Chapter 931 The Temptation Of Returning To The Village

The sign waiting to be turned over was hung on the beam of the room, and Huang Dashan and the others read the long instructions on the dishes word by word.

At the end, everyone’s mouth was twitching,

“I, Zhao Er, never eat amaranth.”

“Scared, you are terribly frightened if Linzi asks for money.”

“What we eat together is not vegetables, but invincible loneliness!”

“How small is that Weiweiweiweiweiwei…”

Lin Chou replied casually,

“Ah, I don’t know, the big guy should understand it by himself, (it’s basically useless anyway) just feel free… Hey, why do I seem to hear the sound of grinding teeth?”

No words for a while.

Lin Chou held his head in his hands, staring blankly at the big snow dumpling.

There is still a urging task that hasn’t been completed, even Lin Chou never minded the task of cheating the system that lacks arms and legs at all, this time it’s totally impossible.

If the task is not completed, the IQ will become a negative number, owing the system intelligence value?

Are you afraid that you will become a fool directly, or die of a brain explosion?

The Snowman was stared at by Lin Chou’s sluggish eyes for a long time, a bit square-it was a pity that Ta’s face was completely made of frost, and he couldn’t achieve the basic expression of blushing.

“What are you looking at?”

Lin Chou said casually,

“Ah, I was thinking that if you put you in a hot pot and cook it together, will it count as a hot pot of hot fufu for you?”


The snowman was stunned.

“You… remember to pinch…”

Although yingyingying is still a trembling pronunciation, Lin’s heart is cold for no reason-I knock, this snow dumpling boss is definitely a leader!

Please be sure to look directly at the above sentence. This comes from a man’s intuition from the depths of his soul and from Y chromosome matching.

The snow dumpling boss stretched out a bun’s hand like a fingerless glove, struggling to make Lin Chou more careful.

(This person makes my heart warm.)


The distance of this careful gesture was a little closer to Lin Chou’s own carefulness, a kind of overwhelming chill hit his heart, and immediately made the boss Lin feel the illusion of an iceberg in his chest.

Lin Chou took a sniff—it would definitely catch a cold. It seemed that he had to prepare some anti-fever medicine.

For a long time to come, Lin Chou was arguing with this group of guys while gathering the forest in the kitchen. The east parent, Li Jiadan, went up to the policy and squeezed the round into a round shape. Yes, in short, it’s just something that will be said to be water when it is written, not worth mentioning.

Huang Dashan watched silently for a while, then suddenly said,

“Your kid is so neat, do you want to run away again?!”

The potted plant screamed,

“No! You can’t go, the movie will be released soon, what should I do if I have something to ask you when you leave?”

Snow dumpling boss: “My hot pot…”

Lin Chou rolled his eyes,

“I just go back to the alley, as for it!”

Huang Dashan breathed a sigh of relief, angrily.

“As for, of course, you have a criminal record.”Lin Chou smiled and said,

“Didn’t you get the abalone juice out the other day? Go back to the alley and look for the goose-raising giant to purchase.”

Qin Wuyong was puzzled.

“It doesn’t seem to be cheap, right? Someone keeps it in the alley?”

Lin Chou said,

“Raising, I have been raising it for many years. When I was a child, I didn’t suffer less… well… Her family has been raising geese since I was a child. They have been raising geese very well. The feathers are shiny and smooth, the heads are brightly colored and the soles of the feet are bright and plump. …Anyway, a good goose.”

“No one has caught Qiongqi Swan for so long, so I have to find a more common one.”

Zhao Er hey,

“Since Qiongqi Swan settled down in Tiankeng Lake, almost no one has seen them again. The mist on the lake is no easier to deal with than on the sea, and it never dissipates. Even the mist on the sea has ebb and flow. .”

“Qingqi Swan, don’t expect it unless you wait for them to migrate.”

Huang Dashan was particularly impressed by Lin Chou’s blood sauce goose and rolling stone roasted goose, and his saliva almost shed.

“It’s a pity, Qiongqi swan is really delicious. Shan Ye, I will never forget the juice-like oily water in the first bite of roasted swan in my life. It is like roasted goose-flavored olive oil~”

“This description is a bit strange,” Lin Chou said. “The family goose is not bad, and the size is more suitable for the dish. At certain times, the complete ingredients and the divided ingredients are completely different.”

After packing up his things, Lin Chou and Zhao Er left Yanhuishan together and got out of the car in the outer city.

It was still early, and Lin Chou was going to make a round at will. The evolutionary speed was very fast, and the 30-kilometer flat road would not take much time.

There are a lot of ordinary people in Xiacheng, most of them with beaming faces, using simple carts or burdens to carry various chopped large pieces of ingredients and walk towards the three walls.

“Happened, it’s finally a good thing.”

“Yes, yeah, I didn’t sleep all night. I just thought about it. During the construction of the city, I could earn more than 100 circulation points. God, apart from the expenses of the baby at home, I can finally eat a few more meals this year. Meat.”

“Brother Zhao, I don’t like to listen to these words. The jerky and fresh squirrels that Jiang’s shop has on the market are not good meat? We have lived for more than 50 years and have never eaten such fat and tender meat. The mountain rat, I don’t know how the Daoist family’s Jiang family raises it—three points and two catties, the Jiang family is afraid that they will have to pay for it!”

“Being rich and benevolent, this kind of person deserves to live a hundred more years.”


Lin Chou walked and listened. Just a few miles into the Xiacheng district, a black and red truck painted with huge swallows creaked and died. The pedestrians on the side of the road were taken aback and hurriedly hid in the distance.

It doesn’t need to be an evolutionary, but everyone in Mingguang knows that trucks with this pattern belong to the desperadoes who wander at sea all year round-the sea hunter.

The sea hunting team is too famous among ordinary people. Unless there is no way to survive, most people will not choose to go on board to work for the sea hunting team. The sea hunting team usually pays a very substantial sum in advance. “Settlement fee”, of course, everyone calls that money “life-buying money.”

In the eyes of ordinary people, boarding a sea hunter ship is basically equivalent to half-foot entering the gate of a ghost, and the probability of returning alive is about the same as winning the lottery, and the death rate is horribly high.

There are also many people who believe that these guys who wander at sea all year round are crazier and more irritable than ordinary evolutionaries. If they lash out at the crew and throw them into the sea, after all, it is at sea, and the Emperor Tiangao is far from being able to control it, so There is quite a market for this argument.

If Lin Chou didn’t know the current situation of the Sea Hunter somewhat, it is estimated that he himself would have believed a little bit of this statement.

Just kidding, for example, the guy in this car, Xiao Hong’s sea hunting team, can’t hire anyone to “waste” any crew member.

The evolutionary is mainly responsible for fighting, so can a huge ship ride the wind and waves without the ordinary crew?

Xiao Hong jumped out of the car,

“Boss Lin, why are you here?”

Lin Chou smiled and said,

“Coincidentally, how come you have time to wander on land.”

Xiao Hong laughed very loudly, so full of breath that ordinary people had to cover their ears.

“The occurrence commission gave me a good price to send me a car of deep-sea trash fish. Four walls were built, and the food for the evolvers should not be too single. No, there are too many tax deduction projects this year. The public is outraged. Those who find a way to evolve should explode, no, what is in this car is a small item used to buy people’s hearts.”

Xiao Hong drove the carriage and took out a foam box from it.

“I’m still thinking about delivering the goods over there and bringing this stuff to you by the way. That’s okay, I won’t save money on gas for young and old haha.”

“Okay, what’s the price?”

“It’s just a little fresh trash fish, not worth the money.”

Lin Chou was not too polite,

“I want to go back to my’hometown’ and take a look. It doesn’t look good empty-handed, just right.”

Xiao Hong nodded and drove away.

The eyes of the people all over the street looked at Lin Chou a little more “envious” and wary.

“Big man, people from the sea hunting team give him gifts?”

“If you can’t see it, you can’t see it, you can’t look at it.”

“I’m afraid that he is also a powerful evolver. It’s just that he has the skills to show his old age.”

Lin Chou scratched his head and hugged the alley. He didn’t like the feeling of being watched.

The scenery in the alley remains the same, but it can be seen that the residents in the alley are a bit busy recently.

The weeds on the stone road between the corners have grown up, young and old, but no one has cleaned it up. If this is placed on the road in front of someone’s house, it will be “named” by the neighbors. The voice trembles the whole alley. .

Lin Chou didn’t go back to his shabby shop, but went straight into Uncle Hu’s house.

Uncle Hu’s yard was full of sawn wooden piers, and there was no place to stay. The door was locked and no one was there.

“Should you also go to the outer city to cook for the evolutionary?”

As he was about to turn around and go out, Sister Hu’s voice suddenly came from the lower side of the courtyard wall.

“Oh, Lin Zi is back, I heard something in this courtyard, and thought I was recruiting a thief!”

Lin Chou smiled and turned to Sister Hu’s house.

Sister Hu swiftly jumped from the soy sauce tank which was more than one meter high and one-third buried in the ground.

“But I haven’t come back for a while, Calabash and Erhu were still talking about you during the holiday yesterday.”

Lin Chou said,

“Business in the shop is relatively busy.”

“If you’re busy, you can forget your sister-in-law Hu. When you were a kid, you still drank your sister-in-law’s milk to grow up… Um… stinky boy, what are you doing with my mouth covered!”

Lin Chou chatted.

“Ah, Sister-in-law, will Calabash come back tonight? I brought something to eat.”

Sister Hu glared at him.

“If you don’t come back, the tiger should come back.”

Lin Chou put the box down and asked Sister Hu,

“Does the innermost house in the alley still raise geese?”

Sister Hu said,

“Raise, the girl is diligent, she puts more than a hundred geese alone, that is, the girl’s parents went early, otherwise you can enjoy a good fortune now, those big white geese are worth the old nose money.”

Lin Chou smiled and said,

“Sister-in-law, take me to see.”

“Do you want to buy goose?”


Sister Hu hesitated for a moment.

“Lin Zi, even if you have become an evolutionary, you must not go too far, that girl’s goose…not an ordinary goose…the cheapest one has two or three hundred circulation points, the restaurant you opened outside , Can you stop tossing?”

Lin Chou felt warm in his heart, patted his chest and said,

“I’m a big boss with hundreds of thousands of dollars every minute, it’s not bad for money!”

Sister Hu didn’t believe it at all.

“Just seeing you take things back and eat and drink, the people outside say that you can’t bear to spend a penny-even the people who are entrusted with it are the head of the talk.”


For some reason, Lin Chou’s teeth suddenly itchy.

After Lin Chou’s insistence, Sister Hu still agreed to take Lin Chou over and reminded,

“Linzi, that girl has been very unique since her parents disappeared a few years ago. It’s different from before. Don’t scare her.”


I am not a scourge, is it so scary?

Sister Hu rolled her eyes,

“My master evolve, I heard that you all have that kind of coercion, it’s amazing!”

Lin Chou was speechless,

“You listen to whoever talks about it. Ordinary people don’t feel equal pressure at all.”

——Hehehe, it’s as if it’s true, does someone Lin really have that stuff?

“Just like Xiao Wu from Aunt Wu’s house, after the restaurant became dirty, he ran outside and ran out. What kind of people were those who were with him? The tail is about to rise to the sky, ten thousand are unreliable.”

When they talked, the two of them went to the very end of the alley. There was a 70% new tiled house in a very spacious courtyard. One family occupies a larger area than the other four or five houses.

If Lin Chou remembered it correctly, a few steps from the back of the house would lead to a small dead water bubble with a lot of fish, shrimps, and water plants, just used to feed geese and fish.

“What’s her family name… I forgot… Has the blisters already been bought by their family?”

Sister Hu said,

“Rent is rented, and there are thousands of circulation points a year.”

Lin Chou smiled and nodded.

“It’s a good deal. The rice field eel, crab, and old fish there is more than this price.”

Sister Hu rolled her eyes while knocking on the door.

“The girl leads a group of big white geese to live by herself. Anyone who can cast a net for fishing is not all led by a gang of rogue gangsters led by the boy surnamed Wu.”

Lin Chou bared his teeth,

“Wu’s bastard, I wanted to give it a bit long ago.”

Sister Hu knew about Lin Chou and the Wu family’s “enmity”, and said quickly,

“You can’t learn from those bullies, bullying others, neighbors and neighbors are too ugly.”

Lin Chou smiled and scratched his head.

“Before I became an evolver, I always thought this way. After I became an evolver, I forgot it. It’s too embarrassing.”

At this time, the small tin door framed by the door creaked open, revealing a pale or pale to transparent face.

The girl seemed dazed and still awake,

“I don’t sell geese today… you… who are you looking for… ah… Sister Hu is here?”

When speaking, his sullen eyes turned around, staring at Lin Chou.

Lin Chou grinned, but scared the girl back.


Lin Chou said,

“Don’t recognize it? Me! Lin Chou!”

The girl suddenly,

“Ah, I remember, when you were a kid, you had to borrow my goose to fight, and you got caught…

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