Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1644: Duel

Di Ping saw this and knew that he couldn't wait any longer, but his mental strength was not moving.

With a thought in his mind, two flying swords shot out from him, as fast as lightning and as fast as a rainbow. Two cold lights flashed, and two wind wolves were hit by Di Ping's flying swords. The powerful force gave birth to the wind. The wolf belt hit sideways.


Fenglang's sharp claws still slashed Xingdian's right arm, and immediately his clothes were torn, and two deep blood marks appeared on his arms.

But at this time Xingdian seemed to have forgotten the pain at all, and looked at the two wind wolves lying on the ground in a daze.

Many people have seen this sudden scene. Although Flying Sword is fast, there are still traces to be found. The cold light in the air is too bright.

Di Ping considered everything, but forgot about it. He bought a silver flying knife, which was too obvious in the sun!

"Flying knife!"

Someone exclaimed!

Many people looked in the direction where the flying knives flew, and at this moment, they showed Di Ping out, Xingzhi saw a trace of doubt flashing in Di Ping's eyes, and always felt that he knew this person.

Mainly Di Ping's head has changed. After being burnt last time, only a little is left. After the repair, he turned into short hair that is close to the scalp. His skin has become fairer, his face has become fuller, and his body has become a little taller. Much more handsome than before, I didn't recognize it for a moment.

He didn't have time to take a closer look, Wind Wolf was attacking frantically, he just glanced at it and then went on to fight.

The battle on the battlefield was fierce, and everyone glanced in surprise, secretly surprised that this person had a hidden weapon, and then they all paid attention to the battle.

Di Ping also secretly let out a sigh of relief, and then went on to fight. Just now, he used his mental power to issue a flying sword attack. This method saves much effort than directly destroying Fenglang's spiritual consciousness with mental power.

It's just that he didn't see that when he turned to fight, a fierce light flashed in Hua Qingyang's slender eyes, with a strong killing intent and a trace of fear.


Maybe it was because the wind wolf king was angry after seeing it for a long time, it suddenly roared again!

As he roared wildly, the wind wolves suddenly roared together, and then their eyes turned red, and they became even more frantically rushing towards the crowd.

Bang bang bang!

The barrel of the gun has become red from continuous shooting, and the bullets in the hands of this time are not endless. Many guns have begun to misfire. This time the battle has become more difficult. The wind wolf has lost its suppression, and a larger number of wind wolves have been suppressed. Come up.

Although the awakened are powerful, they are not perpetual motion machines. They are also tired. Many people have been slow to wield their weapons. Casualties have reappeared. Many awakened bodies have been wounded by wind wolf claws or sharp teeth. .

Even if Di Ping used the flying sword to support, two people were dragged into the wolf pack by the wind wolf again, and they were instantly torn to pieces.

The wind wolves have been killed a lot by everyone, only nearly a hundred were killed, but there are still a large number of wind wolves in the periphery, and there are more than one hundred without counting. Everyone feels tired, and a little bit of heart rises. Silk fear.

"Find a way! I don't want to die here?"

A young man with a short stature cut down a wind wolf with a knife, and then shouted in horror.

Dezheng was covered in blood at this time, as if he had been fished out of blood. The yellow monk's robe had turned black and red. He looked at the battlefield and his face also showed anxiety. He knew that if this continues, all of them will Be left here.


At this moment, the Wind Wolf King roared again.

He suddenly turned his head to look at the location of the Wind Wolf King, a burst of flames in his eyes!

"Hold, I'll kill the wolf king!"

Dezheng roared, and in the eyes of everyone's surprise, his body turned golden all at once, as if he had transformed into a golden arhat, and then rushed into the wind wolf pack and rushed towards the wolf king.

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