Chapter 1073

Upon hearing such a sound that is more uncomfortable than crying a grave, the evolutionaries ran faster.

Coupled with the conscious evacuation of the garrison and the occurrence committee, in fact, the western half of the Xiacheng District is already singing the empty city plan.


“Those flowers, those flowers ate Liu Renjun!”

“Deserve it!”

Many evolutionaries ran to a wall or a second wall and stopped.

You can’t stop, the Xiacheng District is located in the second ring of Mingguang, the previous step is the Shangcheng District, one step back is the outer city, and can no longer hide.

Under the constant gaze of the evolvers, the three-hundred-meter blood corpse giant Liu Renjun transformed into the sea of ​​flowers was dragged into the sea of ​​flowers without resistance, and then a large amount of thick blood mist diffused from the giant shape covered by the sea of ​​flowers. Come, the smell of blood can be smelled across an urban area.

“Really ate it?” Zhao Zheng didn’t understand 10,000, the plot is not right!

The shape of the blood corpse giant gradually disappeared, and the blood mist above the sea of ​​flowers accumulated more and more, forming a wonderful scene in the original Qin Mountain:

At the bottom is a sea of ​​flowers composed of pink lakes and small pink flowers. Above it is a red blood mist from a dozen meters to a hundred meters above it, and hundreds of meters above it is a foul-smelling black corpse cloud. The last is the dominator at the top of the sky, the eternal yellow clouds.

The levels are clear and the boundaries are clear-the beginning and end of each level is almost a straight line.

The only dissonance may be the huge canopy full of pink flowers. It is like a mountain in a sea of ​​flowers, growing little by little, and the tip rises into the blood mist layer, and then grows faster, one-third. One, half, and finally all the tree canopies are hidden in the blood mist.


The blood fog layer, covering an area of ​​tens of square kilometers, shuddered like a substantial whole, and it shook out beautiful ripples in circles.

Layers of reddish flocs began to fall from the bottom of the blood mist layer, like snow.

Dingyuan Alley beside Qin Mountain.

In the narrow alley, the ground was littered with torn packages, kicked shoes, and other objects that could not be thrown away due to hurried evacuation, making it messy.

Occasionally, a few grass-green Yuanjing tickets were blown by the wind and rolled aside.

At the head of the alley, an old man who had lost his legs sat quietly on a stone bench.

In front of him, there was a middle-aged woman lying sideways on the ground, with a bloody impact wound on the middle-aged woman’s face.

The old man stabbed the woman’s waist with a sturdy jujube stick,

“Girl, wake up, wake up!”

Just now, the old man watched the woman and a particularly large rock flying from the direction of Qinshan and hitting it here. Everyone else in the alley was busy escaping for their lives. As a result, the woman was left here and no one paid attention.


The woman groaned and woke up faintly.

She struggled to get up, glanced at the broken arm, then pulled a piece of cloth to wrap her arm tightly.

The old man next to him asked a little curiously,

“Girl, baby girl, are you an evolutionary?”

The middle-aged woman took out a bottle of sparkling magic plant essence from her arms and took a sip.


This guy is indifferent, it’s really not something a person with no strength can casually pretend.

The middle-aged woman looked in the direction of Qin Shan and found that her sight was blocked by the thick bloody mist. She simply didn’t look at it. Sitting on the ground panting violently, she vomited a large mouthful of congestion with organ fragments from time to time.

“Old man, is there no one to pick you up and evacuate?”

The old man said hey,

“Yes, why not! But my old man is in his 80s this year, and he couldn’t help but rush to the gate of the city. Daddy was bumpy and choppy. Let’s take a bird’s hair!”

The middle-aged woman glanced at the old man and said boredly,

“It’s better to die than to live.”

“Then you still run away?”

“The injury is too serious to run far.”

The old man patted the stone bench under his butt hard, stroking the smooth blue and black color left by people sitting and lying all the time.

“I, I just can’t bear my old man, the golden kennel and silver kennel are not as good as own kennel, even if you die, daddy has to die in a place where he knows him well.”

At this time, the world was filled with reddish floccules under the blood fog.

The old man glanced at him.

“Red snow, I heard that the snow accumulated here more than two hundred years ago could reach two feet thick!”

Then he added conclusively,

“My grandfather has seen it with his own eyes! It’s not red, it’s snow-white, snow-white, right?”

The middle-aged woman drank the essence of the magic plant and her injury couldn’t get better right away. After all, she was slapped by the blood corpse giant and then thrown for several kilometers before hitting here.

To put it bluntly, her internal organs are almost broken, and she is supporting her spirit purely by her origin.

The middle-aged woman worked hard,

“This is not snow.”

The old man smiled and said,

“No, who cares, it looks pretty anyway.”

“It’s really pretty.” The middle-aged woman was stunned, “My surname is Gao, Gao Lili.”

Old man interface,

“Miao, Miao Zhen!”

Suddenly a cunning trace appeared on the old man’s honest face.

“Well, how long do we have?”

Gao Lili was shocked again and smiled bitterly.

“Old man, you can see it thoroughly.”

The old man struck his neck and said,

“Daddy has lived all his life. If he hasn’t eaten pork before, he can’t see the pig running away, girl, dare you say that you told the old man his name because of this?”


“You…you are right… when you died, there was no one who knew my name… I might as well lie down on the wilderness and be eaten by alien animals…”

Gao Lili reached out and took a floc, a blood-colored object composed of thousands of indescribable objects that were as thin as spider silk, almost transparent, and alive.

Gao Lili calmly watched the skin on her palm turn red from the place where she touched the floc, and said,

“My injury is too serious, otherwise I can send you out.”

The old man waved his hand nonchalantly,

“Girl, please tell me how long is our grandson, old man, I can’t wait for you for tens of minutes, no, there is still half a pot of pig’s head meat on my stove, and wine is hanging on the beams of the house. Is there enough time to drink a few Gu?”

“Huh?” Gao Lili suddenly appeared surprised, “This thing looks like a toxin from a blood corpse, old man, I don’t know if you are lucky or unfortunate.”

“What do you mean?”

Goryeo said weirdly,

“Hemotoxin does not infect ordinary people.”

The old man pointed at her and at himself,

“You will become a living corpse? I will not?”

Gao Lili nodded.

The old man patted his thigh,

“Then what are you waiting for, go get the wine quickly, while you haven’t changed, let’s take a few sips quickly, if you change, then you won’t be able to drink honestly.”

Gao Lili is speechless, what a big alcohol addiction is your old man!

“Master, did you forget that after I became a living corpse, I guess the first thing I did was to put you in my stomach…not to mention anything else…it hurts.”

The old man rolled his eyes,

“When Daddy’s leg was crushed, I never cried out that it hurts!”

“Hmm, cough, but now that I am older, I probably don’t have the courage of that time.”

Speaking of this, the old man raised his voice.

“I said what’s the matter with your baby girl, Ma Liu took the wine, old man, I have to drink quickly to suppress the shock, maybe it can relieve the pain!”

Gao Lili: “…”

Okay, can’t it be done if I serve you?

Gao Lili got up and limped into the dilapidated wooden door.

After a while, he came out with a big pot of steaming pork head and a pot of wine.

“Hey~ good girl~ a few gu, a few gu~”

Gao Lili looked at the old man and suddenly smiled.

“No one has called me that for so many years, I’ve been forty-four this year…”

The old man bulged his eyes,

“Forty-four can be compared to our eighty, still the granddaughter’s generation! The little girl’s film, after becoming a living corpse for a while, can you bite it lightly, don’t you?”

Korea Road,

“That’s not possible, my mother said. When I was still breastfeeding, there were only five circulation points left in the poor family. She just gritted her teeth to spend two circulation points and hired a nanny in January-she was really scared of being bitten. !”

“Get out!” The old man took up the wine glass and ate it dry, and violently stopped the glass on the stone bench. “Pour the wine!”

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