Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1634: Each show strength

Zhengde stood on the stage and watched as everyone was immersed in the technique, with a calm smile on his face. It took ten minutes before he gestured to Yang Yantai beside him, and then slowly retreated to the side.

"Everyone... everybody!"

Yang Yantai immediately clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, and then said loudly, "Everyone, you have obtained the exercises. You can watch them any time. Time waits for no one. We will explore the treasure in the afternoon and we are willing to join us. If you don’t want to, please stay. If you don’t want to, you can leave the hall now. We have also set up a banquet in the neighboring village. You can eat and drink before leaving. Please forgive me for the poor reception!"

There was a moment of silence in the hall. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. For a moment, they hesitated. Many people were afraid of danger and wanted spiritual grass to increase their strength. Most of them were watching. They just stood up and walked away. It can't be said, after all, most power leaders still want to show their face.

Damn it!

At this moment, the chair moved and a fat man stood up. Because he was too fat, he brought the chairs up when he stood up, and he squeezed out of the chair to make a loud noise.

The sound attracted everyone's eyes, and sweat suddenly appeared on the fat and greasy forehead. He nodded to everyone with a nervous and awkward smile, and then stood up straight to Yang Yantai and Master Zhengde. An apologetic fist clasped his hands and said: "Master Zhengde, Chief Yang, in Xiafu'an Town, You Hongda, I am very grateful to Master Zhengde for his gift of practice exercises, and thank you for your willingness to share the treasure!"

Speaking of this, his face was even more ashamed, his fat face was a little red, and he was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth and said: "We are alone in the gathering place, and I am an awakened person in the whole gathering place. I really don't dare to have an accident. Once an accident occurs, there are hundreds of people in the gathering place immediately without support. I am afraid that it will be difficult to eat, so...So, please understand Master Zhengde!"

"Amitabha Buddha! Donors go without defense, go and stay at will, don't have to worry about it!"

Master Zhengde's face remained unchanged, still chanting the Buddha's name with one hand in peace.

Fatty, once again made a deep compilation to Master Zhengde, then waved his hand, and then the three Zhou Zhuren stood up and walked out.

This had a beginning, many people had their backs, and their faces were a little better. Immediately, several other forces stood up and left Master Zhengde.

These people were led out of the hall by the service staff waiting on the side!

After a while, there were seven or eight forces who left. The few were three or four, and the more were seven or eight. However, Di Ping found that most of the forces had not moved. Many people were talking and discussing. The content is nothing more than leaving or staying.

"Brother! Should we leave?"

The girl named Yunmei asked in a low voice near the handsome young man.

The handsome young man shook his head calmly, but his eyes shot with determination, and the girl stopped talking when he saw the young man's determined eyes.

"Don't be afraid, Sister Yun, Brother Hei will protect you then!"

The brawny man thought the girl was scared, and whispered as he approached the girl.

"Go aside! I still use you to protect?"

The girl turned white and gave Brother Hei a glance, and Brother Hei awkwardly sat back down.

Di Ping looked at Hua Qingyang, he found that Hua Qingyang did not move, and looked at the secrets of the exercises quietly, as if he didn't care about leaving.

That Shi Yanwu didn’t move either. He was drinking tea quietly. The young people under his hand seemed not to be afraid. Instead, they looked eagerly, like a bunch of fart kids about to enter the city, full of longing and excitement. There must be a lot of fun in the city?

"Brother Zhou won't leave?"

Di Ping watched Zhou Jianming sitting still, so he moved closer and asked in a low voice.

"Brother Di didn't leave either!"

Zhou Jianming looked at Di Ping with a look of inquiry and smiled.

"I'm a lone ranger, I just go in when I'm idle to see what good things there is in this treasure land!"

Di Ping shrugged and smiled.

"Hey! Brother Di, I think the same as you, but it's a shame to go back now, so many people go in, maybe I can get something good!"

Zhou Jianming quietly swept his eyes around, then laughed in a low voice.

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