Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1637: Fierce battle

Only then did Di Ping have time to look carefully at this valley!

It is said that the mountain desire is actually halfway up the mountain, and a few kilometers behind is a volcanic crater that spews out one or two fiery red lava from time to time like a fountain, and the spurted magma flows down the mountain along with hidden ditches and canals.

The exit of the valley is below. Standing at this position and looking forward, you can see layers of mountains in the distance, and the endless forests can't be seen at a glance.

"Di·Discover resource locations, you can build resource stations!"

At this moment, the voice of the system in Di Ping's mind sounded.

He was taken aback when he heard the content. Just like the last time in the small world, the system determined that it could become a resource land. It seems that there are some resources in this small world.

It's just that now is not the time to build this resource land, he first needs to see what this small world is like!

The eyes of everyone who saw this scene in the new space were shocked, and many people showed fear on their faces. After all, this environment is very uncomfortable. Many people worry about whether the volcano will erupt. After all, everyone knows. The volcano erupts that is terrible.

Master Dezheng turned around to look at the crowd and said solemnly, "Don't panic, everyone here is safe, the volcano will not erupt, and there are no mutant beasts here!"

After hearing this, everyone was a little relieved, and they all stopped talking and listened to Dezheng.

Just listen to Master Dezheng and then pointed at the foot of the mountain: "Two kilometers away is a long and narrow grassland, and there is what we call the spirit grass!"

After hearing this, everyone followed Dezheng's fingers and looked at it. The valley exit was only one or two kilometers away. Looking at it, they could only see the tall and dense mountains but not the grass.

Master Dezheng continued: "The spirit grass grows in the center of the grass, and this spirit grass is guarded by a group of mutant beasts. There are nearly a hundred of them. They have stayed in the spirit grass position. If you want to pick the spirit grass, you must Destroy these mutant beasts!"

Seeing the uneasy expressions in everyone’s eyes, Master Dezheng hurriedly continued: “Don’t worry, don’t worry, these mutant beasts are only a little more powerful, but they are not strong, at most they are equivalent to some mutant dogs, just skin and flesh. It's thicker and more resistant to hitting, so many of us believe it can be solved!"

"Uncle Shi, give your order! There are only more than a hundred mutant beasts, so many of us can't solve it?"

Shi Yanwu was already eager to try, and his gang, like him, were gearing up one by one, extremely excited, without any fear.

"Yes, Uncle Shi's order! We can't wait!"

Someone in the crowd continued shouting.

Upon hearing this, I knew that this person, like Shi Yanwu, should also be a Shaolin lay disciple.

"Since it's here, there are no spoils, Master, please order it! We happen to see what mutant beasts here look like!"

Dezheng looked at Shi Yanwu with a hint of admiration in his eyes, and then chanted the Buddha's name: "Amitabha! In this case, the donors will line up according to our previous arrangements. Don't be chaotic. Don't let the mutant beasts enter the defense line. !"

"it is good!"

The crowd agreed.

At this time, all the awakened have walked out of the crowd and stood at the front and back, and their respective teams took out their weapons, their guns went to the hall, and their knives out of their sheaths.

Di Ping swept roughly. The number of awakened people was almost fifty, but the number was quite large. He also stood beside Zhou Jianming, tilting his body a little bit as far as possible to prevent Xingzhi from seeing himself.

Master Dezheng took the lead, and a group of people lined up in a row. The guards were around him, and the flanks were the forces of the teams, all walking out of the valley.

It was not far away from two kilometers, and everyone was fast. In less than ten minutes, they reached the mouth of the valley. Sure enough, there was a green grassland at the mouth of the valley.

The grassland is only one or two kilometers wide. At the end of the grassland is dense woods, full of thick trees, any one must be more than a thousand years old. The dense branches and leaves cover the entire forest impermeable to the wind, like a dead zone, dark and dark Dark and dead.

As soon as they left Taniguchi, everyone looked towards the middle of the grass, where there was a group of mutant beasts standing or lying lazily basking in the sun.

Seeing these mutant beasts, Di Ping's eyes shrank, and he was a little worried for these people!

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