Xu Dazhuang shouted anxiously.

"Get out, let's get out first.

The green hills left are not afraid of running out of firewood!"


Wang Zhi clenched his fists and said unwillingly: "Okay! All our resources and food are in Tianhai City, if we withdraw at this time.

In these last days, it is only the question of food that will make us collapse! We have a thousand people here! More than a thousand mouths, enough food, will collapse soon!"

Food! Supplies! Hearing these two words, both Wang Yong and Xu Dazhuang broke down in their hearts.

When they set off, these things were still left in their respective base camps, and they just brought people out. They never imagined that the plan would have such a mishap.

"We attack the city!"

Wang Zhi gritted his teeth and said.


Both Wang Yong and Xu Dazhuang were dumbfounded.

"We have more than a thousand Awakened here.

Guo Haibingwei

In order to fight against the zombie horde, there will definitely not be too many people in Tianhai City.

As long as we can attack Tianhai City before the zombies break through Guo Haibing.

You can get all the food and supplies in Tianhai City, and those supplies are enough for more than a thousand of us to eat for two or three months!"

Wang Zhi's eyes were full of madness.

"But the walls of Tianhai City are more than [-] to [-] meters high, and we don't have any siege equipment.

There will be a lot of casualties in this siege!"

Xu Dazhuang said with some concern.

The sudden attack just now had already cost him a Level [-] Awakener.

"Xu Dazhuang, you are going to withdraw now.

Find food in that wasteland and let your people die one by one.

It’s still time to take risks and siege the city and snatch those supplies and food! And people die here, which can also save our food consumption.

We don’t need too much, we just need to survive five hundred awakened ones, and with enough food resources, we can definitely build another survivor base in this Jiangnan Province!”

Wang Zhizheng said that Xu Dazhuang was heartbroken, he understood that in order to survive in the apocalypse, he must have food and supplies, otherwise it would be impossible to move an inch.

"That's good! Then we'll storm this gate together!"

Xu Dazhuang clenched his fists.

"Wang Yong, gather 100 people with [-] Awakened above level [-] as a death squad.

Wait a minute and find a way to rush into the city wall and open the city gate for us!"

Wang Zhi said to his son.


Wang Yong nodded.

Immediately they began to prepare a siege plan.

Above the city wall, Jiang Wen looked at the enemy in the distant moat ditch.

"They are ready to attack the city.

Young Master Lin sure didn't guess wrong."

"Miss Jiang Wen, the Axe Gang and the Brotherhood have more than [-] awakened people, of which there are forty or fifty third-level awakeners, and nearly two or three hundred second-level awakeners."

We only have a hundred or so people, is there really no problem."

Jiang Zhiwei came over and asked worriedly.

"Master Lin said, as long as we can hold on for an hour, that's enough."

Jiang Wen sorted out her arrow feathers, and the baskets of arrow feathers were placed in front of her, with hundreds of them.

"One hour"

Jiang Zhiwei swallowed his saliva.

"Captain Jiang, you don't have to worry.

Although there are not many of us, we are protected by this city wall.

Their numerical advantage simply cannot be used.”

Zhou Yanting came out 5.

7, said.

"Team Jiang.

What are you afraid of, I’ve seen these Axe Gang and Brotherhood’s unhappiness long ago, and I just happened to kill them today!”

Shen Qi held a sword across her chest with a murderous look.

Officer Qiu was lying on a commanding height, where a sniper rifle was already mounted.

"Officer Qiu, are these bullets enough?

If it's not enough, I'll prepare some more for you."

Tao Fangyuan stood beside him.

Officer Qiu looked at the box of bullets next to him, there were at least hundreds of them, and swallowed: "Enough, enough."

Jessica stood on the top of the city, she raised her hand arrogantly, playing with flames on her hands.

She likes the feeling of being conquered, but now she also gradually likes the feeling of being brutally conquered by that man.

Chapter 124 You have chosen the wrong opponent 【Customize】

The Axe Gang and the Brotherhood began to attack Tianhai City.

They tied axes and daggers with ropes and threw them on the city wall in an attempt to climb up.

Some high-level awakeners quickly climbed on the city wall through their own abilities, trying to directly attack the city wall.

There were gunshots everywhere, and the people on the city wall blocked those who tried to attack the city in various ways.

"Rush up and open the city gate!"

Wang Yong used his Tang Dao to take advantage of the wall and climbed up the city wall first.

"It came just fine.

Give this man to me."

Jessica snapped her fingers and dozens of fireballs were thrown out.

Wang Yong did not expect such a turbulent attack when he came up, and hurriedly dodged, while slashing the fireball with the Tang Dao.

"Serial burst of fireballs!"

Jessica showed a cat-and-mouse expression, and dozens of fireballs smashed out one after another.

But after these fireballs hit Wang Yong, they burst open one after another, sparks flying everywhere.

Wang Yong didn't have time to dodge, many 15 places on his body were burned, and he looked ashamed.

"Stinky bitch, I'll kill you!"

Wang Yong was very aggrieved, the opponent was a fire-type awakener who was good at long-range tricks, and he was swordsmanship.

The Awakened must fight in melee.


Jessica gave a contemptuous smile, and she stopped the fireball.

Wang Yong seized this opportunity and came straight at Jessica.

Jessica waved her hands.

"Flame gun!"

Five flaming flame guns converged in front of Jessica and flew towards Wang Yong.

Wang Yong didn't have time to dodge, so he could only defend with the Tang knife in his hand, and the Tang knife slashed on a flame gun.

The flame gun exploded, and the heat wave hit the face.

"Ahhh my eyes my eyes."

Wang Yong's eyes were burned by the flames.

Then the four flame guns pierced directly through Wang Yong's body, and the whole body started to burn.


Wang Zhi, who was organizing an offensive under the city wall, suddenly saw a burning man descend from the sky and landed in front of him.

The Axe Gang and the Brotherhood began to attack Tianhai City.

They tied axes and daggers with ropes and threw them on the city wall in an attempt to climb up.

Some high-level awakeners quickly climbed on the city wall through their own abilities, trying to directly attack the city wall.

There were gunshots everywhere, and the people on the city wall blocked those who tried to attack the city in various ways.

"Rush up and open the city gate!"

Wang Yong used his Tang Dao to take advantage of the wall and climbed up the city wall first.

"It came just fine.

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