Chapter 249 Arrive at the scheduled location

Not long after Mu Lingyu left, Tang Tian and his party rushed to Francis’s predetermined decisive battle spot in the wind snake.

“Grandma’s, what kind of place is this where birds don’t poop?”

After getting down from the wind snake, Tang Tian looked at the surrounding environment, and all kinds of smells came to his nostrils.

“Stop complaining, be careful, the location that they set, if you want me to say, we should investigate first, then discuss tactics, and then decide how to fight. You are so unprofessional! Zhao Jingwei also began to complain.

Tang Tian didn’t think about Zhao Jingwei’s proposal, but he didn’t allow it.

We all know that knowing ourselves and knowing our enemies will win a hundred battles, but the question is how to know ourselves and our enemies?

There are systematic people on both sides, and there is even a distance between the two sides under the task of the winner being king.

There is this moment to remind the two hosts of Tang Tian and Francis, how could it be possible to investigate first?

As long as Tang Tian arrives within the predetermined range of Francis, he will definitely start to be vigilant.

And Francis’s system is obviously 29 on the technology side. Tang Tian still maintains awe in his heart for all kinds of things made by high technology.

Who knows what weird things Francis will make with the system.

Before he crossed over, he was just a nerd who had just graduated from college, and he couldn’t even recognize many high-tech technologies.

“I don’t need to investigate now to know that this kid Francis is burying traps by violent soldiers. I still have a certain understanding of his system and know a general direction.” Tang Tian opened a small barrier that was just enough to cover a group of more than a dozen people. Keep those disgusting smells out.

Then he continued: “But why do I feel that the more I think about it, the more that kid restrains me?”

But specifically how to restrain, Tang Tian did not say any more.

Everyone is a traveler, and Tang Tian doesn’t mind letting Zhao Jingwei know that he has a system.

If you don’t want him to know, the system actually has a special function that can delete the memory of the designated person for the system at a certain price.

But Tang Tian felt that it was unnecessary, as long as he kept getting stronger, to the same level as the little Loli who killed the head of the Hundred Ghost Academy in seconds, who else would he be afraid of?

In this world where power is paramount, no matter what goal you want to accomplish, you need to become stronger and more powerful.

Only in this way can you protect your secrets from being discovered.

After the mission of the winner of the system came out, Tang Tian sometimes thought that there should be more system owners in this world.

Because the performance of the system is a bit too urgent, just after encountering the products of other systems, the task of killing other system owners is instantly issued.

It seems that as long as you encounter other system owners, there is only one result, that is, you can’t even cooperate, you can only devour each other.

This kind of competition mode like raising Gu made Tang Tian have to think about some unknown things that might exist behind the system.

“Forget it, don’t think so much! It’s only a few dozen kilometers away from where Francis is! Everyone cheer up, pay attention to your surroundings, and don’t be overcast!

Tang Tian shook his head, not thinking about those who have or not, now the most important thing is to kill Francis as soon as possible and let his system evolve.

“Old Zhao, don’t come with us first, you can detour from the flank, you bring Su Mei, I will take Yiyi first, and when I get to the place, I will leave 50,000 ordinary mutants to protect Yiyi!”

“After you outflank from the flank, go to meet Yiyi, and you must not let Francis discover our trump card.”

“Also, be sure to protect yourself! Don’t hang up! 35

In the end, Tang Tian couldn’t help but exhort him, although he was very confident that he would win this duel with Francis and kill Francis.

But after all, people are also the ones who own the system, who knows if there will be any killers left?

Tang Tian who has unlocked the fetter function can’t die now, as long as Qi Ziyun is fine, he can’t die.

On the contrary, although Zhao Jingwei seems to be an undead supernatural power, Tang Tian has not seen him display it for so long, so he is still a little worried.

After listening to Tang Tian’s words, Zhao Jingwei was obviously stunned, he did not expect Tang Tian to care about this undead race.

My heart is still warm like a warm baby.

It was the first time he had felt this kind of caring feeling since he came to this world.

Although I was moved, it didn’t show on the surface.

“Hey, what do you say, if he can really kill me, I have to thank him! No one at the same level has the ability to kill me.

That’s good! After I kill Francis, I will invite you to eat barbecue, and the wine and water pipes are enough! Tang Tian patted Zhao Jingwei’s shoulder and said.

After joking a few words, Francis directly summoned the bone dragon, and led Su Mei, who was reluctant to part, to outflank in the other direction.

In fact, it was not necessary originally, but Tang Tian still wanted to stabilize his hand, so the odds of winning would be higher, in case any unexpected scene appeared, he could save his hand.

After watching Zhao Jingwei leave, Tang Tian did not ride the wind snake again, but led his contract variant on foot.

You have to figure out the terrain around here, so that you won’t be scurrying all over the map and don’t know the direction when you fight.

At the same time, Francis is using the system to launch small space-based weapons into space. These 000 kinds of orbitless space-based weapons unique to his system are very expensive in Francis’ system mall, but for this decisive battle, he still I gritted my teeth and bought three rounds.

As long as the low-earth orbit space-based weapon is released when the battle reaches a critical moment, it doesn’t take much, as long as it hits Tang Tian’s side, it can decide the victory.

In Francis’ plan, the duel between the two hosts should be steady and steady, lasting about a week and not ending so quickly.

His idea is completely opposite to Tang Tian, ​​Tang Tian decided to solve the battle as soon as possible, as long as the battle starts, he will go all out, directly play a victory or defeat in one breath, and will never delay.

Tang Tian’s heart is clear, fighting with the system on the technology side, the longer it drags on, the more unfavorable the situation will be. People can violently force soldiers, but he can’t. If his zombie troops are gone, they will really be gone. make up.

Of course, after winning the battle and obtaining the basic capabilities of the Francis system, it may also be possible to mass-produce mechanical variants.

These all need to be decided according to the new features that appeared after the face value system swallowed Francis.

At the same time, some SSS-level supernatural power removal teams from the Power User Alliance are also slowly approaching this side.

How this battle will play out is still unknown.

Everything will only be known after the fight is over.

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