Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1635: Wind Slayer Wolf

After another ten minutes, no one got up and left. There were a lot of tables in the bustling hall, which was full of seats. There were about three hundred people, but only fifty or sixty people left, and there were two hundred others. There are still many people who are not afraid of death.

Yang Yantai stood on the stage and watched for a while, then said loudly again: "Is there any friend who wants to leave now. If it's too late to leave now if you are afraid of danger, we will count the number of people later and decide on the division of tasks!"

It was quiet below, no one was talking!

At this time, Shi Yanwu suddenly said in a loud voice, "Junior Brother Yang, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and eat and drink and work well. We are here for the precious land. How can we withdraw from the treasure!"

"Yes, the Yanwu boss is right. We are here for the treasure land. There is a reason to leave empty-handed!"

"I said Boss Yang is reluctant to drink and meat, so what nonsense is there? Hurry up to drink and eat, and growl hungry!"

Yang Yantai was not angry when he heard the words, but laughed: "Okay! Now that no one leaves, let's drink and eat, eat and work!"

"Okay! Boss Yang is open, let's beat Boss Yang Qiufeng today!"

"Yes, let's take the treasure and grab the treasure!"

The audience responded in unison, and the sentiments were raging one by one, as if the treasure was within reach.

"Serve wine and food!"

Yang Yantai waved his hand and shouted without talking nonsense.


There was a shout from a city soldier at the door.

Within ten seconds, a group of dozens of people came in in line with a big pot, and then gave each table food!

Di Ping saw that the pot was full of dangdang food. As soon as he entered the city, the meat was fragrant. When he was on the table, Di Ping saw what it was. It turned out to be a mess, with meat, fans, potatoes, and There are vegetables.

In the last days, no one cares about the dishes and is not particular about the dishes. If there is meat, it will be the New Year!

Smelling the smell of meat, many people have been starved for a long time, and many people are short of oil and water. As soon as the dishes are on the table, someone preempts them to serve a bowl, and then eats it sloppily, without telling the taste.

At Di Ping’s table, Dao didn’t move much, it was obviously more gentle. Zhou Jianming glanced at the pot of Chinese dishes, but his Adam’s apple moved but he touched his stomach and didn’t move. His stomach is still full. The belly is full of mutated pork.

Looking at this delicious dish, there is not much desire to eat it!

The same is true for several of his men, but everyone knows that they can’t be too alien. If they don’t eat the Zhengxiang crowd in this room full of Huhulala, it’s too conspicuous, so they all have a bowl. Eating them together, they looked like eating pig food and it was hard to swallow.

Di Ping also served a bowl and tasted a piece. This is not mutant beast meat, it is very ordinary pork. He smiled slightly. It seems that not all forces are as rich and powerful as the Sanctuary City. The meat is almost exclusively mutant beast meat. Meat is generally only sold in the market and purchased by ordinary people. The base high-level and city guards basically eat mutant beast meat!

Master Dezheng and Xingzhi and his party were also invited to the table by Yang Yantai. To Di Ping’s surprise, they actually ate the same dishes, and they also ate meat. Seeing that their expressions were indifferent and casual, it seemed that it was not the first time they ate. , And there is nothing wrong with it.

Can the monk eat meat?

Di Ping wondered in his mind, but then he was relieved. The awakened person's body is abnormal and requires a lot of energy. If you don't eat meat, it's hard to eat. If you want to come to Shaolin Temple, there is definitely no Linggu. Simply eating ordinary food can't meet your physical needs.

Half an hour later, everyone was full of food and drink. Many of them had already leaned on their chairs and had a rest. They seemed to be struggling to eat. Di Ping looked at his watch and it was twelve o'clock!

Seeing everyone finished eating, the service staff came up to clean up the leftovers, but when they arrived at Di Ping's table, seeing that there was more than half of the pot left, the service staff gave Di Ping a weird look, but he didn't say anything, his face was happy. , Picked it up and hurried away.

If I want to come to other tables, I can eat it all, Di Ping and the others still have so much left, they can make a sacrifice!

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