Chapter 972

Bai Qiongshou talked about the conversation outside, and led the bald swallow into the dining room.

Bai Qiongshou grabbed Lin Chou,

“They didn’t notify you?”

Lin Chou shook his head.

“No, I also just discovered that the construction of the four walls has stopped.”

Bai Qiong said,

“It doesn’t feel so simple.”

“Assemble all the evolutionaries above Tier 2, and almost all the cars that can go to the wilderness have been requisitioned. Now there is no car to be seen on the street, unless-the closing of the gas station should not be a reduction in supply at all, but directly. No gas, the inventory was used up overnight!”

Bai Qiong hissed in a cold breath,

“This is…”

Lin Chou blinked vigorously, and he thought about it too.

If these people are really like Bai Qiong thinks, it is just where the group went to do a big vote.

But isn’t Mingguang now empty? There isn’t even a second-order.

——What’s so special, where do you sing?

Lin Chou grinned,

“Why do I feel a little panicked.”

Bai Qiongshou scratched his arm vigorously, a little itchy,

“Have you ever seen such a tiger? This gambling is also great!”

Lin Chou shook his head and nodded.

“I haven’t seen it, but…heard of…”

Bai Qiong thought for a while,

“Empty city plan, Zhuge Liang?”

Lin Chou said,

“It’s the garrison, who often beats Ye Ming and his father.”


Bai Qiongshou almost scolded.

The small tribes in the wilderness are extinct, and the population of Mingguang has such a prosperous and prosperous family history. Old man Ye takes at least half of the credit—he just snatched it back…cough cough…just the little general Ye Lao collected. People from the tribe can fill up half of the upper city.

Even Big Breast Sister and Queen of the Night know his terrible name, just say how crazy and how angry he was.

The old guy can’t really do it!

Only a few days have passed since Lin Chou and Leng Han had only finished rebelling against the party at sea yesterday. Today, Mingguang dare to sing the empty city plan?

Huh… wait a minute…

Lin Chou’s face suddenly became weird.

“Have you seen Leng Han and Warlock?”

Bai Qiong nodded,

“That must be!”

Leng Han and Warlock actually had a lot in common. There were no two people who managed to breathe within a hundred meters of the station. They were just as conspicuous as the little yellow chicken on Huang Dashan’s forehead.

“have to…”

This is so ninety-nine percent of it is a den of rebellion against the party.

This fellow Warlock would also lie…

It is said that the memory of the shadow man Anzu is chaotic? What about charging for five hours and talking for two minutes?

Lin Chou rubbed his eyebrows. Uncle Warlock, you can relax a little, my little Maoqiu brother is still sleeping in your sleeve!

Bai Qiongshou doubted,

“What’s wrong?”

Lin Chou said,

“No, there may be a big move.”

Lin Chou didn’t say it straight, and Bai Qiongshou didn’t ask either. The two had a b number in their hearts.

The time flickered and night came, and the worried Bai Qiongshou did not leave.

Now, even Big Breast Sister and Wu Ke can see that something is wrong. Except for the few evolutionaries in the morning, no one has come to Yanhui Mountain. Even the swallow and the bald head have lunch and they said to go back and have a look. There was no news after that.

Master Shiba feels his own liver is a little trembling,

“Yet…nothing happened yet…it’s been a day…they…nothing will happen, right?”

In fact, Lin Chou was also a little dazed, what he said, there was a kind of irritation that I felt irritating even after thinking about it.

Obviously neither of them had the opportunity to participate, but after thinking about it, they felt that the scalp was tightening one after another, and the heartbeat was missing half a beat.

Well, it is estimated that Boss Lin and Bai Qiongshou will always be in this state before the results come out.

There was nothing to say until noon the next day.

The white dome opened the door and entered the house,

“It’s closed, I just rode a motorcycle around, the city gate was not opened at all today, there is no one in the city’s building, and the city wall is surprisingly quiet.”

“Lin Zi? Lin Zi?”

After calling for a long time, no one agreed, and I looked into the kitchen with my head. The stoves that can be turned on in the good guy’s kitchen were all turned on, and a huge iron bucket was seated on each cluster of flames, and the small fire was gurgling something.

Ignoring the aroma lingering around the nose, Bai Qiongshou couldn’t remember what kind of soup it was for a while, and hurried back to the mountain.

“Lin Zi! Where is it? Fuck…”

I saw the corpses of the Black Mountain wild boars piled up everywhere, crowded and squeezed.

Standing in the middle, Lin Chou casually slapped the huge wild boar down with a slap in his hand, then raised the knife and dropped it.

Bai Qiong opened his mouth for the first time.

“What…what are you doing…”

Lin sorrowfully broke the pig’s stomach and threw the colorful viscera into the distant pitcher plant’s mouth.

Lin Chou carried the knife,

“Kill the pig and make pig blood soup.”

“It’s the last one, there may be some blood left in the cavity, it’s a pity that it was wasted.”

After piercing the arteries with a knife and using a bowl to clean up the last bit of pig blood in the chest cavity, the big breasted sister carried a bowl of pig blood into the kitchen.

Lin Chou looked at the pigs all over the floor, with the word distressed on his face.

“Help, these pigs are all hung up in the underground cold storage… when do you have to eat this…”

The White Dome is inexplicable,

“Linzi, you are…”

There was a sparkle in Lin Chou’s eyes,

“Even if there are only 50,000 people, if one person has one bowl…”

Bai Qiongshou was even more confused,

“What are you talking about?”

Lin Chou broke his fingers and counted.

“Look, Mingguang summoned the evolutionaries, requisitioned all the vehicles, and then there was no movement, right?”

Bai Qiong nodded,


Lin Chou waved and interrupted,

“There is no large army going out of the city, which proves that Mingguang must have other ways to move these people away. Maybe they learned to betray the party’s teleportation array.”

Bai Qiongshou retorted,

“If there is a way to move people away, why use a car?”

Lin Chou spread his hands,

“It’s common sense to kill monsters and explode equipment.”

Bai Qiongshou: “…”

Lin Sorrow was full of spirits,

“Maybe Mingguang has a way to take these tens of thousands of people away in a group for a surprise attack, but when the raid is over, are you willing to get them back with a’swish’? That’s not clear at all! With so many cars away, Of course it’s to pretend to be loot when you come back!”

Bai Qiongshou: “…”

“The North is the Zu Mountain, the East is the Black Shenhai, and the South Gate is a decoration. What direction will they come back from?”

Bai Qiongshou: “…”

Needless to say, there is only one west left, and at most, the Hetao Corridor in the southwest of Xiaoguan can barely be used by large groups of vehicles.

However, this is not the point.

For a time, the brain of the white dome turned at high speed–

Who is this person, our forest has never been a master who can think and reason! No matter how simple it is!

It shouldn’t be.

I can’t believe this cruel fact at all.

Because of what?

What kind of magical product can drain the water in the mind of such a **** black-hearted shopkeeper!

Where can I buy it? Wholesale? Free shipping?

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