Chapter 125 Settlement After Autumn 【Customize】

Lin Hao led his team back, and those Axe Gang and Brotherhood who thought they were attacked by zombies fled, under the control of Lin Hao and Guo Haibing, they were quickly captured.

And the news that the zombie group was wiped out quickly swept through the entire Tianhai City, and the people of the entire Tianhai City were cheering and immersed in the joy of not dying.

The gate of Tianhai City.

There were four or five hundred people kneeling in a row, all of them from the Axe Gang and the Brotherhood.


These are the people inside and outside the city who attempted to rebel, except for those who were killed on the spot, everyone else is here."

Chen Ke walked to Lin Hao's side.

Mrs. Guo and Guo Shuang also came out.

"Sea Soldier."

Mrs. Guo walked up to her husband and looked up and down... Her husband was relieved to see that Guo Haibing was safe and sound.

Guo Shuang looked at Lin Hao admiringly: "You have defeated more than [-] zombies, all of them have been wiped out by you."

"If we don't destroy the zombies, can we come back?"

Lin Hao laughed.

Then looking at the traitors of that faction, he looked at Guo Haibing: "Guo Chengzhu, these are your people from Tianhai City.

Now that the matter is over, these people are at your disposal."

Guo Haibing looked at the four or five hundred people, and he saw Xu Dazhuang kneeling on the ground with a broken arm and a bruised face.

He saw Wang Zhi lying on the ground, like a charred corpse, but still breathing.

and his former adopted son, Gao Xiang.

"Gao Xiang him"

Guo Haibing is not a fool, seeing Gao Xiang being arrested, he immediately recalled what Lin Hao said before, Wang Zhi and Xu Dazhuang dared to return to Tianhai City.

It must be because there are chess pieces arranged in the defenders of Tianhai City.

"Could it be that Gao Xiang is the one who conspired with Wang Zhi and Xu Dazhuang!"

Guo Haibing was still a little reluctant to believe, after all, this was his adopted son whom he valued.

"Father, I know I'm wrong.

It's all my fascination, I was bewitched by that old man Wang Zhi, and I hope that for the sake of my filial piety to you and my aunt for many years, please spare me a life."

Gao Xiang twisted his body, knelt in front of Guo Haibing and prayed.

Guo Haibing looked at his adopted son and showed an expression of indifference.

'Gao Xiang, why are you back? Didn't the sea soldiers arrange for you to be stationed at the city wall?

Lin Hao led his team back, and those Axe Gang and Brotherhood who thought they were attacked by zombies fled, under the control of Lin Hao and Guo Haibing, they were quickly captured.

And the news that the zombie group was wiped out quickly swept through the entire Tianhai City, and the people of the entire Tianhai City were cheering and immersed in the joy of not dying.

The gate of Tianhai City.

There were four or five hundred people kneeling in a row, all of them from the Axe Gang and the Brotherhood.


These are the people inside and outside the city who attempted to rebel, except for those who were killed on the spot, everyone else is here."

Chen Ke walked to Lin Hao's side.

Mrs. Guo and Guo Shuang also came out.

"Sea Soldier."

Mrs. Guo walked up to her husband and looked up and down... Her husband was relieved to see that Guo Haibing was safe and sound.

Guo Shuang looked at Lin Hao admiringly: "You have defeated more than [-] zombies, all of them have been wiped out by you."

"If we don't destroy the zombies, can we come back?"

Lin Hao laughed.

Then looking at the traitors of that faction, he looked at Guo Haibing: "Guo Chengzhu, these are your people from Tianhai City.

Now that the matter is over, these people are at your disposal."

Guo Haibing looked at the four or five hundred people, and he saw Xu Dazhuang kneeling on the ground with a broken arm and a bruised face.

He saw Wang Zhi lying on the ground, like a charred corpse, but still breathing.

and his former adopted son, Gao Xiang.

"Gao Xiang him"

Guo Haibing is not a fool, seeing Gao Xiang being arrested, he immediately recalled what Lin Hao said before, Wang Zhi and Xu Dazhuang dared to return to Tianhai City.

It must be because there are chess pieces arranged in the defenders of Tianhai City.

"Could it be that Gao Xiang is the one who conspired with Wang Zhi and Xu Dazhuang!"

Guo Haibing was still a little reluctant to believe, after all, this was his adopted son whom he valued.

"Father, I know I'm wrong.

It's all my fascination, I was bewitched by that old man Wang Zhi, and I hope that for the sake of my filial piety to you and my aunt for many years, please spare me a life."

Gao Xiang twisted his body, knelt in front of Guo Haibing and prayed.

Guo Haibing looked at his adopted son and showed an expression of indifference.

'Gao Xiang, why are you back? Didn't the sea soldiers arrange for you to be stationed at the city wall? It's a serious crime to leave without permission.

' Madam Guo's voice suddenly sounded.

Chen Ke next to him was holding a recording pen in his hand, and the voice was released from it, followed by Gao Xiang's ecstatic voice.

'Aunt Guo, you are over forty years old, and you are still so beautiful and charming.

It's no wonder that City Lord Guo has to torment you every night. When I lived in your house before, I used to take your stockings and do things like that." "Gao Xiang, are you drinking too much!" This is Guo Shuang's voice. .

'I'm sober now after drinking too much.

My goodness, I waited for so many years, didn't I just want to marry you! You're good, you were beaten by that... surnamed Lin.

It's been a month and I haven't been beaten a lot.

Learn a lot about posture.

'' Gao Xiang.

Get out of the city for me now, and I'll treat me as if I had a dog with the sailor.

From now on, you and my Guo family will have nothing to do with each other.

' Here came Madam Guo's roar.

'I will naturally go to Tianhai City.

The anti-military thing is also finished, the zombie group of five or sixty thousand, he Guo Haibing is still stubbornly trying to resist.

wishful thinking.

''But don't worry, you are my adoptive mother.

I will take good care of you and Guo Shuang sister for Uncle Guo, mother and daughter flowers, I have long wanted to try it.

''Gao Xiang, no

Thinking that you are such a beast!''That's right, my parents shouldn't have raised you this beast!''Call it, call it.

Just in time, I was on Guo Haibing's bed, enjoying his wife and daughter.

Then see what you call it.

'The recording ends here.

Guo Haibing's face was full of anger, and he slapped Gao Xiang's face.

"Beast, you beast.

It's a pity that I brought you back from the orphanage and raised you.

You are such a beastly man! I, Guo Haibing, are really blind!"

Gao Xiang had a look of despair on his face.

Madam Guo looked at Gao Xiang at this moment with only coldness in her eyes.

After Guo Haibing beat Gao Xiang, he gasped for breath and immediately ordered: "Sun Qiang!"

"Subordinates are here."

Sun Qiang came out.

"Pass my order.

This time, while I was waiting to defend against the zombies, the traitors who tried to loot and destroy Tianhai City escaped from the battle.

Wang Zhi, Xu Dazhuang, Gao Xiang, and the Awakened of the third level and above, all of them will be put to death!"

Guo Haibing shouted angrily.


Sun Qiang followed Guo Haibing's order without hesitation.

Dozens of people were all taken down, and when those people were taken down, there were still begging and crying.

And after that, it stopped.

Guo Haibing looked at the remaining three or four hundred people.


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