Chapter 1075

A cold wind blew,

“So we have so many top players in the industry with Tier 5, Tier 6, and even beyond Tier 6, we can only watch this little bunny dominate the development?”

The warlock shrugged,

“Don’t say they are quite clever, they have almost thoroughly studied the unique combat effectiveness of our Mingguang.”

Is Mingguang’s combat effectiveness weak? Absolutely not weak!

But Liu Renjun’s rebellion against the party, from the beginning to the end, was not prepared to face Mingguang hard and hard-this is actually in line with the usual style of rebelling against the party.

General Ye squeezed his eyebrows hard, but he didn’t even think about it for a while.

Liu Renjun’s thorns in his eyes are mostly stuck here for a day, and it will hurt to die, half of Xiacheng District, and half of the ordinary people in Xiacheng District.

Mingguang is afraid that it is not going to be dragged to death by their rations!

Farming and pastoral areas don’t even think about it now, it must be abolished. Even if the grain in the field is not abolished, who would dare to go in and out?

The outer urban area is large, but it is not fully utilized and cannot produce much food at all.

Do you want to sit and eat the sky?

Once some operations have spread from individuals to the vast ocean of people, even a piss to pull a papa, its power may be integrated into an equivalent level.

Warlock’s sensing ability is very strong, so strong that when someone’s mental fluctuations are too severe, he can even read the sporadic thoughts of these people.

Uncle Warlock was stunned,

“Fuck, these people’s ideas are too weird, hey, they have just begun to organize their thinking to deal with that thing, they are actually ready to fight a protracted battle before they move their troops?”

The warlock was a little troubled,

“Especially that old man Ye, what is in his mind, a quantum computer?”

“But it seems that the guy whose brain was missing a string just now is the son of this humanoid computer?”

“There is God’s will in the dark, sure enough, God is fair.”

The warlock naturally thought of some hapless person who felt the baptism of the bear goblin’s love in a different plane, and suddenly felt that he was really too kind.

While being suppressed by physics, that guy can finally feel the joy of IQ suppressing the entire race generously-if he is still alive now.

Warlocks have a very wide range of communication. Although they are restricted by the current world and cannot go to other worlds, they have heard of some of the terrifying names of bear goblins on the plane of magic tides.

That’s really a magical race. There is always only one attitude to see all creatures except yourself-with unrestrained armpit hair to hug them love-hug them back to the own crypt and drown them with plenty of hormones .

Oh, by the way, this seems to think that only the strong are worthy of full body hair, as for the weak…

“Tsk tut~”

Doesn’t someone really like pulling out the Lingyu on the noble buttocks of Lord Sanhuang? Can you keep your own Lingyu? It depends on God’s appreciation.

Keke, it’s far away.

Everyone was thinking about it, and it seemed that there was no good way, so they were very embarrassed and silent.

Ale, who was so sad that he had hurt too much “qi”, calmly put the piece of golden flesh into the back of the sleeve, and then hesitated.

“Why… don’t you think about it over there… after all, our people have passed several times…”

“Huh?” Ye Lao narrowed his eyes. “Another…world?”

When Ye Lao said this, he actually hesitated.

This era is really too much to guess. In his impression, the definition of other worlds about two hundred years ago was mostly the blood of girls like the two-dimensional – ahem, after all, I secretly watched it when I was young. few.

However, how long has it been since? According to Ye Lao’s actual verification, the earth is now connected to at least four so-called “worlds”, and the old man’s worldview is about to collapse into a stick face!

Secretary Qin didn’t care that his big boss hadn’t spoken yet.

“Yeah, yeah, several Tier 5 evolutionaries have passed. Didn’t this tree grow from that side? Since we can’t do it here, it doesn’t mean that it can’t do the same there!”

“Then now…”

Ye Lao didn’t finish speaking, but Doudou’s voice came from everyone’s ears again.

“The energy field tends to stabilize. I mean a steady growth state. If it is not abnormally supplemented, it is estimated that the most recent force field surge will take 72 hours.”

Force field surge?

“In other words, this tree will remain in this state for at least 72 hours? What does the current mean?”

Doudou seemed very happy that the blood fog and snow did not cause too many casualties. He believed in himself,

“It’s a big outbreak like just now. Don’t attack that tree anymore. All attacks will become its nutrients. I…I haven’t analyzed any feasible plan to destroy that tree… ”

Doudou’s voice became smaller and smaller when she said this.

After all, his ability is mainly on the analytical side. Even with a little reasonable reasoning, it is not unreasonable “foresight”. He needs a lot of material to piece together a theoretical result, okay?

Ye Lao Dao,

“If you know Doudou, take a good rest for a few hours to save your energy.”


Ye Lao looked at the warlock and solemnly said,

“Senior, what do you think?”

Everyone took a breath, and then they felt that Ye Lao’s name didn’t seem to be wrong.

You know, the owner who has lost more than 10,000 wallets in front of you, it would take more than 10,000 days to lose one a day——

It seems to be easy to say, but if you have to spend how long the warlock earns in order to save a wallet and then accidentally throw it in, it seems a lot easier to understand.

His age is definitely a terrifying number, and it cannot be calculated by normal timekeeping methods.

The warlock was a little depressed,

“Don’t know, don’t ask me!”

The barrage on the top of Uncle Warlock’s head turned into a huge black-faced little person, and his mood suddenly fell.

He found a corner with no one to squat down, beeping quietly,

“Huh, it seems that anyone can go to this world and that world casually. Why is my orthodox Void Warlock bloodline nailed to death?”

“Unfair! Greatly unfair…”

The chubby Wei Tianxing said with a smile,

“According to the statement that the space crack was made by the tree, the nutrients that drive its growth must come from the world where its root system is-the tree, normally there must be roots, right?”

Ye Lao squinted his eyes.

“If it’s like a tree crown, what if you don’t eat soft or hard?”

Wei Tianxing smiled,

“The authorities are not obsessed with Old Man Ye.”

“If you really don’t eat hard and soft, it will take several hours, and the people who went there should have come back long ago!”

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