Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1636: Siege

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was right in the sky, and the entire mountain beam was under the sun's rays. There was no tree to stop it, but no one called the heat, all of them cast their eyes to the vortex that slowly turned in the void ahead.

Di Ping looked at this vortex, and he found that this vortex was different from the one he had gone to. The vortex was obviously turning more slowly and peacefully, and no vortex would give him a sense of crisis.

"Different space channels, the energy of the void corridor tends to be stable, and the energy level is judged to be three stars dangerous. The host enters with caution!"

The exploration skills were swept away, and the information of this space was displayed in his mind. This space was as dangerous as the space in the Sanctuary City, but he had to go in even if it was dangerous.

It’s just that this spatial channel tends to stabilize, which makes him feel a little uncomfortable. Could it be that these small world channels have begun to stabilize, and once stable mutant beasts will come out of it, the mutant beasts in the small world are not outsiders, they are above Tier 3 Mutant beasts are everywhere, and once they come out, it will be a real disaster for mankind.

Master Dezheng stood at the forefront, holding a peculiar big sword in his hand, with a long handle and a wide blade, a bit like a broad sword made by the system, but it is a lot longer. All four of Xingzhi Carrying the steel bars, more than a dozen monks behind them are all the same steel bars, standing all behind them, silent and silent.

Xingzhi hasn't noticed Di Ping until now, and Di Ping tried his best to avoid his eyes.

"You guys, go in in batches later. After you go in, you must follow the arrangements. Don't walk around or leave the team casually to avoid danger. Did everyone hear it clearly?!"

Yang Yantai stood in front of the crowd with a silver steel gun in his hand and said loudly.

"I heard it!"

Everyone responded in unison.

"Okay then go in!"

Yang Yantai waved his hand.

Then I saw Master Dezheng and Xingzhi's group moving, and they were going to go first. At this time, everyone was staring at the movements of Dezheng and his party nervously and curiously, wanting to see how to get into this whirlpool.

Before seeing the whirlpool, Master Dezheng stepped forward and jumped into the huge whirlpool. His body seemed to enter the water at once. The whirlpool fluctuated, and then Master Dezheng was swallowed in and disappeared.

Everyone watched this scene in amazement, and then the four Xingzhi jumped into the whirlpool without any hesitation, and then more than a dozen monks also jumped in.

"You come in!"

Yang Yantai pointed to the front line and shouted.

This team was taken aback for a moment, but then the leader waved his hand, and a group of dozens of people jumped into the whirlpool and were swallowed by the whirlpool.

Afterwards, a team jumped in towards the whirlpool under Yang Yantai's greeting. At this time, there were also people who were afraid, but they couldn't withdraw now, so they had to bite the bullet and went in.

While Di Ping was in the back position, he quietly held the void talisman Xiaobi gave him in his hand. He knew the danger in the void passage, and if the passage was unsafe, he had to deal with it in time.

Faster and faster behind, almost all running towards the whirlpool, Di Ping and Zhou Jianming's team, followed by the people in front also plunged into the void passage.

Just like last time, the Void Passage is like a colorful pipe, the radiance around it is extremely gorgeous, it is slowly rotating, giving people a feeling of dizziness.

Di Ping also found that this passage was significantly more solid than the passage he had used last time. The wall of the pipe was extremely complete, and there was no constant fluctuation like the passage in the last time.

The time was very short, almost just a moment. Di Ping felt that the light in front of him changed, and his body suddenly fell, and immediately after his feet fell, he felt on the ground, and there was a smell of sulfur in his breath.

Di Ping hurriedly opened his eyes to look. He also saw where he was. It was a low valley area. The valley was scorched and black. Even the surrounding low mountains seemed to have been burned by fire. There were a few roads not far away. Fiery red lava was flowing in the ditch with flames, and there was a burst of heat in the air. Looking at the environment, Di Ping really suspected that he had reached the Hell of Fire Rock.

This is an active volcanic area, and the red rock beast should have lived here. It seems that this red rock beast was led out by Dezheng and the others!

"Go forward, don't block anyone behind!"

When Di Ping was surprised, the low roar of people around him awakened him, and he hurried forward with the flow of people.

More than two hundred people have all arrived in this valley. Dezheng is standing in the forefront, looking ahead, while the Xingzhi four are running and standing in line.

These people were all shocked when they saw this kind of scene for the first time, and it took a lot of effort to regroup one by one, but their eyes looked like a curious baby.

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