Chapter 1074 Coming across two worlds

Xiacheng district was blood red.

Disgusting snowflakes made of indescribable were floating in the sky, and the entire Xiacheng area suddenly became noisy.

There were screams and crying everywhere, and the roar of living corpses that Mingguang people were so familiar with.

A large number of evolutionaries stand outside the coverage of snowflakes, their faces are indescribably ugly.

Zhao Zheng murmured,

“This is the trump card for rebelling against the party? In Mingguang sprinting?”

Zhao Zheng felt very ashamed, he was the source crystal cannon and the birdwing ballista, and there were even thousands of evolvers who obeyed his orders to crush everything!

But in the end, a soft snow took most of the Xiacheng District from Mingguang, and the own people did not dare to even go in.

Zhao Zheng couldn’t even imagine the consequences of Mingguang’s failure to evacuate ordinary people in time. This battle is more or less less than less. At least two thousand evolutionaries are involved. At this moment, they all become blood corpses and get up. Wandering around in the Xiacheng District, slaughtering a hundred or two hundred thousand people and then infected with a few hundred thousand difficulty coefficient is really not outstanding.

There are evolutionaries who are unwilling to say,

“They are playing with fire! You can get infected by touching it? If this thing can’t control the whole world, it’s over…”

As we all know, even if a blood corpse infects a human being, there must be at least a substantial body fluid contact, and this “snow”, it turns out that as long as you stand within the range of the snow field, whether there is snow falling on your body or not, you are only infected. A matter of time.

These days, humans can evolve, animals can evolve, plants can evolve, and if the rebels make this kind of stuff, it is difficult to guarantee whether the blood corpse virus will suddenly be upgraded and alienated.

Zhao Zheng sighed,

“He is crazy. A lunatic doesn’t even care about his own life and life, let alone the life and death of others?”

In fact, Zhao Zheng thinks that it is totally acceptable to rebel the party occasionally to make trouble and throw a small field. Not only can it be used to train soldiers and hands, but it can also help Mingguang’s people’s cohesion.

As a result, they suddenly turned their own tables without hesitation. He was so dumbfounded!

Is it that the mini-games that you have played in recent decades are actually unpleasant? We, you didn’t cooperate with the performance that should cooperate with you to rebel against the party, or what? Why do you turn your face and turn your face?


There was a strange muffled sound.

Zhao Zheng looked up. On the city gate, the uncle warlock with the silver flame beauty above his head was unusually visible, and standing next to him were a group of bright and bright big men, such as Fat Master, General Ye Lao, Mo Hongniang, Wen Zhongjiu, and Yao Niu. , Lao Hu of the Scientific Research Institute… and Secretary Aleqin who was originally on the top of the city gate and others.

“Well, didn’t Grandpa Grandpa actually come?”

The Zhao family has a large population. Zhao Zheng has long been the grandson of Zhao Qingcang for an unknown number of generations. He is also a lot older than Zhao Ziyu. However, according to the weird rules of the Zhao family’s ranking of seniority based on strength (potential?), Zhao Zheng is in peace. Like Zhao Ziyu, he calls Zhao Qingcang Grandpa Grandpa…

Well, not even as good as Zhao Ziyu.

Because Zhao Ziyu occasionally forgets the word “zu” selectively, and directly calls him grandpa-he is the only one in the Zhao family who dares to call it that way.

After the warlock arrived, the ghost fire in his eyes suddenly exploded, and then it was lightly suppressed.

“The materials were originally good materials, but now they have been destroyed.”

A circle of people on the city gate should try to keep a safe distance from the warlock. From a distance, it seems that everyone’s standing just formed a circle to wrap the warlock inside. Everyone on the outside “circle” has a body. Leaning back, it seems that the inclination of those few centimeters is also very helpful for keeping away bad luck.


At this time, with the wine jar in his hand, the person in the wine jar was already slightly drunk and spoke with warm wine.

“What do you mean when the material is destroyed?”

After all, he is a frequent visitor on Yanhui Mountain, and even a big boss who has had a drink at the same table with the warlock himself, so he is not afraid at all!

The warlock said,

“What Liu Renjun uses is a magic-like thing at the expense of burning soul energy. As you know, the human soul is the most precious thing. Almost all non-physical creatures cannot refuse. In fact, it seems more like It’s a kind of sacrifice, I can’t say it.”

“The energy field produced by Liu Renjun’s burning soul continuously maintains the growth of this upgraded magic plant-there are dozens of aging but powerful souls in his body for squandering. This energy field is used for The transformed energy field can transform almost any attack in the conventional sense to make up for the nutrients consumed by Liurenjun and the growth of the upgraded magic plant and respond to the attack accordingly.”

“A lot of evolutionaries died here before. This blood corpse toxin seems to have been spawned and upgraded at that time.”

The Uncle Warlock was very clear, but everyone was a little confused.

“All the attacks in the conventional sense? Then don’t we have nothing to do with him?”

The warlock shook his head,


“Liu Renjun tampered with the transformed energy field of the upgraded giant tree for his own use. He is very selfish, well, but I appreciate it. He seems to want to use these raw materials and energy to make something…actually if he doesn’t start with the upgraded giant tree. , I really couldn’t find any flaws for a while.”

Someone loses his voice,

“Liu Renjun is not dead yet?”

The warlock gave the speaker a strange look.

“Of course not, it’s just a serious injury, and a lot of vitality has been lost. I’m now 100% sure to kill him and destroy the soul.”

Everyone was overjoyed,

“Master Warlock is mighty!”

The warlock waved,

“Don’t be too busy celebrating, there is no reason why this sorcerer appears to be lucky for no reason.”

Everyone: “…”

What you said is really full of confidence!

The warlock said,

“I can kill him, but what Liu Renjun peeled from the giant tree… will escape immediately, and the same root is the same. The thing is probably to actively fill in the missing parts of the upgraded giant tree. If you use your 50% ability, after killing Liu Renjun, the ratio will become 120%. Maybe it will be further upgraded to a more terrifying guy. Can you understand what I mean? ”

“At that time, it will be fine to use the Sheep Sheep Surgery and Qing Yu Miss’s big impression flame shaping finger to deal with it!”

The warlock pointed to the canopy hidden in the blood mist,

“That’s a tree! Do you understand a tree! A tree is a plant! My sheep-changing technique can’t be used on it!”

How far the old blood spurted out,

“Emotions, your sheep-changing technique can only take effect on animals?”

The warlock made a shy expression,

“It’s an intelligent creature. It’s a guy who has an organ like the’brain’ on the physical level.”

The most reliable plan was rejected by the warlock.

Everyone stared at them with big eyes.

General Ye Lao asked suddenly,

“The green rain…”

The warlock denied again,

“Impossible. The current state of this tree is very strange. It takes root in another space and grows into our world, straddling two worlds. Even the space rift is probably its own survival skills. At this time Asking Wei Qingyu to use the Great Impression Flame Sculpting means to force it to be immortalized in our world, which is almost equivalent to directly pasting two planes of pia into one. The difficulty factor is at least 80,000 stars… two The rules of the world are not a number at all. If Qing Yu can really do it, then she is not an evolutionary. If this is to be successful, her old man estimates that she will directly lift the Xia soaring to obtain the God of Creation*13. of.”

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