Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1633: Out of the valley

At this moment, a monk came onto the stage carrying a box, and suddenly everyone looked at the box with enthusiasm, and some desperately wanted to rush up.

Di Ping watched the slight movement in his heart. The reason why he stayed here actually wanted to see what kind of exercise this exercise was and to what extent, so that he had a good idea.

Master Dezheng smiled and said: "This box contains the exercises. I will post them now. According to the registered forces, one copy of each family. Please rest assured, we have prepared enough, and every family has it!"

"Okay! I'll wait for Master Dezheng to arrange!"

Some people in the audience responded immediately.

At this time, Wu Jiang came over with a roster, and two monks followed him and began to distribute exercises to each force.

The people who got it immediately opened and opened it urgently. Those who didn't get it craned their necks to visit, their eyes looked anxious, as if they were afraid that it was their turn to be gone. They were more eager than paying wages at the end of each month, and more like they were kicking Tickets to board Noah's Ark.

Ten minutes later, a box of books was distributed, and every force got it, even Di Ping got a copy.

Di Ping looked at the book in his hand. It was very thin, at most twenty pages, with a yellow paper cover, nailed with white thread, and written in large block letters "Fuhu Luohan Gong" with a brush. Turning over the pages of the book, the content was a pen hand. Copy, the font is very beautiful.

There are not many words in the book, at most more than 3,000 words. Di Ping will read and play it in a while. It is indeed the exercise method for the content. Some movements in it are similar to those of Tiger Lingjue. The most important thing is that Di Ping saw the most The key method for the movement of Qi and blood, not the movement of internal Qi like some books on the market.

"Di·Retrieve the exercise method, start analyzing!"

"The analysis is over. This is a basic forging decision. If you don't enter the grade, the system will not include it!"

Di Ping listened to the sound of the system in his mind. It turned out to be just a base exercise exercise. He hadn't even entered the rank. He had lost interest. It seemed that Shaolin did not use very good techniques.

But based on his sentence, like the awakened ones with Xingzhi and Master Dezheng, judging from the fluctuation of qi and blood and the physical strength of these five people, they must have a higher level of exercises that they haven't come up with.

However, this can also be understood. It is not the same for myself. Up to now, the soldiers of the City Guard and the Awakened have practiced the D-class strong body forging exercises.

This time when he went back, he decided to take out one or two exercises and publish it in the base, so that all the city residents have the opportunity to practice. This can enhance the strength of the base people and improve their combat effectiveness. And there may be surprises. Someone awakens, that is also a good thing for Sanctuary City, and his tiger spirit is definitely ready to take it out for the awakened ones to start practicing.

"Brother Di, do you think this technique is true? How do I think you are not very satisfied?"

While Di Ping was thinking about the problem, Zhou Jianming, who had been in a state of excitement after receiving the exercises, suddenly leaned in and asked in a low voice.

"Oh! The exercises are real, but..."

Di Ping retracted his eyes, rubbed the thin book with his hand, looked up and swept around, and saw that everyone was quietly flipping through the books, as if they had become the most attentive heaviness. He saw no one noticed here. , He lowered his voice and said, "This exercise is only the most basic exercise. I had one before, but it's not very useful to me now!"

"Oh, I see!"

Zhou Jianming nodded suddenly, then patted the book in his hand and said excitedly: "It's just to be true. It's useless for Brother Di, but it's great for me!"

Then the two fell silent. Zhou Jianming continued to read the book in his hand, and from time to time he would ask Di Ping about the content of the not everyone can learn martial arts, many people who are not talented in professional terms I can't understand it.

I believe that many people are confused at this time, and they can know that many people do not understand and are already in the focus of anxiety by the sound of anxious flips.

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