"Little girl!"

When the handsome young man saw this scene, his pair of extremely beautiful eyes instantly flushed, and the beautiful woman-like faces became solemn. He let out a roar and swung a knife to kill the two wind wolves to save people.

As soon as he moved, the two wind wolves had already pounced from his back, he completely ignored them, and still rushed forward desperately.

"Sister Yun!"

At this time, in the rear position, the brawny man named Lao Hei let out a horrified roar, and even rushed out, but he was too late, too far away, even if he wanted to die for her, there was no chance.

Feng Lang's mouth was already in front of the girl, and the girl was completely shocked at this time, looking at Feng Lang with a look of horror as she completely forgot to move.

When everyone thought that the girl died in the wolf’s mouth, a scream suddenly sounded, and a cold light flashed. A lightning-fast flying knife shot Wind Wolf’s head, and Wind Wolf’s hard head flew here. The sword in front of it was like tofu, and it penetrated instantly, and the powerful impact pushed Fenglang to one side, wiping the girl's face with sharp teeth.

The girl stayed for a while, she watched all this blankly, without any movement!

Young Jun was taken aback when he saw this scene, and then his face was ecstatic, but then his face was cold, and two wind wolves behind him had already rushed behind him.

"Turn around and slash!"

With a cold look in his eyes, he let out a cold drink, and unexpectedly rushed forward during the crisis, and forcibly twisted and cut back during the forward rush.


His knife was extremely fast, slashing on top of the claws of a wind wolf, cutting off the claws of the wind wolf, but he was too late to be pleased, another wind wolf had already lunged on his chest, and the sharp claws had already pierced him. On his chest and clothes, such sharp wolf claws can directly break his stomach with a single grasp, and he does not have a virtuous golden body.

He knew that he couldn't escape, there was no fear or panic on his face, there was a trace of relief, and a trace of nostalgia.

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