Give this man to me."

Jessica snapped her fingers and dozens of fireballs were thrown out.

Wang Yong did not expect such a turbulent attack when he came up, and hurriedly dodged, while slashing the fireball with the Tang Dao.

"Serial burst of fireballs!"

Jessica showed a cat-and-mouse expression, and dozens of fireballs smashed out one after another.

But after these fireballs hit Wang Yong, they burst open one after another, sparks flying everywhere.

Wang Yong didn't have time to dodge, many 15 places on his body were burned, and he looked ashamed.

"Stinky bitch, I'll kill you!"

Wang Yong was very aggrieved, the opponent was a fire-type awakener who was good at long-range tricks, and he was swordsmanship.

The Awakened must fight in melee.


Jessica gave a contemptuous smile, and she stopped the fireball.

Wang Yong seized this opportunity and came straight at Jessica.

Jessica waved her hands.

"Flame gun!"

Five flaming flame guns converged in front of Jessica and flew towards Wang Yong.

Wang Yong didn't have time to dodge, so he could only defend with the Tang knife in his hand, and the Tang knife slashed on a flame gun.

The flame gun exploded, and the heat wave hit the face.

"Ahhh my eyes my eyes."

Wang Yong's eyes were burned by the flames.

Then the four flame guns pierced directly through Wang Yong's body, and the whole body started to burn.


Wang Zhi, who was organizing an offensive under the city wall, suddenly saw a burning man descend from the sky and landed in front of him.

"Father Save Me"

Wang Zhi listened to the vague words and looked at the burning man in front of him, he was dumbfounded.


Wang Zhi shouted, but it was too late, Wang Yong had already been burned alive.

"Bastard! I'm going to massacre the city! I'm going to kill you all!"

Now Wang Zhi's two sons are dead, and his mind is swept away by anger.

"Send me up!"

Wang Zhi shouted to several of his power awakeners.

Several Power Awakeners crossed their hands and made a human "spring cushion"

Wang Zhi held the Tang saber in his hand and stepped on it with one foot. A few power awakeners pushed Wang Zhi directly up! "And me!"

Xu Dazhuang shouted loudly.

He opened the bow and did not turn back the arrow, so Xu Dazhuang could only fight to the death.

Two fourth-level awakeners landed on the city wall at the same time.

"Two more."

The two Jessica played with the flames in their hands.

"You killed my son!"

Wang Zhi stared angrily.

"You're right about the fourth-level idiot just now.

I did it."

Jessica seemed to be saying something trivial.

"Kill you! I want you to die!"

Wang Zhi raised the Tang knife and rushed towards Jessica.

"There is only one man in this world who can make my life worse than death.

But unfortunately it's not you."

Jessica smiled contemptuously, and the raging flames gathered in front of her, forming a wall of fire.

"No, this woman is a fifth-level awakener!"

Xu Da Zhuang was shocked

Shout out.

"It's not just that she's level five.

I'm also level five."

Zhu Tongtong, the girl with dreadlocks, came out, she gestured with her two fists, and she also had a stab on her fist, which was stained with a lot of blood.

All the people who just climbed the city wall were knocked down by Zhu Tongtong with one punch.

At this moment, Xu Dazhuang felt that his whole body was cold, two fifth-levels! When did Tianhai City have two more fifth-level awakeners! "I heard that you used to exercise, and now you are a maddening awakener.

I just need a sandbag."

Zhu Tongtong looked like a female man, and rushed towards Xu Dazhuang directly.

At this time, there is no way to escape. Xu Dazhuang can only use his own madness. Expanded blood vessels appear on the skin, and the body seems to be inflated. It is a quarter bigger than before! Zhu Tongtong is approaching with a punch. , Xu Dazhuang counterattacked with a punch.

When he touched Xu Dazhuang, the blood vessels on his right arm burst, and the blood was overflowing like a water gun.


Xu Dazhuang clutched his right arm, the pain was unbearable, he looked at the woman in front of him in horror.

It's too strong, the punch just now seemed to hit an iron plate.

"Sure enough, the fourth level is still boring."

Zhu Tongtong shook his head boringly, the gap between the fifth and fourth levels was still there.

On the other side, Wang Zhi has been tossed into a coke by Jessica, his clothes are in tatters, and his skin is severely burned in many places.

In front of the fifth-level awakened Jessica, Wang Zhi had no ability to resist at all.

And the Awakeners of the Axe Gang and brothers below were simply unable to rush to the city wall under such an offensive.

Just then, smoke appeared in the distance.

"Look, something is coming over there!"

Someone pointed to a place where dust was rising in the distance.

At this time, everyone's attention began to shift from the battle in front of them to the movement in the distance.

"It's a zombie! It's a zombie! The zombie group is here!"

"It's over, it's over.

Run, the zombies are going to destroy the city!"

"Run, run.

Zombies are here."

Under the city wall, the people of the Axe Gang and the Brotherhood began to lose their positions, and some people began to throw away their armor and flee.

The people on the city wall were also panicking at the moment.

Jiang Zhiwei's palms were full of sweat.

Shen Qi had already clenched the sword in his hand, Officer Qiu filled his sniper rifle with bullets, and looked at the smoke and dust in the distance through the magnifying mirror of the sniper rifle.

Suddenly she found that the smoke didn't seem to be a zombie, but several cars galloping.

And in the sky, a yellow dragon, flapping its wings, galloped, next to it was a fire dragon, and two flying creatures, one red and one blue.

"It's not a zombie, it's Mr. Lin and City Lord Guo!"

Officer Qiu shouted excitedly.


It was Mr. Lin and the others who came back!"

Shen Qi fell to the ground, panting.

"Impossible, impossible.

How could Guo Haibing and the others resist fifty or sixty thousand zombies!"

The seriously injured Wang Zhi shouted frantically, not wanting to believe this fact.

"There is nothing that Young Master Lin cannot do.

If you want to blame, blame you for standing on the opposite side of Young Master Lin.

You chose the wrong opponent."

Jessica raised her hand, a flame gun: condensed.

"Jessica, don't kill them yet.

Leave them to Young Master Lin and City Lord Guo at their disposal!"

Zhou Yanting shouted from the side.

Jessica put down her hand and looked at the returning hero in the distance.

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