Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1643: Serial kills

The crisis appeared, and the two wind wolves took advantage of this opportunity to burst in from the gap and rush towards the back position.

"Block it!"

Xing Chi suddenly yelled, and two monks jumped out from the crowd, and their steel rods fell from the sky and hit the two wind wolves.

boom! The wind wolf was knocked to the ground, blood came out of his ears and crawled on the ground. The two monks were a little startled. They were not awakened, but they were stronger than ordinary people. The wolf killed it.

It's just that the people behind didn't know what was going on, and there was a scream of applause immediately, and the awakened people in front also breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this situation, and they were shocked for a while.

At this time, the awakened man who was pulled down also got up again with a look of lingering fear, and the wind wolf who bit him just now has fallen to the ground with several gun holes on his body. Many people thought that he was shot to death.

When Di Ping saw this, he sighed inwardly, his own negligence almost caused the line to collapse.

It's just that he uses all his mental power. The mental power is consumed too quickly. Without spiritual skills, he can only use brute force to forcefully impact Fenglang's spiritual consciousness. This is too laborious, and he will not be able to save too many people.


Sure enough, another scream sounded. An awakened person slashed into the air. Two wind wolves took advantage of the vacancy and threw this person to the ground. They bit him in the throat. Even Di Ping couldn’t save him. Tragic death.

His gap was broken, and a wind wolf immediately jumped in from the gap!

Bang bang bang!

Several guns were pointed at Wind Wolf and the bullet's penetration was still a threat to Wind Wolf. The bullets fired like raindrops, Wind Wolf took two steps and finally fell.

But at this time, the other two giant wolves bit down the Awakened and rushed in with a low growl!

Di Ping was about to start his hand. At this moment, he felt that there was a flower in front of him, and the three wind wolves actually pounced on him. He had to put down his energy to deal with the three wind wolves that pounced. With three consecutive sounds, three wind wolves flew out.

Zhou Jianming, who was not far away in this scene, happened to see that joy flashed in his eyes. He didn't guess wrong. This Di brother is really terrifying. With such a fast sword technique, killing a wind wolf is like killing a chicken!

But then he was a little puzzled, why hasn't he been reluctant to shoot with his strength?

It's just that he is not easy to ask, everyone has their own secrets, he is not easy to explore, or friends can't do it!

Di Ping solved the three wind wolves, and turned his mind to deal with the two wind wolves that pounced on the ground, but he was taken aback when he turned his eyes, and the two wind wolves were actually solved.

The two wind wolves were entangled by two thorns full of sharp thorns, and they wailed, but the next moment the screams stopped, they were pierced by crazy bullets.

Di Ping looked at the other end of the thorns, but it was a monk, one of the brothers who were together with Xingzhi. He suddenly moved his hand and the thick thorns of the child's arm pulled two wind wolves over the heads of the crowd. In the wind wolves, then the thorns disappeared.

"Be careful!"

At this moment, Xingzhi suddenly changed his face and exclaimed in surprise.

This monk was called Xing Dian. When dealing with the two wind wolves, three wind wolves had already rushed towards him, biting at him with huge mouths full of sharp teeth.

Panic flashed on Xing Dian's resolute face. At this time, it was too late to use a stick to get too close. He hurriedly kicked the first wind wolf away, but the other two wind wolves had already jumped in front of him.

At this moment, everyone's faces were full of fear. If Xingdian was on the gap, the gap would be big, and Xingdian's strength was not weak.

Xing Chi's eyes were even more red, but he couldn't pull himself away at this time, he was also entangled by a few wind wolves, and he could only roar in anger with his red eyes.

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