Chapter 973

Of course, the most embarrassing thing is that Bai Qiongshou has a feeling of being isolated by own IQ——

Didn’t you read the almanac when you went out today?

Bai Qiong first pinches and counts, then pinches…and then counts…

emmm, suddenly felt a little hungry,

“Then what, Linzi, your soup…”

Lin Chou pointed directly to a certain pot and said,

“Go there by yourself… and big breasts sister, if you take a look at you and Yourong Thin, then from now on, our working meal will be pork! Fried, fried, fried, barbecued, stewed, and stewed, so we don’t have heavy samples every day. Child!”

Bai Qiongshou: “…”

Big breasted sister: “…”

So what, buddy, can’t I give money?

Su Yourong walked out of the kitchen in tears,

“Wet Tiger, Wet Tiger I was wrong, and I will never shame anymore…I will cut four large pots of potato shreds every day…Well…”

Lin Chou nodded, and reached out and handed Su Yourong a mask-like thing.

“Try this on.”

A staggered white dome,

“Gas mask??”

Feelings are also commonly used items in your kitchen, huh? !

Lin Chou gave him a sideways look.

“Why don’t you cut two large pots of red onions first?”

Bai Qiong confided in the first second.

Lin Chou yelled,

“Fuck? Fuck! Fuck! Send that pot of Maitake mushroom stewed Black Mountain wild pork to the snow dumpling boss, there is no food in the trough!”


A thousand catties of meat in this pot is probably enough for the big snow dumplings to eat for an hour or two. It is simply a black hole in the shape of a snowman.

Bai Qiong said,

“Hey, when are you going to hang it up?”

Lin Chou muttered distressedly,

“Why don’t you have so much eyesight to see, you think I want to!”

Boss Lin feels that the money that Sikong and Gao family have put together is not so sufficient. Does the emotional snow dumpling boss really want to make up for the meal he hasn’t eaten in hundreds of years? ?


A slightly low, giant mechanically activated roar came from far away. At the beginning, the sound was only as loud as the buzzing of bees, but it seemed that the entire land and the surrounding air were following this frequency. Tremor.

Bai Qiongshou suddenly yelled,

“Fucking, lying in a big trough~!”

Bai Qiong cursed his mother, all the muscles on his face became tense, causing his expression to look a little sordid.

“I’m back, haha, really come back, Linzi, have you seen so many people! At least tens of thousands, haha~”

Standing on Yanhui Mountain, you can see that a winding, pitch-black shadow suddenly appeared in the distant wilderness, gradually approaching.

The dull hum gradually turned into the roar of the engine and the noise of the armor crushing weeds, bushes, and stones.

Hundreds of wilderness chariots opened the way, regardless of the consumption, with the strongest posture to smooth out all obstacles.

Behind them are all kinds of trucks. They are brand-new, old-fashioned, they sound everywhere except for the horns, and they are semi-trailed…Almost all the models that can be seen on the Mingguang market can be found there. ——All overloaded!

Then nearly a hundred special vehicles loaded with source crystal cannons and birdwing ballistas came into view, and after that was the Wuyangyang crowd.

The white dome has sharp eyes,

“Yes… half of those birdwing ballistas have been hugged!”

The walking speed of the crowd is no slower than that of the vehicles. Soon, the cheers and screams of the evolutionists swept like a landslide and tsunami.

Well, the evolutionary at this time looks a lot more imposing than the corpse tide.

Compared with the unfamiliar evolvers who rushed to the sky, the small group of people in the front end of the crowd dressed in garrison uniforms and the blood-red and pale-white bone armor of the chariot team looked special enough.

Neat, solemn, and deterrent.

The garrison and the troops of the Development Committee carefully kept a distance, controlling the evolutionary speed while trying not to irritate them, which seemed very hard.

Before the people and cars arrived, the disgusting corpse and bloody smell filled Yanhui Mountain.

Bai Qiongshou called and jumped like a kid who was in the big fair for the first time,

“Living corpses, it’s all the materials on the living corpses! Linzi, look at that car, are all the sparkling buckets made of soft crystals?”

Lin Chou coughed,

“Lao Bai, don’t worry about being happy, you said before how much source crystal fuel you have collected?”

Bai Qiongshou’s eagerness was immediately washed away by a basin of footwashing water.

“Uh…that…no…not much…”

He didn’t say much, but in fact, Bai Qiongshou’s entire face was already green.

It was not too early or too late when he got the news, but the price of Yuanjing fuel in private hands had already gone up three times, and the scene was even more tragic afterwards.

“Then the total cost of more than 5,000 liters of oil is a loss…emmmm…a ten million… Am I pretty a leap of faith!!”

The most important catalyst-like substance in the source crystal fuel technology of Mingguang Research Institute is soft crystal, or the extract of soft crystal.

And as we all know, the amount of such things as catalysts has always been relatively small.

The output of soft crystal is directly related to the price of Yuanjing fuel. Now the tractor on that tractor…

Cough cough, this means that the shining knives are laid out to kill the leeks-no wonder that before and during the corpse tide and beast tide, they have not forgotten to let some big families bleed, but the feelings are waiting here. what.

Some of the black merchant families who squeeze oil will be afraid that they will not be squeezed out of three-finger fat overnight, so they will have to cry and blind their eyes.

Lin Chou looked enviously at the large army in the distance,

“This is what makes a lot of money.”

Bai Qiong felt the same way.


They really look like making big money.

The same to you! you all are!

Niang Xipi turned out to be the only one who was not…

The Hetao Corridor is the only way for vehicles from Mingguang to the wilderness. Yanhui Mountain is a small hill formed from the topography of the Hetao Corridor.

It has to be said that the position chosen by the system is due to the fact that it is difficult to see this small restaurant as long as the team that comes out of the city or returns from hunting is not blind.

Obviously it is a very inconspicuous little thing, but there is also a kind of aggressive rush-just like the one-way street sign on the side of the road.

For example, today, this small hill has once again fulfilled the black-hearted Lin.

“Come on, move faster, the big business of returning to the door collectively!”

Lin Chou directed Billow to use gravity to line up the table at the gate of Yanhuishan fence. Dozens of huge soup buckets were placed under the table. The theoretical maximum volume of each soup bucket was 600 liters. That is the appearance of more than 500 bowls of pig blood soup.

“All bowls are placed on the table! They are neatly arranged, and it will be convenient to add soup later!”

Boss Lin suddenly took out a big flag next to a certain pitcher plant. The wind blew, the flag was flying and hunting, and the writing on it was also revealed.

Positive: “Remove fatigue, refresh your mind and live forever!”

Negative side: “Dried this bowl of soup, hello and me!”

The slogan’s lethality is really great, the chin of the white dome almost didn’t fly out.

“Lin…Linzi, are you serious?”

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