Chapter 250 Start

All the way fast, the system task shows that the distance to Francis is getting closer, only less than 50 kilometers.

“It’s started!” Tang Tian said to himself with a solemn expression.

Then suddenly opened the unparalleled field that can cover a radius of 200 kilometers.

It was also like seeing Francis’ technology products for the first time. After Peiran’s rain-like energy control field was covered, it was blocked by a protective cover at a certain position in the northeast direction. No matter how Tang Tian increased the energy output, it was impossible to penetrate the plasma. The shield attacks directly inside.

However, Tang Tian did not expect to be able to directly determine the position of Francis’ body so easily, nor did he expect to be able to defeat Francis so easily.

Just when the Unparalleled Domain was enveloped just now, Francis had already fully felt it, but his actual combat power was actually not that strong.

Although the plasma shield he arranged can defend the detection of Tang Tian’s unparalleled domain, the plasma shield itself has an upper limit.

Tang Tian slightly increased the ability output, and the entire protective cover made an overwhelmed clicking sound.

If Francis hadn’t purchased dozens of high-energy batteries in the system mall that could support the operation of the protective cover at full power, he would not have been able to last long in the face of the energy control field that Tang Tian’s power had increased.

“Huh, fortunately, I know this guy won’t come in three days, fortunately, I’m already prepared!

Francis finished his last work and let out a sigh of relief.

“The war has begun!”

After he finished speaking, he put on a set of obsidian black metal battle clothes, and then slowly lifted into the air, his figure gradually disappeared, and he merged into the void.

This set of obsidian black suits is Francis’ current highest-level multi-functional combat suit, and it is also one of his cards that he dared to fight Tang Tian after seeing the eleven SSS grade mechanical variants that Tang Tian killed in seconds.

“Come on, there is only one chosen child in this world, and that is me, Francis!”

With Francis’s order, all kinds of weapons located within a radius of 100 kilometers were all activated.

For a time, it seemed that the sound of guns and guns was loud, and the places where all weapons were aimed at were all the positions where Tang Tian was standing now.

“Surely this low-end weapon is not a funny “々?”

Without using Tang Tian’s shot, Xiao Gu stretched out his hand and waved, and in front of those bullets, white bone spurs of the same size appeared one after another, and when the kinetic energy of those bullets had not reached the highest, they were directly intercepted at the minimum cost.

“Nice dry, little bone, you’re using your abilities more and more precisely.”

The accuracy of Bone Girl’s shot this time is indeed beyond Tang Tian’s imagination. Since he upgraded the other specimens to SSS level, he has not cared about Bone Girl’s combat power.

Usually, the very sticky Bone Girl is regarded as a humanoid self-propelled infection device and a meat pillow. This mutant who followed Tang Tian first, what he values ​​most is that the Bone Girl can happily accompany him all the time, fighting such things. Just leave it to someone else to do it.

“Protect… I think, protect Tang Tian!” Although the bone girl had already advanced to the SSS level, she still couldn’t speak fluently for some reason.

“Well, Xiao Gu is really good, really amazing!

While Xiao Gu was talking to Tang Tian, ​​Yang who was standing beside him couldn’t wait any longer, and his momentum soared, and small super-high temperature heat sources similar to the sun rose in her bright sun field.

These large and small heat source bodies have a temperature similar to the surface of the sun, more than 6,000 degrees.

Under the control of Yang, it spread out and flew to the weapons that were madly spitting out flames in all directions.

This is like anti-aircraft guns hitting mosquitoes, too big for them.

The weapons made of metal vaporized directly before they came into contact with the heat source body, volatilizing in the air, exuding an extremely pungent and unpleasant smell.

Francis, who was hiding in the void, was not surprised to see this scene.

He arranged these weapons with little technological content just because he happened to have a lot of stock and there was nowhere to use them.

It’s a waste to put it aside, just arrange it casually and have a good time.

“Play slowly, the fun is yet to come!” Francis said very confidently.

Although Francis did not understand Tang Tian and the mutants under his command, Francis was still full of confidence and believed that he would definitely win in the end.

This blind self-confidence comes from his strong disbelief in the body, his fanaticism for mechanical beings beyond common sense, and his paranoid worship of the mechanical gods!

The ultimate goal of his system is for the host to turn the entire planet into a metal planet.

But it didn’t say what would happen after turning into a metal planet, and why should you insist on turning the entire planet into pure metal.

Francis would still consider these questions at first, but as he became more and more dependent on the system, his whole person changed completely. The system asked him to do whatever he wanted, never thinking about why.

Like enslaved slaves, they have completely lost their autonomy.

Soon, after easily destroying those low-end weapons, Tang Tian continued to move towards Francis’s position with the mutants under his command.

The best tactic to deal with this kind of violent enemy is to capture the thief first, and then grab the source directly to end the battle that seems to take a long time.

But Tang Tian also knew that Francis would not be found so easily by him, he must be hiding somewhere.

At least he won’t show up until all his traps and weapons are used up.

In this kind of battle between individual mighty forces and technological civilization, the focus of both sides is completely different.

Tang Tian has the strength to catch the thief first, but can’t find Francis’ position now.

Francis can easily obtain Tang Tian’s position information, but he does not have the strength to capture the thief first.

After a wave of firefights just finished, Tang Tian moved forward all the way without encountering any obstacles.

When he was on his way, Tang Tian felt that it was a fool to be led by the nose like a cerebral palsy.

Think about it.

“”||Wuyao, I remember that you can use the large-scale space blocking skills! How about it? How much space can you block now? 35

Qin Wiyao, who was burying her head on her way, was actually thinking about this question, but she didn’t expect Tang Tian to ask it first.

Feeling the strength of her body, Qin Wuyao said, “If it’s just me, it can only be blocked for less than 30 kilometers. I’m good at breaking open space, and I’m not good at sealing zero.”5

Hearing this range, Tang Tian was not satisfied and said: “Then what if we all transmit energy to you and let you fully exert your sealing ability?

“If this is the case, there is no problem in blocking the space of thousands of miles, but the premise is that there is no opponent above the SSS level forcibly breaking it!”

Hearing this answer, Tang Tian was very satisfied.

“It doesn’t need to be so exaggerated, I can see how far this kid Francis is from us, we just need to put a strong space seal around this area, don’t let him escape!


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