Chapter 971

Lin Shou’s eyes swept back and forth among a group of evolutionaries, and asked Su Yourong.

“Yourong, do you think something is wrong?”

The east side and west side of Su Yourong’s little face are covered with charcoal dust, and a few stars of potato flesh sticks to the corner of his mouth.

“Yes! There are fewer guests, and the mountains are so quiet!”

Lin Chou suddenly,

“Yes, why is it so quiet all of a sudden…”

Without the snoring of Huang Dashan, the screaming of the snow dumplings, and the noise bombing of the decoration next door…


and many more…

Lin Chou looked in the direction of the bright light, and sure enough, the giant city creeping in the distance was gone without the original glow that flickered everywhere like fireworks and the harsh noise of cutting city bricks.

“What’s the matter, why did the construction of the four walls stop?”

Several evolutionaries squatting on the ground and picking potato skins were in a hurry for a while before someone whimpered and said perfunctorily.

“I don’t know, didn’t it stop in the early hours of this morning? All the evolutionaries above Tier 2 have been recalled-emmm, this potato is so fragrant!”

Someone dipped in hot peppers had to stop swallowing and search for water all over the world.

“Hi…whee… logically speaking, if boss Lin has such a fierce strength, he should be the first to be notified, right?”

“Who knows, after all, Lin Dali is still a Tier 1~”

“Hey, Lin Dali is good, the thief chicken meets the scene.”

Soon the building crooked, and Lin Chou was at a loss.

Although it shows that the light style has always been self-willed, and all kinds of decisions are just like jokes. The four walls seem to make sense to say, build, build, stop, and stop…

For example, what kind of tripartite meeting, the meeting about the dismissal of the scientific research institute and the future development direction of Mingguang seems to be very important, right?

As a result, in the end, it wasn’t just bludgeoned with a fist. Tell me which one would you dare to believe!

“This is too…too unreliable…”

At this time, Bai Qiongshou swallows and bald heads, who hadn’t seen Bai Qiongshou for a long time, appeared on the hillside riding their bicycles.

Yes, riding a car or a motorcycle, that motorcycle is probably as old as Mr. Zhao.

Everyone gathered in an instant,

“Yo yo,”

“White Team Ann”

“The white team eat potatoes!”

“Go, it’s impolite, what’s the name of the White Team.” A certain bearded guy had an angry face, but when facing White Qiongshou, he quickly became flattering. Drink Kuole! Drink more! I think the eighteenth scream sounds easy, but don’t change it to the nineteenth! Drink more!”

Bai Qiongshou got off the creaking old motorcycle with a wry smile on his face.

He said, “Brother, if you speak well, we still have a chance to be friends.”

Don’t see the shadow of the famous tree of man, don’t see that now Bai Shiba is just a low-level agile evolver with embarrassing combat effectiveness, but it can’t stand that there are 18 babies in the family…Bah…this is the same as Bai Qiongshou. It doesn’t matter how many babies are, because this is a gift, which is inherently envious of others!

Cough, listen to what other people say about the guy in the Bai Shiba team:

Climb to the sky in Huangda Mountain in one step, sixth-order giant Shen Moufeng, awaken Li Heigou at the latest…

The proper ones are all Tier 5 strengths now, just Huang Dashan and Shen Feng, who can’t blow up the cowhide, and especially the Li Hei dog, just got a bite——


At this moment, they are fifth-order.

It’s so irritating!

What’s the matter, you six can be so good?

Boss Lin’s food cow is a cow. No matter how good he is, he needs talent and luck, right?

So, think about it again, what are you waiting for.

This team may be the kind of dream team with great luck. You can make it impossible for dozens or hundreds of teams to make up such three people!

“Whether you believe it or not, anyway, I believed.”

This has caused a lot of low- and middle-level evolutionists to go to the White Dome’s team for their lives – as for the high-rank evolutionists, it is not that they don’t want to, but they can’t erase the Face.

Hunters who wander on the edge of life and death rarely have faith, but they believe in luck. The “luck” of a team has even become a rigid indicator for recruiting new players.

Some teams can often pick up some strange flowers and weeds, but some teams encounter ferocious beasts that can’t be beaten and can’t escape and are strenuous.

“Good luck!”

“Unlucky really…”

Which one do you choose?

Maybe the one-half of the good luck in the Eighteenth Team let us catch up.

Didn’t catch up?

It’s good to be happy!

I would rather believe it if there is something or not. Besides, if you throw yourself into such a strong team, your survival index in the wilderness will obviously rise!

As a result, the status of the Eighteen Lords has risen and the boat is even higher, which is quite the meaning of the captain of the public.

It was okay at the beginning, but after a long time, Bai Qiongshou really hated this title-isn’t this sincerely sprinkling salt on people’s wounds!

So every time someone calls him “white team, white team”, his face becomes black at all.

Bai Qiongshou is surrounded by high-rank evolutionists. In the eyes of others, the source of the news is definitely more reliable than them.

“Team White… ahem, Lao Bai, what, what’s the inside news, let our brothers reveal it~”

Bai Qiong smiled and greeted Lin Chou and Chen Qingyu.

“I’m also at a loss, cough cough, I was actually sent back… everyone is also a second-order, so why can’t I participate?”

He chuckles and smiles,

“Reluctantly, the Eighteenth Master is the mascot of our base city. The continuation of the species and the hope of mankind depend on you!”

The corners of Bai Qiong’s mouth twitched, “Get out!”

He thought about it and said,

“There is a whisper in the base city, except for the convening of the evolvers and the garrison, there is nothing different… if you insist, all the gas stations are closed overnight.”



“Without notice?”

“No, just close the door without even posting a note.” Bai Qiongshou found a seat in the pavilion and sat down, and saw the snow dumpling boss above, his open mouth could not be closed, “My God, Is this… still offering sacrifices to the heavens?”

“But I heard that there was secret information leaking from the scientific research institute. Everyone is rumoring that Yuanjing’s fuel output cannot keep up with the scientific research institute to shrink the supply. Many commercial families that have secretly controlled large hunting teams or sea hunting teams can’t sit down. Stopped, tossing fuel in his hands changing the law.”

Bai Qiongshou added,

“I guess it’s not very reliable. Heard, just listen to it, don’t take it seriously.”

The beard clearly found the point,

“Then what’s the situation with you riding this broken motorcycle…”

Of course, Bai Qiongshou,

“This is an antique, copied according to the model before the cataclysm, electric hybrid clean energy, fuel-efficient! Haha!”

The evolutionaries: “…”

I’ll knock, go back and buy oil quickly~

The clever one radioed out directly, roaring to let friends and teammates from the base city to collect oil.

However, the reply over there made all these people desperate.

“None, all away, those big families didn’t leave us a drop…”

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