Chapter 930: That Evil Looks Worth a Fight

If Huang Dashan could see this [Lin Chou rippling smile. avi], there must be a familiar rush-there is no basic trust between people, daddy will take you as a breast, but you will be a horse. Stealing the teacher quietly?

This kind of smile born out of Shan Ye can’t be easily tolerated by ordinary people, and it will lose the SAN value.

After a silly smile, Lin Chou started to decapitate all the amaranths, leaving only the sturdy old stalk.

With a hand pinch, the stalks of amaranth stalks with a thickness of at least two millimetres are endless, but a small moist trace is stained under the skin. The hardness can completely pretend to be willow twigs.

Yes, that’s right, what Lin Chou wanted to do was the stinky amaranth stem that was respected as one of the “NB three smelly” (no problem, ningbo) before the cataclysm.

The local fame of this thing can be called the “ten thousand Buddhas” level, and the external popularity is relatively sparse.

When it comes to stinky amaranth stems, many people know that some old-fashioned stinky tofu in Hulan area is made by fermenting the old stew of stinky amaranth stems. Stinky tofu is famous, but on the contrary, people can also become a kind of stinky amaranth stems. Cai was shocked.

The method of making stinky amaranth stems is very simple. The first thing you need is a jar of so-called “old stew”.

Lin Chou doesn’t have the ready-made brine, but fortunately he has an all-purpose “time machine”, making some “older” old things handy.

Take a dozen amaranth stalks, wash and peel them, cut them into two-centimeter-long pieces, soak them in a rough earthenware pot with good air permeability, and put them in a hot air box to experience the fate of “one day and night” Samsara.

You don’t even need to add salt, just clean water. For those who are a little more particular and hypocritical, such as aunt Lin Chou’s, you can choose to use the second wash of rice water, which will ferment faster and the brine will be more acidic.

It was a day and night in the hot air box, and the time outside was only one minute. When Lin Chou took the clay pottery out again, a layer of “bloated” white bubbles had floated on the water surface inside the hot air box.

Shortly under the body smelled, a sourness rushed straight into his forehead, but fortunately it was not so pungent and irritating.

The rice water that has been soaked in the amaranth stems has become thick and slippery, as if it has tangled thin glutinous rice flour. It looks very much like thin porridge water or noodle soup, in which the greenery of the amaranth stems is beautifully reflected, and it has become a bit old. The flavor is similar.

Before the cataclysm, a few areas called this kind of brine “shui”, which seems to have a little meaning of “swill”, we don’t know the specifics.

However, the water needs to be further thickened. Take out the amaranth stalks and usually add a little soaked bamboo shoots, sour bamboo shoots soup, green broad beans, edamame with skin or salty sauerkraut pickled last winter. This is a basic operation. They are all different but have the same goal by different routes.

The old saying “Rotten hair and fat, smelly and fragrant” can be regarded as the secret of sipping water-the ancestors can pull it out when this is the time, and the thieves are pragmatic.

Adding these auxiliary materials to the simmering water usually takes at least three to four days of fermentation to be declared successful and approved for use.

A jar of water is defined as white milk, sticky and smooth, and “thickness” to appear clear and not turbid.

Of course, the smell must be smelly, but the smell must be “scented”-even after experiencing the ravages of the water, 99% of the nose will temporarily declare its off-line quiet.

But incense is incense, really incense~

The sound of Huang Dashan’s retching was heard almost immediately when the shui was finished.

“Yue Niang, this kid is cooking shi!!”

This feeling is great, especially right~

Lin Chou’s honey smile.

“Well, this attitude is right, so sloppy can basically declare a big success.”

This is the smell that can’t be concealed even by the nataka red beans in the growing state, maybe only the seeds of the mature nataka red beans can be worn on the body.

This stinky can be regarded as the source of some old-school stinky tofu odor. Use this kind of water and add a certain amount of marinade to soak the tofu. Over time, the marinade of the tofu will become as black and shiny as soy sauce. Over time and new.

Of course, what Lin Chou is going to do today is not stinky tofu. He sprinkled a handful of green salt in the sloppy water and stirred it clockwise in the most fierce manner until a layer of fine and dense foam appeared on the sloping water, and then the foam was added. Knock it off and hit it clean.

The process of stirring can make the swill fully contact the air, and it will be more active and aggressive when it is used to make stinky amaranth stems.

This time the amaranth stems do not need to be peeled. Wash and cut into small pieces of 4 to 5 cm long and put them in the bowl. Use a piece of camphor wood or water cedar and bluestone to tie them together. Bottom for better fermentation, and finally the earthenware pots are sealed.

As the clay pottery Yan entered the ice bellows space, part of the odor was dissipated. Master Huang pinched his nose and “climbed” into the store. He tremblingly stretched out his hand.

“I, I think I can rescue it again…”

Following him is the snow dumpling boss, the two of them are in completely different conditions.

The snow dumpling boss is jumping around, heng cute, heng 嘤嘤嘤,”Wow, is it stinky tofu? You must be making stinky tofu. Put more spicy, it tastes very warm!”

The potted plants are full of expectation,

“It’s a smelly mandarin fish, right, it must be a smelly mandarin fish!”

Zhao Er was silent. Are these guys stupid? Lin Chou has no cow attributes. What he eats is grass and milk is squeezed out. Can he turn amaranth into fish?

Qin Wuyong didn’t dare to speak at all.

Say, look at the weird and enthusiastic discussions you guys are discussing, why your useless brother always has a kind of cool rush!

No matter what it is, it seems that he will eventually become the first white mouse to test poison…

(The world is hot and cold, and it’s as thin as paper!)

Lin Chou was so disturbed by a few guys,

“Well, yes, it’s a bit vegetarian, do you want to consider adding some meaty dishes?”

The finished product of stinky amaranth stems actually does not require excessive cooking. Steaming with vegetable oil or sesame oil is thick enough to serve porridge and rice, which is suitable for all ages. If it is accompanied by meat and fish, will it be a bit addictive?

Bah, superfluous.


The hot air box made a nice reminder, and Lin Chou did not sell it, so he unearthed the clay pottery.

“Lin’s densely made stinky amaranth stems, the old craftsmanship handed down from the ancestors, you deserve to have it, open the world!”

“Scared, do you want to do it…” Huang Dashan wailed, “Shang Xian forgive me, Shang Xian received his magical powers~”

Lin Chou glanced at him, why is this guy always robbing scenes?

Even if the earthenware pottery has not opened the lid, the smell that might be described as “rotten” still permeates through.

It is like slippery tentacles in the dark, moving behind someone, appearing silently, aiming at someone’s nasal cavity and outputting wildly.

Qin Wuyong and Huang Dashan almost fainted on the spot,

“Lie said, I’m suffocating… knock… out of breath…”

The acting is exaggerated and bad reviews.

Lin Shou can still remember the time when Huang Dashan was guarding the stinky tofu stall during the celebration of the Qinshan Martial Arts School.

When Lin Chou fished out the amaranth stalks that collapsed, Huang Dashan had something to say,

“Hey, let me go, is this a green shi!”

“Sure enough, it makes sense that humans are carnivores. Humans can’t digest so many green plants, otherwise they can only seeyoutomorrow, which is disgusting…”

Click, squeak.

Congratulations to Huang Dashan for obtaining the ice sculpture status for 3 minutes.

The snow dumpling boss silently retracted his hand on Huang Dashan’s shoulder, as if he had done a trivial thing.

Snowman looked at the fried mustard green crown in his hand, three tucked in two sei, the crown disappeared from his plump waist-you take a look, this is the boss.

Even if there is no warlock’s own bug skills, people can still not lose things. Comparing the warlock master with the snow dumpling boss, some of the attributes of losing things are simply desperate.

I opened up a private space and put the things in it still to be lost. Who knows how to describe the attributes of this kind of ghost animal.

Cough, my train of thought has gone wrong again.

Lin Chou put the stinky amaranth stalks on a large plate in a shape, poured a few drops of oil, and steamed them in a steamer.

In an instant, the aggressive, hot stench radiated passionately.

Huang Dashan sucked his nose, his voice became squeaky.

“Um~ I can’t smell it~”

His nose is now down to protect himself, he is fearless.

Lin Chou rummaged in the thermostat for a while and found a pot of porridge.

“This is very lucky!”

Some abalones still simmered in a clay pot have leftover liver, not much, but they can be served with some late dishes and rolled in the porridge. It can be said to be a nice match.

Zhao Er looked at the pot of porridge with a little gleaming eyes. He had tried the deliciousness of raw abalone liver. Naturally, such porridge water did not want to be missed in vain.

Everyone has an old bowl of raw seafood porridge, and there is a dish of steamed stinky amaranth stalks in the middle of the table.

Huang Dashan was in tears,

“This is the simplest meal I have ever eaten after coming to Yanhuishan. No one.”

If Sikong was here, he would definitely curse Huang Dashan,

“Fart, unreasonable, unreasonable to make trouble, anyway, this is not another dish, it is more than a little bit better than the horse meat noodle soup!”

After all, Huang Dashan picked up a piece of stinky amaranth stalks while his nose hadn’t regained function, opened his mouth and bit down.

“Oh, Holy Light, this evil looks worth fighting emmmmmmmmmmmmmm~”

“Eh, that’s not the case…” Lin Chou finished speaking, and Huang Dashan had already swallowed things with a grunt.

Huang Dashan smacked his lips and said,

“Sorry, what did you say, Linzi?”

Lin Chou rolled his eyes calmly,

“I said that the skin can’t be eaten, you’re welcome.”

Boss Lin set an example, raising the chopsticks with his hands, pouting the amaranth stems in his mouth, and gently sucking.

“Hey~ Hey~”

It is a typical representative of the smelly smell, as if a certain soft waxy gum rolls off the tip of the tongue, and the mouth melts and cools, and there is an indescribable smell in the slight smell. It looks like stinky tofu but it has a little more. Belongs to the taste of vegetables.

Just like sucking on snails, squeeze the deep-hidden vegetable core in your mouth, leaving the tube-shaped hard and tough epidermis alone.

What is the specific taste? Borrowing a comment from a certain soybean juice: “It is basically the smell of the ashes and corpse of mung beans rubbing mud with the heat and sweat of bacteria.”

Very coquettish, very different.

The smell of stinky amaranth is strong, long and lasting, but when you eat it, there is no trace of “greasy”. The light and light aftertaste is like astringent and sweet, and it has a little refreshing meaning.

How smart Huang Dashan is, he immediately learns, and he keeps smacking his lips with gusto.

“Hey, this taste…emmmm… everyone, take it easy, I will eat a pound and taste it and maybe I will find a suitable adjective to describe…”

Yuan snorted coldly,

“Hey, who is rare!”

Zhao Er even took one by one, and in the blink of an eye he gave away half a bowl of porridge with stinky amaranth stems.

Compared to other people’s styles of painting, Xue Tuanzi looks much more leisurely.

He first picked a stinky amaranth stalk and placed it in the own bowl, stood it up, and then tapped it lightly with chopsticks. The skin of the amaranth stalk immediately “dangling” out of the body, and the green and shining fresh vegetable core showed its unique appearance. , Special elegance.

“Kacha Kacha”

The snow dumpling boss seemed to be chewing on a sweet and juicy sugar cane with a crisp voice.


“Well, it’s more fragrant than frozen stinky tofu! Crispy and sweet!”Everyone pondered this sentence for a long time, wondering what the so-called “frozen stinky tofu” actually tasted.

Knock, is the quick-frozen stinky tofu still so stinky? Will it be filled with honeycomb holes like frozen tofu, and will the taste change strangely?

As a professional chef, Boss Lin can’t avoid being vulgar. He thinks that this slot can be remembered for a lifetime-a chef is not a panacea. You never know how your customers will eat your dishes and what kind of sorrows will be produced. .

Just like before the cataclysm, a takeaway rider sent a full two kilograms of “no sugar, no salt, no spicy fried peanuts” to the customer who ordered the meal, and then learned that it was for a certain Erha, so he casually reminded him. Even if it is “there are only things you can’t think of and nothing you can’t find in its stomach”, the legendary creature Erha can’t eat too much peanuts and many dogs don’t eat this stuff at all. Instead, they get a fat beat. It’s a show. operate.

“Emmmm, what to eat, how to eat, and whom to eat are the customer’s business, so I just cook honestly. It’s not right to complain about God.”

The snow dumpling boss let out a sigh of relief.

“It’s warm and delicious!”

Lin Chou no longer knows how to describe his own mentality, is it collapsed or collapsed?

God knows how to operate a cold stinky amaranth stem whose temperature can freeze the evolutionary to doubt life to “eat warm”.

The system scrolls,

“Dip, congratulations to the host for making a recognized delicacy, the smelly amaranth stem of the odor combo package, the first time it is made, a 120% special effect bonus is obtained, some negative effects are waived, and all attributes are -1.


Those who eat this dish have a slight chance of directly reaching the end of life (dian) Yan (feng), that is, the end of potential, and the remaining theoretical lifespan will be reduced by 98.776%. one.

Similar smells:

1. Those who eat this dish will inevitably have a sense of identity in various senses with the host and the Lin’s restaurant that are reasonable or unreasonable.

2. Those who eat this dish will have an inevitable and various sense of identity when facing any intelligent, life-threatening enemy unit.


(Currently, the effect is level 1, when the odor concord is triggered, the probability of your side being the “influencer” +10%)

This sense of ‘identity’ is literal, does not involve reason, and cannot be absolute.

When using this dish to produce special effects, the will and spirit of both parties are used as the first reference element to determine the ‘influencing party’ and the ‘affected party’.


Have you ever remembered that there is such a legendary creature that is good at generating a weird sense of identification with some uninvited guests? ”

Boss Lin has a lot of experience in dealing with the dog beep system. He doesn’t care about the special effects, especially the calm one.

However, when he discovered a particularly horrible thing, he couldn’t calm down at all.

His total attributes are not reduced by 1, but by 1.2 on the horse-

Lin Chou cares about the numbers after the decimal point, especially the line with the intelligence value. He is very careful.


There’s still a reason for this, it’s utterly conscience!

The poor intelligence is already so miserable and often gets pitted, so when it is reduced by 0.2 more, when can I earn it back, next time I have a dish with a base of 11 million and 10 million. …

Hey, the sack of the ball, it seems that he doesn’t have that much intelligence to deduct?

Lin Chou: “…”

Lin Chou said to the potted plant,

“Thank you, please borrow something that you didn’t cut.”

With a snap of the potted plant, Qin Wuyong, who had fallen into a state of “true fragrance” and unable to take care of himself, immediately pressed a key of the recorder instinctively.

From the sad BGM~

Boss Lin’s overflowing vicissitudes almost drowned Qin Wuyong.

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