Chapter 1072

The fluctuations of the uncle Warlock’s Phantom Transformation were felt by Liu Renjun almost without any delay. The three-hundred-meter-high blood corpse giant suddenly staggered, and the body that was finally condensed into shape was torn apart by the bright light evolutionists in the blink of an eye.

“How come, how did he come back!!”

Liu Renjun was not reconciled. In fact, there was a little fear in his tone.

It is false to say that you are not afraid, and no one wants to deceive yourself when your life is at stake.

——Don’t forget that there are dozens of souls in this body. There must be so one, two, three, four, five, six, seven or so cowardly, right?

Just in Liu Renjun’s cognition, let alone whether a great master of the level of warlock has the means to ignore the life force of the strange blood corpse to instantly destroy the soul-it must be there.

Just the unpredictable smashing big luck and changing sheep technique can make any strong or crippled dignity eat shit as disgusting-no one wants to surrender the fate of own to luck, this kind of equal mathematical probability problem It is the greatest contempt for those who pretend to be extraordinary.

For example: Liu Renjun.

Well, if Lin Chou was here, he would definitely think Liu Renjun thought too much.

It’s also a Sheep Skill, just tuck Ya into the sleeve of the Warlock Master, and puff puff a quick and seamless continuous Phantom Transformation, let alone Liu Renjun himself, even the Warlock Master himself may not know Liu Renjun’s society. Where is the corpse lying in another dimension…

Uh, it is also possible that the corpses were lying in several different dimensional spaces?

And there is no need to worry about after-sales problems at all, it is impossible to come back, whoever has seen the things lost by the uncle Warlock can be retrieved.

Zhao Zheng, with eight white teeth just right, showed a friendly and harmonious smile to Liu Renjun.

“Puzzled? Panic, come on, be happy, anyway, have a lot of time~”

It’s bitter, and the blood seals the throat.

Liu Renjun’s whole person is not good, gritted his teeth and said,

“Mingguang will still bury me!”

Zhao Zheng was not happy at the time.

“Your kid is a dead duck, why is his mouth so hard?”

Liu Renjun didn’t care what Zhao Zheng said, and suddenly ran away.

What is the destructive effect of a giant creature weighing in tons at a height of 300 meters?

The answer is devastating.

A punch and a kick can be compared to a mountain and a crack, and a few rolls can crush an entire block.

Zhao Zheng’s face was green,

“Damn, bastard!! Beat me! Break it! It’s just a dying struggle!”

Thousands of evolutionaries chased the blood corpse giant’s ass and output crazily, while the blood corpse giant was engaged in demolition, and the Xiacheng district was in ruins within a few minutes and a half.

Zhao Zheng was called a qi. It seemed that Mingguang’s evolutionary had taken an absolute advantage and crushed the blood corpse giant without any resistance, but in reality?

In every bombing or attack, or anything, what is destroyed and shattered are the homes built by Mingguang, brick by brick, and some buildings are even antique buildings preserved at the beginning of the establishment of the base city.

Well, let’s not talk about whether these antique buildings have any positive symbolic meaning-they are rebuilt using genuine green source crystal tickets!

Mingguang is poor!

All in all, in short, if he continues to fight like this, Zhao Zheng seriously suspects that if he can cramp Liu Renjun, he will be scolded bloody.

“Damn it, why aren’t you here? I’ve already blown out my awesomeness, so I don’t want to face it in this little man?”

Besides, until now, no one has taken that tree, which is very problematic at first sight. What kind of “flowers representing life” has a way to do it!

That thing is not easy to provoke a thief at first glance!

Zhao Zheng’s head is big, and he feels that he has never done anything so inconsistent in his life.

The blood corpse giant suddenly shook his whole body, a bit more fierce than the explosive seed, and hundreds of evolutionaries around him were blown away by its overwhelming aura.

However, the golem giant did not take the opportunity to kill the evolutionary, but made a wild laugh that sounded particularly rampant, particularly harsh, and mocking Max.

“It’s starting, hahaha, the flower representing life, mature, bloom, hahahaha~”

Zhao cursed in his heart: What a madness of this stuff!

I don’t know when it started, the tree in the sea of ​​dried blood, which is composed of bones and flesh, is densely covered with pink and tender flower bones that look like a diamond. A clenched baby’s fist, crystal clear and trembling, seemed very fragile.

The pink flower bones are as warm and dazzling as the sun, and the painting style of the canopy that grows is completely two extremes. The misty light red mist surges above the dried blood sea and is absorbed by the canopy and flower bones.

Zhao only glanced at it, and for some reason he felt nauseous and nauseous, and he felt seasick.

“What kind of stuff is this…”

Trees full of small flowers grow, spread, and bloom rapidly, and their warm sweet fragrance and pink flash almost cover the entire Qinshan Mountain, forming a pink, crystal clear sea of ​​flowers in a radius of more than ten kilometers.

Zhao Zheng doesn’t have any hidden weird girl’s heart and so on. He feels that pills…


The sound of blossoming flowers was almost close at hand.

The attack of the evolvers gradually ceased, they have found something wrong, and are ready to withdraw at any time.

But the sea of ​​blood that had dried up actually became wet again, the blackened blood faded, the floating bones disappeared, and in the blink of an eye it became a tranquil lake with a splendid sunset.

Zhao Zheng: “…”

Especially Liu Renjun certainly didn’t have such a good intention to transform Mingguang’s environment!

Very abruptly, the cry of the immature little boy sounded in the minds of all Mingguang evolutionists at the same time.

There is only one harsh word,


The evolutionaries all had a meal together, this is Qin Doudou!

Searching the entire Mingguang, there is only one person who has this ability to instill consciousness into everyone’s mind at the same time.

The bloodline of the famous leader is the same as a chicken who can lay golden eggs.


The red-eyed evolutionists quickly cooled their hearts, and their eyes quickly circulated between the blood corpse giant and the sea of ​​flowers.


There was almost no hesitation, everyone turned around and fled, the tide spread in all directions.

Liu Renjun’s crazy roar once again flooded the entire Xiacheng district.

“Escape? It’s too late, haha, it’s too late~”

As Liu Renjun laughed wildly, the flowers in the sea of ​​flowers trembled, and they actually gave out harsh and sharp laughs.

“Ho ho, ho ho~”

That kind of sound is like reverberating and overlapping in an empty room, forming a piece of shattered noisy waves.

Unspeakable weirdness-if this sound is broadcast on certain websites before the catastrophe, the audience will probably agree that there are chicken legs in the tuner’s lunch.

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