Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1642: Save people

I saw a wind wolf standing on a boulder more than two hundred meters away from the position. This red wolf was taller than the wind wolf below. It was two meters high, and his body was shining with a little bit of cold light. From the back of the head to the back, the cyan mane is as long as it can reach, and Yang Xian is extremely sable when the wind blows.

Di Ping glanced at it, and found that this was a Tier 1 and Tier 5 Wind Wolf King. It would be tricky to have it in this battle.

The Wind Wolf King was raising his head and roaring wildly. As it roared, the wolves that had been frightened suddenly turned red, and they roared low, becoming crazy again, rushing towards the position desperately.

Kill kill kill...

Dezheng was like a killer at this time, roaring and swinging a golden sword, forming a sword curtain in front of him, and every time he swung his sword, a wind wolf was cut off by him.

Brother Xingzhi, shouting likewise, waved the steel rod in his hand, forming a stick net, and all the wind wolves that entered it were knocked off.

Under the influence of Dezheng and the monks, the Awakened also suppressed their fears and raised their spirits to fight.

Shi Yanwu's body was covered with a layer of rock armor, and he rushed into the wind wolves with a steel rod like a monster. Every stick swept out two or three wind wolves were knocked into flight by it, and the battlefield rang out from time to time. The sound is also accompanied by the sound of cracking bones.


The handsome young man's pretty face was cold, and he shouted coldly, the long knife in his hand was like the wind, and the blade flashed, bringing up a stream of blood, and a head of wind wolf fell.

And the petite girl next to him, holding a pair of short knives in her hands, is also extremely fast. She is struggling with a wind wolf. She moves lightly. Di Ping's calm spirit strikes and the wind wolf who is fighting against her immediately has a look in her eyes. Stiff, was stabbed in the neck by the girl and fell down.

This sudden change made her eyes flash of doubts, but immediately disappeared, because other wind wolves had already rushed up, and she hurriedly faced the battle without thinking about what was going on.

At this time, no one paid attention to Di Ping. He swung a heavy knife in his hand. Almost no wind wolf could pounce in front of him. He was stunned with a heavy knife, and he fell into the pack of wolves and stopped moving. They were all shattered by him.

Zhou Jianming was not weak in strength, swiping a big knife like a wheel, and killed two or three wind wolves, but at this time, he was surrounded by three wind wolves, and he was in a hurry.

When Di Ping saw this, he rushed over and slashed a wind wolf with one knife. Zhou Jianming had a chance to breathe, and the sword swept a wind wolf.

Then the handle of the knife suddenly picked, and the other wind wolf was picked out!

"Huh! Thanks brother Di!"

Zhou Jianming took a long breath and looked at Di Ping with gratitude.

"Be careful!"

Di Ping nodded and reminded him, and then turned back to his position. Once there was a gap, the wind wolf rushed into the back position. It was a disaster for these ordinary people. Moreover, because of their presence, the gunfire kept firing. Prevent the wind wolf from being effectively siege.

If there is no firepower behind to break up the wind wolves, this group of wind wolves will immediately be able to drown these awakened ones.

Therefore, even if it is injured, the awakened ones are not running away. Once someone falls down and someone makes up for it, everyone knows that if there is a mess in the back, these people will die.

These awakened people have experienced a hundred battles and have fought for almost two months in the last days. None of them have fought for the first time. They have all experienced the test of blood and fire, and each one has an extremely firm will to fight.


With another scream, a young awakened man was bitten by the wind wolf and torn to the ground. Everyone around was fighting, and no one had time to take care of him. The people behind him panicked and hurriedly fired. The wolf still bites him hard and pushes him out.

The young man let out a horrified roar of horror and pain, and frantically waved his hand at Fenglang's head.

It's just that the more he panicked, and the weaker his strength, the knife slammed on the top of Fenglang's head with a loud noise, but it could not cause fatal injuries.

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