Chapter 970 Su Yourong’s New Discovery (Please subscribe!)

Su Yourong, who realized that something bad happened, fought hard for reason.

“Yes, but you told me to put more spicy food out of the pan!”


Lin Chou was speechless, even a little relieved.

Look at my good disciples, they are really obedient and affordable.

My master almost choked with myocardial infarction by that very brightly colored relief.

Well, it seems necessary to put the matter of teaching apprentices on the agenda. What kind of basic skills do apprentices of other people’s families start from?

Lin Chou glanced at Su Yourong with suspicion.

So, how about two big pots of potato shreds every day~

Su Yourong: “???”

The guests came to the door early the next morning.

No one knows where they got the news. I feel that every time Boss Lin hides his whereabouts, as long as others are in Yanhuishan, the guests will inevitably come to the door.

The evolutionaries are in groups and talk about it,

“Have you heard that when our boss was robbed…”

“Which boss?”

“The one with the surname Leng… Don’t interrupt… Do you know what Boss Lin said after our boss’s wife was robbed?”


The man followed Lin Chou’s angry tone, with a full gesture.

“No one can take anything from me without spending money, no!!!”

The onlookers who didn’t know the truth exploded all at once.

“This is called domineering…huh…”

“The sack of the ball! There seems to be something wrong… I stroked…”

“Uh… what if it costs money…”

In short, this is what the people present at the time saw and heard. Anyway, this super heavy Eight Trigrams is spreading at an incredible speed. As for whether there is really a silly boy carrying a huge amount of circulation points to flip the brand of the boss , Then it only depends on whether his head is iron enough.

Ah no, it doesn’t matter whether the head is iron or not, it’s not important to reinstate the tire, just cast a good tire!

Of course Boss Lin didn’t know how this weird chat atmosphere was so fattening, why did these guys shut up as soon as he came over?

Someone quickly discovered that today’s is different,

“Hello, boss Lin, why is there no breakfast supply today?”

Lin Chou glanced at the direction of the kitchen.

There is a poor child laborer, Loli, who is struggling with two big pots of potatoes in tears.

Lin Chou showed a very owing smile,

“Oh, there was a small accident in the kitchen today, and it will be back to normal tomorrow.”

Dismissing a group of people, Lin Chou was a little puzzled.

“Strange, where did Huang Dashan go?”

He was not the first to rush out and shout, the sun was coming out from the west.

Well, according to the market in the cataclysm era, seeing the sun rise is already a miracle.

Chen Qingyu and Hu Yale, who hadn’t seen them for a long time, sat at a table at the door.

It is estimated that Su Yourong’s temperament will be upset for a while, Lin Chou reminded.

“It’s a while before the end of breakfast time.”

The two looked left and right,

“Brother Sorrow, will Brother You come today…”

“Are you looking for him? You just came back two days ago, and took those little brothers to the wilderness again.”Chen Qingyu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, relieved.

Hu Yale glared at him and said, unfortunately,

“I and Qingyu are going back. Hei Shenhai has urged us for a long time. Qingyu and I are still thinking about saying hello to You Dage before leaving-we rarely meet an acquaintance. We went back to Hei Shenhai this time. I don’t know how many years have passed since I met again.”

People on the coastline seldom return to Mingguang for some reasons. To be precise, apart from the diligent thief jumping back and forth in Niulan Mountain, I have never seen the second one so far.

Lin Chou nodded and roared, who knows where the wandering demon is going, and there are a lot of people responding outside.

“Sir Dog King, of course, is riding a dog and rushing around the world.”

“Well, boss Lin, after you left, the Wandering Demon also followed.”

“By the way, the wandering demon has improved rapidly in strength recently.”

“Should be a lot of money?”

“Hey, so many jealous guys want to do it alone like him. What about making trouble? The wandering demons would be alone before they didn’t have that group of dogs, okay!”

“Young people now, Zhenlang!”

“Tsk, roll your eyes so much~”

Chen Qingyu and Hu Yale were disappointed.

Lin Chou always felt that their appearance was not as simple as just saying hello, “If you don’t wait for a few days, he will always come back once in ten days and a half a month.”

The two shook their heads,

“By the way… Boss Lin, can I ask you something?”

Lin Chou: “…”

I knock, you just want to go home, do you want to make it like a dying lonely child? Hey!

Hu Yale hesitated,

“Can you make us a few ovens of salt-baked chicken? We want to bring some back to the coastline.”

Chen Qingyu rammed the air interface,

“This prodigal… ahem… Our budget is overrun…”

“Always bring some Mingguang specialty products back! What good is the cosmetics in the house…”

Lin Chou was taken aback.


Feelings My salt-baked chicken is in Mingguang’s specialty. Is it a cheap one?

Hu Yale blushed and said hard,

“Chen Qingyu, what do you mean? Prodigal maidens! Do you dare to scold me before you get married? What if you are married?!”

“Aren’t I doing it for you too, your mother, your aunt, second aunt, second aunt, third aunt, and fourth aunt, plus messy little sisters. Which one doesn’t need me to take care of? I…”


Chen Qing Yu Ru Leiyin filled his ears, and within a short while, the whole body began to become confused.

who am I?

where am I?

Why is there a pit here?

What is in the pit? !

Finally, Hu Yaleyan sat down and drank the refreshing water that Boss Lin generously presented. Chen Qingyu took the opportunity to be weak and weak.

“Then you can’t send all the cosmetics…you still have a well-established brother-in-law who is waiting for my piece of fat to be delivered to your door…”

“Chen Qingyu!!”

Yes, it’s quarreling again.

Lin Moumou rubbed his eyebrows and turned out of the back kitchen, and took out several large tile urns for salt-baked chicken produced by the system to preheat.

As a result, Su Yourong ran over, holding a basket of potatoes,

“Wet tiger, wet tiger, let’s eat baked potatoes at noon, okay!”

Lin Chou nodded, the kind without hesitation.

The flash in Su Yourong’s eyes seemed to be jumping for joy and flying.

“Then are these enough?”

Lin Sorrow smiles,

“These are your homework, be good, put it back quickly.”

“I want to eat baked potatoes, right? I will go to the vegetable field to dig fresh ones. It is about a month since the first batch of potatoes are planted. They are just the size suitable for roasting. They are too big. ”

Su Yourong: “Meow meow?”

Lin Chou put the guinea fowl that had been processed and wrapped in banana leaves in the tile urn, while pondering.

“Is it roasted potatoes? I haven’t eaten it for a long time. The new potatoes are very sticky and sweet. Then I have to cook a few paste peppers.”

The salt-baked chicken uses guinea fowl, which is large and needs to be buried in a pile of fried sea salt for more than an hour before removing the banana leaves for air-drying.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Chou carried a shovel to the vegetable field.

Potatoes bought and planted from potted plants are grown in the fat field of the system, and they are growing quite well, a large area of ​​lush half-buried snow-obviously the function of cooling down the heat and snowing of the snow dumplings did not bring the slightest to the vegetable field. Negative Effects.

Lin Chou didn’t understand how to use the “cultivation” function of the convenient shovel before. It was only after planting these unfamiliar condiments that it seemed to be fully automatic. Just put the convenient shovel in there… In addition to watering and fertilizing, you have to do it yourself, and even the soil is turned over by Xiaoqiu!

emmmm, feelings, this TM is a real convenient shovel, not a fake one.

Going down with a shovel, picking up the young seedlings, the potatoes on the roots are densely packed.

However, due to the relatively short growth time, the largest one does not exceed the size of a duck egg.

“When it is planted, it is obviously yellow. How come it grows red, white and yellow…the nutrition is too good, upgrade it to the whole?”

Most of the base fertilizer for things planted on the mountain after Lin Shou is the cold rice and cold vegetables left over from the rations of the home tree Nepenthes, which will be used by them, which is more casual.

In any case, it is also a mixture of alien animal bone meal + source crystal solution. Most of the crops on the back mountain are just ordinary plants. With such a cattle base fertilizer backing, the consequences can be imagined.

For example, I just pitted a certain handful of devil peppers from Lin. It has only been a few months, and the average spiciness of the peppers grown is almost twice as high as before, which is no longer something ordinary people can easily bear.

I dug some potatoes and cleaned them. The first salt-baked chicken just came out of the oven. The charcoal used to heat the sea salt in the furnace was covered with a gray layer, and the inside was still red.

“Hey, the temperature is just right.”

Throw in potatoes one by one, spread them out and cover them with charcoal, and live together!

In addition, the aroma of roasted dried chilies with charcoal ash is simply one of the most wonderful in the world.

Lin Chou sat cross-legged at the mouth of the hearth, bent over, and pinched the roasted peppers one by one with fire tongs, blowing off the floating dust, and putting the new peppers in.

Su Yourong smelled the scent of hot peppers and looked at the back door of the kitchen grievously.

Lin Chou waved,

“Bring a bigger stone tongzi here.”


Lin Chou was roasting the peppers while directing Su Yourong,

“Well, a handful of peppers and a pinch of green salt, too much salt!”

“Idiot, pick what salt grains and add more peppers!”

“The intensity must be appropriate… the pepper in this has an enemy against you? See if the pepper seeds on your pestle are not visible? Are they all mushy, can’t you not see them!”

Su Yourong didn’t understand what happened to the wet tiger today. He cut potato shreds and pounded chili peppers. But isn’t this work that apprentices should do?

(Hey, wait a minute, something seems to be wrong…)

(Oh my god, the wet tiger is going to teach me how to cook, right!)

(I can’t tell the difference between pepper and pepper, as well as salt and sugar!)

If the big breasted sister is here, she will definitely be able to interpret Su Yourong’s micro-expression-after all, this little Loli is cute and cute, who even mixes up the smell of fish and smell.

The chili peppers were just pounded, and fell back and forth, lying comfortably on the surface of the snow.

Under the huge body, the thick snow made a “sand” sound, but there was not too much depression, like a soft duvet.

“Woo~” Gungun said to Lin Chou.

“Wait, you are indispensable.”


“Talk about it, or you can grill it for you, youcanyouupnocannobb!”

It’s not the first time Su Yourong has seen this kind of scene, but he can’t stop his curiosity at all!

How did this magical way of communication come about?

I really want to learn~

Then, Xiao Yourong’s gaze fell on Lin Chou inadvertently.”Ah!”

“What’s wrong?”

Su Yourong hurriedly covered her mouth and shook her head again and again.

Lin Chou shrugged and continued to bake potatoes.

Su Yourong’s big eyes blinked and blinked—just now, she suddenly noticed that the snow under the ass of the master was not compacted!

She looked around,

“Sure enough, there is only one line of footprints, mine, no master.”

Su Yourong was born insulated from the original source, and was dubbed the title of “the body without leakage.” Naturally, there is no way to distinguish the difference between the gravity technique and the [Taxue Wuhen] derived from [walking on waves].

But the little girl’s brain is running at high speed, and the brain hole is wide open.

“It’s the same! Wet Tiger’s bloodline ability actually comes from Gungun? It’s not quite right, then Gungun should be stronger than the master…”

“Ha, Wei Big sis said that there will never be exactly the same awakened bloodline in the world, unless they are alien beasts!”

Only alien beasts of the same race can give birth to exactly the same bloodline abilities. In addition, the bloodline abilities of a variety of different species of humans can be picked out randomly and will not even overlap with the bloodline abilities of a certain kind of alien beast.

The little girl suddenly remembered the few copy versions of comic books she had read.

“Wow! Could it be that the wet tiger is a cultivation adult-shaped billowing baa? And it’s probably the kind of big big guy who will soon ascend Immortal Ascension only to cleanse the mortal world?”

“This makes sense. No wonder the Wet Tiger only needs to circulate points and force a card to decline cash. Even the standard source crystal is unwilling to accept it, and it never spends money to say…”

Classmate Xiao Su’s mouth didn’t close from the beginning, and there seemed to be sparks jumping in his eyes.

Lin Chou held a baked potato and shook it in front of Su Yourong’s eyes.

“Hey, don’t you eat?”

“Oh oh!”

Su Yourong returned to his senses and reached out to take the potatoes.

“Wow… it’s hot…”

The small potatoes are cooked faster. The original beautiful pink skin has become slightly gray after roasting, and you can see the pale yellow flesh of the inside when the skin is peeled.

With a pinch, the potato splits in half,

“Wow, good sand…”

The unique scent of roasted potatoes is full of warmth, especially in such heavy snowy weather-Su Yourong has long been wearing thick clothes that are not common in Mingguang.

Soft and glutinous, sweet and piping hot.

Holding it in his hand and eating it in his mouth, Su Yourong’s small face was full of ruddy color.

(Wet tiger boss, so grounded~)

Lin Chou nodded repeatedly and let out a sigh of heat.

“Well, let alone it’s pretty sweet!”


“Don’t squeeze, don’t squeeze, the stove is going to collapse!”

“Dip some chili, some chili…”

Chen Qingyu, Hu Yale and the idle evolvers on the mountain heard the movement and looked around, they were so angry that their hearts were dripping with blood.

Heh, man~

Didn’t you say that there was no breakfast!

What is this, what is it?

We need a perfect explanation!

Boss Lin was caught on the spot, but he was actually a little bit guilty—not because he suddenly wanted to be lazy?

Dad, Lin Moumou’s laziness is principled, and it’s completely different from the coquettish goods outside.

You see, life is so hot, right?

Some people are diligent now for the sake of laziness in the future, and some people are lazy now to appear diligent in the future.

Of course, there are even a small group of people who can stay lazy day and night, from falling to the ground to sending off the suona, commonly known as lying to win.

As for what kind of Lin XX belongs to——

Emmm, it’s just because those guys who lie down, such as Sikong, didn’t come and he didn’t bother to take the knife.

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