Chapter 929 Congratulations to the host for mentioning the legendary level…

Qin Wuyong stubbornly insisted that Huang Dashan’s style of “deceiving the top and concealing the bottom” will one day be called out, and it will really be called out.

“I look forward to that day” someone said.

He was particularly entangled.

Say good nozuonodie, but this does not die for several meanings!

The world is hot and cold, as cold as paper~

He couldn’t help thinking of the youth who died before jumping into the bottomless basin like a sinkhole. He also ran happily in the sunset. Ah yes. No!

But since when did I degenerate, and now I have become part-time in my business, because of what, money?

He Qin really has a mmp to say,

“I am very interested in money, but I have never touched money!”

Let alone money, I haven’t even seen the chicken drumsticks in the box lunch.

Qin Wuyong has mixed feelings, he is sadness starts from the heart, sadness grows from the guts, and he is completely sad.

The snow dumpling boss who had been far away suddenly jumped up, and shook off a snow flake, which looked like a fire burning his butt.

“Ah, it’s so cold, it’s so cold, ahhhh…”

Qin Wuyong: “…”

Desperate, how is that guy fat four! Is my sadness overflowing, right?

“Let’s eat lemons, you who surnamed the trough, get out of Daddy, this handsome promises not to kill you!”

Next to him, Zhao Erhuang Dashan and Qin Wuyong looked at Lin Chou’s face blankly.

“Tsk, it’s so lively, a wonderful performance.”

“What a straight face, this face has subtitles.”

“I didn’t say anything, applause!”

Lin Chou rolled his eyes at a few unscrupulous old uncles, and grabbed the “100G amaranth seeds” in the palm of his hand.

“Suddenly I remembered that there was a big ancestral baby in my family who hadn’t been exposed yet. I will open your eyes today!”

Huang Dashan ate a catty after a catty,

“Take a slot? An ancestral baby, he opened his eyes when he came up, too nasty—Isn’t it good to open up peace and friendship for all ages? You can’t just open up like a hole, young man!”

Lin Chou: “…”

What the hell this guy is beeping, this handsome doesn’t understand it at all.

Zhao Er and Qin Wuyong were full of admiration.

Zhao Er’s heart: The ancients have learned to learn from the past as their teachers. Sure enough, my Zhao’s Taoism is still too shallow, I should go to Master Huang… (crossed out, forget it is too troublesome)… This kind of old Siji learning.

Lin Chou was too lazy to deal with these old dirty turtles, and came to the back of the home tree and dug a ditch next to the place where the bamboo was planted.

According to the instructions of the system, use the well-proportioned source crystal solution and alien animal bone powder as base fertilizer, and sprinkle a handful of black, bright, black and bright three seeds that are not as big as millet.

“God bless you, don’t be like the troubled bamboos…”

Qiongzhu was actually planted a long time ago, and it was useless for Lord Billow to guard it day and night. A shooting star would be extinct, and the replanted one has not grown yet.

Fill it up, water it, and get it done.

Huang Dashan and others originally had certain expectations, but now they feel that the psychological gap is huge.

“That’s it? It’s over?”

Lin Chou raised his head and glanced at the sky.

“Well, wait another half a minute.”

Although the fucking system is a little bit tricky, this kind of thing will not lie to him, saying that half a minute will definitely not be thirty-one seconds.

Edible magic plants of the same rank as Nepenthes, wonderful!



The ground where Lin Chou planted the seeds seemed to have a terrifying monster dormant under the soil, and the entire Yanhui Mountain trembled rumblingly.

Huang Dashan’s face was black and black.

At this moment he thought of the home tree, the pitcher plant, and the seemingly harmless but extremely terrifying Lin’s pet named Mao Qiu…

“Fuck, your mother got a big watermelon, come again?”


The mud flew around, and a hole broke in the ground.

Hundreds of green plants filled the open space next to the bamboo in an instant, and they shook as if they were blowing up a balloon.


There was no movement.

Huang Dashan: “…”

that’s all?

Make such a big movement, is it only so small?

Lin Chou opened his mouth and stepped forward to check.

A true sight swept over,

“Dip, the final Yancai, the third-order magic plant.

This is an amaranth without puberty, and it is delicious.

Note: The scenery on the road is beautiful, especially when standing at the end and looking back. ”

The roots that swelled close to lignification, the hard old skin on the branches and stems, and the presence of the “cuticle” on the leaves, all told Lin Chou: This dish is too old.

“Dog beep system, when you step on a horse, you will get rough right away now, daddy wants Qingyu Big Sister to immortalize you into a dog beep state with formalin…no…use urine to make a specimen!”

The fucking trough system didn’t even care about his host, and even the silent beep didn’t appear, and it was hiding very tightly.

Lin Chou’s butt hurts all over his body, no…

If this is used as the basis for pain grading, by analogy-

Elementary: All over the body and butt hurts

Intermediate level: I feel pain all over my body

Advanced: It hurts to lay eggs all over the body

At this moment, Lin Chou should have broken through to an advanced stage.

Four hundred thousand circulation points, in exchange for such a bunch of old gangsters who have no puberty? ?

The 400,000 circulation points are replaced by one hundred Yuanjing tickets, and you can cook a dish when you light it…

What a family, what if there is a mine at home, the prodigal is not so defeated!

However, Lin Chou suddenly realized something, and the drama was possessed.”Hey, see if it’s amazing, right? This is our ancestral treasure from the Lin family, the final Yancai. This is also the second master of the mountain, the useless brother. You are here. I don’t want to let them take a look. The thieves are precious. Let me tell you that the entire Mingguang is only owned by our Lao Lin family, a patented product!”

Zhao Er: “…”

Shan Ye: “…”

Qin Wuyong: “…”

Then what are the renovated and barrage-like painful expressions that we saw on your face just now, hallucinations?

Qin Wuyong was about to speak when Huang Dashan made a look.

“People are hard to dismantle, and-you can’t beat him.”

Qin Wuyong snapped an expression on his face immediately, smiling very sincerely.

“Ah, that’s it~”

Lin Chou nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Then waved back and forth to the potted plants,

“Original…cough…pot, lucky you, there are new dishes today, maybe they still have special effects, don’t leave for a while, discount!!”

Especially there is love, and the tone is like “Don’t leave after school”.

Question mark in a certain forehead,

“Huh? Ah…oh…”

Sudden love.

He he he he, he is leaving me for dinner eh!

Is Lin’s brain fài lost?

Grandma, I… could it be… emmmmm… or did this wooden person finally discover the unique beauty of my aunt’s grandma? For example, the voiceless body is soft?

The potted plant looked down and looked at own… uh… tiptoe, moved,

“Oh, your ⺝Hungarian and ⺝) Hungarian and ⺝)) Hungarian and ⺝))) Hungarians are breasts, and grandma’s breasts are also breasts. Sure enough, there are still good men in this world who can’t go with the crowd. Huh.”

The potted plant blushed, coyly,


(Wow, I finally got the bait. It will be much more convenient to cheat money in the future-Bah, it’s not interesting, what kind of money are you cheating? You are me~)

Over there, Lin Chou picked up the knife and cut the “Final Amaranth” one bunch after another.

“Well, it’s almost enough.”

The final amaranth is more leeks than the leeks, and the stubble grows as soon as the wind sees the wind. The cutting speed can’t keep up with the speed of their growth, but it grows… not only is it not young, but it is more vicissitudes…

Lin Chou calmly carried the amaranth into the kitchen, walking briskly.

Zhao Er looked at Qin Wuyong, baring his teeth,

“Man, take responsibility for what you have said.”

Huang Dashan patted someone on Qin’s shoulder and said deeply,

“Then, I’ll leave the meal to you soon.”

Qin Wuyong’s old blood almost sprayed out directly.

“People come from the sky in a pot at home, what did I say to me…”

Huang Dashan and Zhao Er smile very kindly.

“When Lin Zi was talking just now, you were the only one who picked up the problem. Do you want to be scornful?”


What else can Qin Wuyong say, is it reasonable or physics?

In the kitchen, Lin Chouchou broke his intestines.

The ghost knows how to make these old vegetable stems, and the system is embarrassed…

mmp, I know there is shady, this handsome is going to complain about this shit lottery system!


He fiddled with a bunch of amaranth bundles,

“Pills, this time I’m embarrassed.”

“Lin Chou, Lin Chou, you are depraved, can this thing be taken out for people to eat?”

“Just put it here, even if it smells bad, it can’t be made into a dish!”

“It’s too shameful, lose your craft!”


“Sack of balls…”

Lin Chou froze for a moment, blinked his eyes, and smiled very proudly.

“That’s it, wonderful~”

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